From:         NIF@FRCPN11.IN2P3.FR
        Subject:      Les Houches 1996 Programme (fwd)

        Dear Colleagues,

        Please find below the first  announcement of the LES HOUCHES
        School on Nuclear Physics to be held from August 1 to August
        31 1996.

        Would you  be kind enough to  give it as much  publicity you

        Thank you in advance.
Trends in Nuclear Physics, 100 years later
August 1 - August 31 1996
H.Nifenecker(ISN Grenoble France),
J-P. Blaizot(CEN Saclay France),
G.Bertsch (Un. of Washington USA),
W. Weise (T.U. Munchen Germany)
Programme Introduction to QCD: A. Mueller (Columbia Un., N.Y. USA) Nuclear Structure: B. Mottelsson (N.B.I. Copenhagen, DK) The physics of the Quark-Gluon Plasma: J.-P. Blaizot (CE Saclay, FR) Collective excitations: G. Bertsch (Un. Washington, USA) Hadrons and Nuclei: W. Weise (T.U. Munchen, D) Electromagnetic and weak interactions in nuclei: B. Desplanques (ISN Grenoble, FR) Excited nuclear matter: U. Mosel (Un. Giessen, D) Phase transition phenomena: X. Campi (IPN Orsay, FR) Multifragmentation: B. Tamain (Un. Caen, FR) Energy production with accelerators: C. Rubbia (CERN Geneva CH) Synthesis of very heavy nuclei: P. Armbruster (GSI Darmstadt, D) Nuclear astrophysics: C. Pethick (NORDITA Copenhagen, DK) In addition to the general courses, a number of more specific lectures or seminars will be given, either by invited speakers or by school-attendants.


In 1996 Nuclear Physics will be 100 years old. This centenarian is still a most active and lively discipline with many recent developments and new challenges. Radioactive beams and advanced detectors give new impetus to nuclear structure studies. New electron facilities explore the deep interior of hadrons as well as the role of subnuclear degrees of freedom in nuclei. Heavy ion collisions, from moderate to the highest achievable energies, allow the investigation of the densest forms of matter and the transition to the quark-gluon plasma. A profound unity, beyond the specialisation of the various subfields, can be found in Nuclear Physics today. It is a field of research which exhibits essentially all manifestations of strongly interacting, finite fermionic systems. The aim of the School is to provide a unified presentation of both the main experimental developments and the new theoretical tools in the field. The School will be open to advanced graduate students as well as to more senior physicists.

General information

Les Houches is a resort village in the Chamonix valley of the French Alps. Established in 1951, the School is located in a group of mountain chalets surrounded by meadows and woods at an altitude of 1000 m. It is above the village, facing the Mont-Blanc range. It is ideal for mountaineering, hiking or touring as well as for more intellectual work. Accomodation and meals are provided within the School for both participants and lecturers. A financial contribution of FF 6000 is requested from each participant. Some possibilities for grants exist. Participants who intend to rent lodging should inquire directly at:
  Office du  Tourisme, F74310 Les Houches
    (tel. (33) 
 Admission  forms and  additional information  are available

                  fax: (33)}              
Complete files(admission forms and recommendatory letters) must have reached this address before MARCH 1, 1996. Information on the scientific programme can be obtained from:
          ISN Grenoble          
          53 Ave. Des Martyrs   
          Grenoble Cedex F38026 
            EMAIL: NIF@FRCPN11.IN2P3.FR