24-Cr- 50

 24-CR- 50 NEDAC      EVAL-MAR87 T.ASAMI(NEDAC)                   
                      DIST-MAR02 REV3-DEC01            20011226   
----JENDL-3.3         MATERIAL 2425                               
-----INCIDENT NEUTRON DATA                                        
------ENDF-6 FORMAT                                               
87-03  New evaluation was made by T.Asami.                        
88-12  mf/mt=3/107 modified.                                      
93-09  JENDL-3.2.                                                 
       Compiled by T.Nakagawa (ndc/jaeri)                         
00-03  Reevaluation was made by T.Asami.                          
01-11  Compiled by K.Shibata (ndc/jaeri)                          
     *****   modified parts for JENDL-3.3   ********************  
      (1,451)                    updated                          
      (2,151)                    revised                          
      (3,2)                      re-calculated                    
      (3,22,28,102,103,107)      revised                          
      (3,104,105,111, 203,207)   evaluated newly                  
      (3,251)                    deleted                          
      (4,2)                      trasnformation matrix deleted    
      (4,16,22,28,91)            deleted                          
      (5,16,22,28,91)            deleted                          
      (6,16,22,28,91)            taken from JENDL fusion file     
      (6,203, 207)               taken from JENDL fusion file     
      (12,16-107)                evaluated newly                  
      (14,16-107)                isotropic distribution           
      (15,16-107)                evaluated newly                  
mf=1  General information                                         
 mt=451  Descriptive data and dictionary                          
mf=2  Resonance parameters                                        
 mt=151  Resolved resonance parameters                            
   Resolved parameters for Reich-Moore formula were given in the  
   energy region from 1.0e-5 eV to 600 keV.  Evaluation was based 
   on the experimental data of Stieglitz+71/4/, Beer+74/5/,       
   Allen+77/6/, Kenny+77/7/ and Brusegan+86/8/.                   
   Effective scattering radius =5.0 fm /9/.                       
    calculated 2200 m/s cross sections and resonance integral.    
            2200 m/s cross section(b)     res. integral(b)        
    elastic      2.28                                             
    capture     16.0                          7.50                
    total       18.3                                              
mf=3  Neutron cross sections                                      
    Below 600 keV, zero background cross section was given.       
 mt=1 Total                                                       
    Below 600 keV, given by the resonance parameters              
    Above 600 keV, optical and statistical model calculation was  
    made with the casthy code/10/.                                
    The optical potential parameters used are:                    
      V = 46.78 - 0.262*En,    Vso = 7.0    (MeV)                 
     Ws = 4.87 + 0.352*En,      Wv = 0      (MeV)                 
      r = 1.30,  rs = 1.40,  rso = 1.30     (fm)                  
      a = 0.55,  b = 0.40,   aso = 0.48     (fm)                  
       Surface imaginary part is in derivative Woods-Saxon form.  
 mt=2 Elastic scattering                                          
    Obtained by subtracting the sum of the partial cross sections 
    from the total cross section.                                 
 mt=4, 51-55, 91 inelastic scattering                             
    Calculated with the casthy code/10/, taking account of the    
    contribution from the competing processes and using the       
    discrete level data/3/ shown below.  The contributions from   
    the direct process for the level marked with '*' were calcula-
    ted with the dwuck code/11/. The deformation parameters used  
    in the calculation were assumed based on Peterson's data/12/. 
              level energy(MeV)   spin-parity                     
        g.s.      0.0                 0+                          
          1       0.7833              2+          *               
          2       1.8814              4+          *               
          3       2.9245              2+          *               
          4       3.1611              2+          *               
          5       3.1641              6+                          
          6       3.3247              4+                          
          7       3.5946              4+                          
          8       3.6101              4+                          
          9       3.6295              1+                          
         10       3.6940              0+                          
         11       3.6978              2+                          
         12       3.7924              5+                          
         13       3.8261              6+                          
         14       3.8443              3+                          
         15       3.8500              0+                          
         16       3.8752              6+                          
         17       3.8953              2+                          
         18       3.8983              4+                          
         19       3.9377              3+                          
         20       4.0517              0+                          
       Levels above 3.5946 MeV were assumed to be overlapping.    
    The calculated data for the inelastic scattering were finally 
    lumped for the convenience on the construction of the elementa
    data as follows:                                              
       mt no.    level energy(mev)  lumping of level              
         51         0.7833                1                       
         52         1.8814                2                       
         53         2.9245                3                       
         54         3.1611               4-5                      
         55         3.3247                6                       
         91         3.5946             over 7                     
    Furthermore, the data of mt=51 were modified by considering   
    experimental data.  The total inelastic scattering cross sec- 
    tion (mt=4) is the sum of mt's from 51 to 91.                 
 mt=16       (n,2n)                                               
    Mainly based on the experimental data of Bormann /13/.        
 mt=22       (n,na)                                               
    Obtained from from the sincros-ii calculation made with the   
    the egnash code/2/.                                           
 mt=28       (n,np)                                               
    Oobtained from from the sincros-ii calculation made with the  
    the egnash code/2/.                                           
 mt=102      capture                                              
    Below 600 keV, given by the resonance parameters              
    Above 600 keV, calculated with the casthy code/10/ and        
    normalized to reproduce the element data of 10 mb at 50 keV,  
    and added the semidirect component calculated with the quick  
    gnash code/16,17/.                                            
 mt=103,104,105,106,107,111      (n,p),(n,d),(n,t),(n,He3),(n,a)  
    Obtained from from the sincros-ii calculation made with the   
    the egnash code/2/.                                           
 mt=203  Total proton production                                  
    sum of mt=28 and 103.                                         
 mt=207  Total alpha production                                   
    sum of mt=22 and 107.                                         
mf=4  Angular distributions of secondary neutrons                 
 mt=2   Elastic scattering                                        
    Calculated with the casthy code/10/.                          
 mt=51-55   inelastic scattering                                  
    Calculated with the casthy code and the dwuck code/12/.       
mf=6  Energy-angle distributions of secondary particles           
 mt=16, 22, 28, 91                                                
    Based on modified kumabe's systematics/1/.                    
 mt=203, 207                                                      
    Based on Kalbach's 1988 systematics/14/.                      
mf=12  Photon production multiplicities and transition probability
 mt=16, 22, 28, 51-55, 91,103, 104, 107                           
       mt=51-55 were given as the transition probability arrays.  
     mt=16, 22, 28, 91, 102, 103, 104, 107 were calculated with   
     the egnash code/2/ and processed by the gamfil2 code/15/.    
     mt=102 was calculated with the casthy code/10/.              
mf=14  photon angular distributions                               
 mt=16, 22, 28, 51-55, 91, 102, 103, 104, 107                     
        Assumed to be isotropic distributions                     
mf=15  Continuous photon energy spectra                           
 mt=16, 22, 28, 91, 103, 104, 107                                 
     Calculated with the egnash code/2/.                          
     Calculated with the casthy code/10/.                         
 1) Chiba S. et al.: JAERI-M 92-027, p.35 (1992).                 
 2) Yamamuro N.: JAERI-M 90-006 (1990).                           
 3) ENSDF: Evaluated Nuclear Structure Data File, BNL/NNDC.       
 4) Stiegliz R.G. et al. : Nucl. Phys. A163, 592 (1971).          
 5) Beer H. and Spencer R.P. : KfK-2063 (1974), also Nucl.        
    Phys. A240, 29 (1975).                                        
 6) Allen B.J. and Musgrove A.R.de L. : Neutron Data of           
    Structural Materials for FBR, 1977 Geel meeting, p.447,       
    Pergamon Press (1979).                                        
 7) Kenny M.J. et al. : AAEC/E-400 (1977).                        
 8) Brusegan A. et al. : 85 Santa Fe vol.1 p.633 (1986).          
 9) Mughabghab S.F. et al. : "Neutron Cross Sections", Vol.1,     
    Part A (1981).                                                
10) Igarasi S. and Fukahori T.: JAERI 1321 (1991).                
11) Kunz P.D. : unpublished.                                      
12) Peterson R.J. and Perlman, D.E.: Nucl. Phys. A117,185(1968).  
13) Bormann M. : Taken from EXFOR (1965).                         
14) Kalbach C. : Phys. Rev. C37, 2350(1988).                      
15) Hida K.: JAERI-M 86-150 (1986) (in Japanese).                 
16) Young P.G. et al. : LA-12343-MS (1992).                       
17) Koning A.J. and Delaroche J.P. : ECN-RX-98-015 (1998).