92-U -238

 92-U -238 KYU+       EVAL-Mar00 T.Kawano et al.                  
                      DIST-MAR02 REV4-FEB02            20020214   
----JENDL-3.3         MATERIAL 9237                               
-----INCIDENT NEUTRON DATA                                        
------ENDF-6 FORMAT                                               
87-01 Simultaneous evaluation for fission and capture cross       
      sections was completed in the energy range above 50 keV.    
87-04 Other quantities were evaluated by                          
        Y. Kanda and Y. Uenohara (Kyushu Univ.): MF's = 3, 4 and 5
                 above resonance region.                          
        T. Nakagawa (JAERI) : Resolved resonance parameters and   
                 background cross sections.                       
        K. Hida (NAIG) : Data for gamma-ray production.           
88-03 Data of total, elastic, inelastic (MT=59,60) and capture    
      cross sections were partly modified.                        
89-03 Data of total, elastic, inelastic and capture cross sections
      were modified.  Unresolved resonance parameters were also   
      modified.  FP yields were added.                            
94-01 JENDL-3.2.                                                  
      Inelastic scattering and (n,3n) cross sections re-evaluated 
          by Y.Kanda and T.Kawano (Kyushu Univ.)/1/               
      Resolved resonance parameters modified by T.Nakagawa(JAERI) 
      Unresolved resonance parameters modified by Y.Kikuchi(JAERI)
      Fission spectra calculated by T.Ohsawa(Kinki Univ.)         
      Compiled by T.Nakagawa (NDC/JAERI)                          
00-03 JENDL-3.3.                                                  
        Mainly modified by T.Kawano.                              
        Delayed neutron data by JNDC Delayed Neutron WG.          
        Fission spectra calculated by T.Ohsawa(Kinki Univ.)       
01-04 Compiled by T.Nakagawa (NDC/JAERI)                          
     *****   Modified parts from JENDL-3.2   ******************** 
         (3,77) -- (3,83): deleted.                               
      (4,2), (4,37), (4,91)                                       
      (5,16), (5,17), (5,18), (5,37), (5,91), (5,455)             
02-01 Covariances were added by K.Shibata.                        
MF=1  General Information                                         
  MT=451  Descriptive data and directory records                  
  MT=452  Number of neutrons per fission                          
     Sum of MT's= 455 and 456                                     
  MT=455  Delayed neutron data                                    
     Experimental data of Krick and Evans /2/ were renormalized   
     to those of Meadows /3/, and the least-squares fitting was   
     carried out with the SOK code /4/.                           
     Decay constants at the thermal energy were adopted from      
     Keepin et al. /5/                                            
  MT=456  Number of prompt neutrons per fission                   
     Taken from evaluation by Frehaut /6/.                        
MF=2 Resonance Parameters                                         
  MT=151 Resolved and unresolved resonance parameters             
  1) Resolved resonance parameters for RM formula                 
         (resolved resonance region = 1.0E-5 eV to 10 keV)        
      Parameters were adopted from JEF-2 evaluation /7/ and the   
      energy range was divided into 10 intervals by assuming      
      hypothetical resonances outside each interval.  Parameters  
      of the hypotetical resonances were determined by means of   
  2) Unresolved resonance parameters                              
         (unresolved resonance region = 10 keV to 150 keV)        
      Parameters were obtained with the parameter fitting code    
      ASREP/9/ so as to reproduce the cross sections evaluated in 
      this energy region.                                         
   2200-m/s cross sections and calculated resonance integrals.    
                       2200 m/s(b)     res. integ.(b)             
           total       12.077                                     
           elastic      9.360                                     
           fission      11.8E-6           1.72                    
           capture      2.717           277.                      
MF=3  Neutron Cross Sections                                      
     Below 10 keV, no background cross sections were given.       
     Above 10 keV, cross sections were evaluated as follows, and  
     they were represented with the unresolved resonance          
     parameters except the fission cross section.                 
  MT=1  Total                                                     
     The same as JENDL-3.2 which were based on the following      
     experimental data as well as the coupled-channel model cal-  
     culation in Ref./10/                                         
        Below 500 keV: Uttley et al./11/, Whalen et al./12/.      
                       Poenitz et al./13/, Tsubone et al./14/     
        0.5 - 4.5 MeV: Poenitz et al./13/, Tsubone et al./14/,    
                       Kopsch et al./15/.                         
        4.5 - 15 MeV : Foster and Glasgow /16/                    
        15 - 20 MeV  : Bratenahl et al./17/, Peterson et          
  MT=2  Elastic Scattering                                        
     Calculated as (Total)-(Partial cross sections)               
  MT=4, 51-77, 91  Total and partial inelastic scattering         
     Cross sections were calculated by taking account of direct   
     and compound processes.                                      
     For JENDL-3.3, the contriburion from direct process was      
     re-calculated for MT=54, 55 and 56.                          
   1) Direct process                                              
     Coupled-channel model code ECIS88/19/ was used for calcula-  
     tion of direct inelastic cross sections to the excited levels
     which belog to the vibrational bands and the ground state    
     rotational band.  For the levels of MT = 65, 68, 73, 76 and  
     77, the direct cross sections were not included.  The optical
     potential parameters were taken from Ref./10/.               
             V0=46.2 - 0.3E, Ws = 3.6 + 0.4E, Vso = 6.2 (MEV)     
             r = 1.26, rs=1.26, rso=1.12                (fm)      
             a = 0.63, as=0.52, aso=0.47                (fm)      
             beta-2 =0.198, beta-4 =0.057                         
     The band coupling strength (beta) was determined from the    
     experimental cross section data/20, 21, 22, 23, 24/ and      
     DDX data/25/.                                                
   2) Compound process:                                           
     Compound inelastic scattering cross sections to the 1st and  
     2nd levels were calculated with ECIS88/19/.  Those to the    
     other levels were calculated using Hauser-Feshbach-Moldauer  
     (HFM) theory/26/.  The optical potential parameters/27/      
     used in HFM calculation are as folllows:                     
             V0 = 50.378-0.354E-27.073(N-Z)/A,            (MeV)   
             WS = 9.265-0.232E+0.03318E**2-12.666(N-Z)/A, (MeV)   
             Vso= 6.2,                                    (MeV)   
             r  = 1.264, a  = 0.612,                      (fm)    
             rs = 1.256, as = 0.553+0.0144E,              (fm)    
             rso= 1.1,   aso= 0.75                        (fm)    
     The calculated cross sections with HFM theory were renorma-  
     lized in order to obtain consistency with the calculations   
     for the first and second levels. Finally a factor of 0.91    
     was multiplied to the calculated compound cross sections to  
     get better agreement with experimental data of the total     
     inelastic scattering cross section/25, 28, 29/.              
      Level Scheme /30/                                           
            NO.     ENERGY(MEV)    SPIN-PARITY                    
            G.S.    0.0               0 +                         
             1      0.044910          2 +                         
             2      0.14841           4 +                         
             3      0.30721           6 +                         
             4      0.6801            1 -                         
             5      0.7319            3 -                         
             6      0.8267            5 -                         
             7      0.9257            0 +                         
             8      0.9308            1 -                         
             9      0.9502            2 -                         
            10      0.9673            2 +                         
            11      0.993             0 +                         
            12      0.9975            3 -                         
            13      1.0373            2 +                         
            14      1.0566            4 +                         
            15      1.0595            3 +                         
            16      1.0603            2 +                         
            17      1.1057            3 +                         
            18      1.1126            1 -                         
            19      1.127             4 +                         
            20      1.1287            2 -                         
            21      1.168             4 +                         
            22      1.1704            3 -                         
            23      1.2242            2 +                         
            24      1.2326            4 -                         
            25      1.2692            6 +                         
            26      1.2785            1 -                         
            27      1.2858            5 -                         
               Continuum levels were assumed above 1.29 MeV.      
  MT=16  (n,2n)                                                   
     Smooth cross section was determined on the basis of Frehaut  
     et al./31/ below 15 MeV, and Veeser et al./25/ and Karius et 
     al./32/ above 15 MeV. The cross sections in JENDL-3.2 were   
     slightly modified near 14 MeV.                               
  MT=17  (n,3n)                                                   
     Calculated cross sections with the GNASH code were normalized
     to the experimental data of Veeser et al./33/                
  MT=18  Fission                                                  
     Below 100 keV : Taken from JENDL-3.2.                        
     Above 100 keV : Simultaneous evaluation /4/ was made for     
  MT=37  (n,4n)                                                   
     Calculated with the GNASH code, and a normalization factor   
     applied for the (n,3n) reaction was multiplied.              
  MT=102  Capture                                                 
     Below 300 keV, evaluation was mainly based on the data       
     measured by Kazakov et al./34/.  Above 300 keV, data were    
     taken from JENDL-2 which were determined mainly from the     
     measurements by Poenitz /35/, Panitkin and Sherman /36/,     
     Moxon /37/, Fricke et al. /38/ and Menlove and Poenitz       
     Above 1 MeV, statistical model calculation was made, and     
     direct and semi-direct capture cross section was calculated  
     with DSD code /40/.                                          
MF=4  Angular Distributions of Secondary Neutrons                 
  MT=2            Calculated with ECIS/41/, CASTHY/42/ and        
  MT=51,52        Calculated with ECIS88/19/.                     
                  Calculated with ECIS88, Hauser-Feshbach-Moldauer
                  (HFM) theory.                                   
                  Calculated with HFM theory.                     
                  Assumed to be isotropic in the lab. system.     
MF=5  Energy Distributions of Secondary Neutrons                  
     Calculated with EGNASH/44/.                                  
     Evaporation spectrum is given. The temperature was calculated
     with the GNASH code.                                         
     Distributions were calculated with the modified Madland-Nix  
     model/45,46/.  The compound nucleus formation cross          
     sections for fission fragments (FF) were calculated using    
     Bechetti-Greenlees potential/47/.  Up to 3rd-chance-fission  
     were considered at high incident neutron energies.           
     A preequilibrium emission was taken into account above 10 MeV
     as described in Ref./48/. The prefission neutron spectrum    
     was calculated with the Feshbach-Kerman-Koonin theory /49/.  
     The Ignatyuk formula/50/ were used to generate the level     
     density parameters.                                          
       Parameters adopted:                                        
           Total average FF kinetic energy = 167.41 - 172.65 MeV  
           Average energy release          = 186.115 - 186.364 MeV
           Average mass number of light FF = 99 - 111             
           Average mass number of heavy FF = 128 - 140            
           Level density of the light FF   = 10.106 - 10.963      
           Level density of the heavy FF   = 11.441 - 7.811       
           Ratio of nuclear temperature                           
                     for light to heavy FF = 1.0                  
       Note that the parameters vary with the incident energy     
       within the indicated range.                                
      Taken from Brady and England /51/. Group abundace           
      parameters were adjusted so as to reproduce total delayed   
      neutron emission rate measured by Keepin /5/, and East      
MF=12 Photon Production Multiplicities (option 1)                 
      Given for the following sections below 934.74 keV.          
  MT=18   Fission                                                 
      The thermal neutron-induced fission gamma spectrum of U-235 
      measured by Verbinski /53/ was adopted for the whole energy 
      region.  The intensity of photon below 0.14 MeV, where no   
      data were given, was assumed to be the same as that between 
      0.14 and 0.3 MeV.                                           
  MT=51-57 Inelastic                                              
      Photon branching data were taken from Ref./54/, and         
      converted to photon multiplicities.                         
  MT=102   Capture                                                
      Calculated with GNASH/44/.  In the case where the obtained  
      multiplicities were too large, they were renormalized by    
      using energy balance.                                       
MF=13 Photon Production cross sections                            
  MT=3   Non-elastic                                              
      Photon production cross section calculated with GNASH /44/  
      were grouped into the non-elastic in the energy range above 
      934.74 keV.  Transmission coefficients for incident channel 
      were generated with ECIS/41/, and those for exit channel    
      with ELIESE-3/43/.  The data for fission were based on the  
      measured U-235 spectra /53/.  Further details are given in  
MF=14 Angular Distributions of Photons                            
      Isotropic distributions were assumed for all sections.      
MF=15 Continuous Photon Energy Spectra                            
  MT=3    Non-elastic                                             
      Calculated with GNASH /44/.                                 
  MT=18   Fission                                                 
      U-235 spectra measured by Verbinski/53/.                    
  MT=102  capture                                                 
      Calculated with GNASH/44/.                                  
MF=31 Covariances of Average Number of Neutrons per Fission       
     Constructed from MT=455 and 456.                             
     Based on experimental data.  A chi-value was 0.67./56/       
     Based on experimental data.  A chi-value was 2.96./56/       
MF=32 Covariances of resonance paremeters                         
   Resolved resonance                                             
     The covariances were obtained by using kalman./57/           
   Unresolved resonance                                           
     The covariances were obtained by using kalman./58/           
MF=33 Covariances of Cross Sections (ref.66)                      
   Based on experimental data.  A chi-value was 1.51.             
   Constructed from MT=1, 4, 16, 17, 18, 37, and 102.             
  MT=4, 51-77, 91                                                 
   Based on experimental data.  A chi-value was 2.0.              
   Based on experimental data.  A chi-value was 2.37./56/         
   Based on experimental data.  a chi-value was 2.00./56/         
   Based on the simultaneous evaluation /4/.                      
   Based on experimental data./56/                                
   Based on experimental data.  A chi-value was 4.79./56/         
MF=34 Covariances of Angular Distributions (ref.58)               
   The covariances of p1 coefficients were obtained by using      
   kalman.  A chi-value was 3.82.                                 
MF=35 Covariances of Energy Distributions                         
   The covariances were obtained by using kalman./59/             
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