6-C - 0

  6-C -  0 JAERI      EVAL-AUG83 K.SHIBATA                        
 JAERI-M 83-221       DIST-MAY10                       20100301   
----JENDL-4.0         MATERIAL  600                               
-----INCIDENT NEUTRON DATA                                        
------ENDF-6 FORMAT                                               
83-08  Newly evaluated by K.Shibata                               
       Details of the evaluation are given in ref./1/.            
84-07  Data of mf=4 mt=91 were revised.                           
       Comment was also modified.                                 
85-02  Data of mt=2, 3, 4, 53 of mf=3 were revised above 10.45    
       MeV.  Angular distributions for mt=52, 53 were also        
88-07  Data of mt=1, 3, 4, 52 of mf=3 were revised above 8.3 MeV. 
93-12  JENDL-3.2                                                  
       Inelastic scattering and capture cross sections were       
       reevaluated by K. Shibata (jaeri).                         
       Pseudo levels were generated to reproduce vailable ddx     
       The total cross section was replaced with the R-matrix     
       calculation done in ref./1/.                               
       All data were compiled by K. Shibata.                      
       *****  modified parts for JENDL-3.2 ********************   
       (3,1)     R-matrix calcultion/1/.                          
       (3,2)     Total - noelastic                                
       (3,3)     Sum of partial reaction cross sections           
       (3,4)     Sum of (3,51-91)                                 
       (3,51)    Modified by considering experimental data.       
                 Coupled-channel statistical model cal.           
                 Pseudo levels.                                   
       (3,91)    4-body breakup.                                  
       (3,102)   Modified by taking account of p-wave capture.    
       (5,91)    4-body phase space                               
       (12,102)  Experimental data for 20-200 keV.                
96-01  Adopted in JENDL fusion file                               
96-08  Modification for FENDL-2 (S. Chiba)                        
       (3,2) below 4.8 MeV and (4,2) were taken from              
       FENDL-1 (=ENDF/B-VI) as requested by IAEA-AGM              
       (Karlsruhe, June 1996).                                    
00-09  JENDL-3.3 is based on JENDL/F-99.                          
       ******  modified parts for JENDL-3.3 *******************   
       (1,451)   Modified                                         
       (3,3)     Deleted                                          
       (3,251)   Deleted                                          
       (5,91)    Distributions at threshold were modified.        
                 Interpolation was changed to 22.                 
       (14,102)  NK=10                                            
       The data should be regarded as elemental data.             
10-02  Modified for JENDL-4.0                                     
       ******  modified parts for JENDL-4.0 *******************   
       (1,451)  Modified.                                         
       (3,102)  1/v part was modified.                            
       (4,2)    Data were taken from JENDL-3.2.                   
mf=1          General information                                 
  mt=451   Descriptive data                                       
mf=2          Resonance parameters                                
  mt=151   Scattering radius only.                                
mf=3          Cross sections                                      
           Calculated 2200m/s cross sections and res. integrals   
               2200m/s (b)       res.integ. (b)                   
    total      4.750                 -                            
    elastic    4.746                 -                            
    capture    0.0035              0.0018                         
  mt=1     Sig-t                                                  
        Below 4.8 MeV, the cross sections were obtained to be     
        the sum of non-elastic and elastic for FENDL-2.           
        Above 4.8 MeV, based on the measurements /8/-/10/.        
  mt=2     Sig-el                                                 
        Below 10 eV, sig-el = 4.746 barns.                        
        Above 10 eV, the cross section was obtained by subtracting
        the reaction cross section from the total cross section.  
        The cross sections below 4.8 MeV were replaced with those 
        given in FENDL-1.                                         
  mt=4     Total inelastic                                        
        Sum of mt=51-75 and 91.                                   
  mt=51    Sig-in  4.44 MeV level                                 
        Based on the experimental data /11,27,30,31/.             
  mt=53,58 Sig-in  7.65 MeV (0+), 9.64 MeV (3-) levels            
        The cross sections were obtained from coupled-channel     
        and statistical model calculations.                       
  mt=52,54-57,59-75  Pseudo levels (n,n'3alpha)                   
        Pseudo levels with an interval of 500 keV were made in    
        order to simulate sequential (n,n') decay (evaporation    
        shape) and 3-body breakup (phase space) leading to        
        (n,n'3alpha).  The sum of the cross sections for pseudo   
        levels and mt=91 is consistent with the measurement/12/   
        except around the threshold energy where the calculated   
        cross sections were enhanced.                             
  mt=91    (n,n'3alpha)                                           
        Contribution from 4-body breakup.  The cross section      
        was adjusted so that the calculated spectrum could give   
        a good fit to experimental data at 14 MeV.                
        Total (n,n')3a cross section is the sum of mt=52-75       
        and 91.                                                   
  mt=102   Capture                                                
        Below 100 eV, 1/v curve.                                  
        Between 100 eV and 5 MeV, s-wave plus p-wave capture      
        by considering the data of Igashira/32/.                  
        Above 5 MeV, the inverse reaction data of Cook /13/ were  
        ****** For JENDL-4.0 *************************************
        The normalization of the 1/v part was changed to 3.86 mb  
        at 0.0253 eV /34/.                                        
  mt=103   (n,p)                                                  
        Based on the measurement of Rimmer and Fisher /14/.       
  mt=104   (n,d)                                                  
        Calculated with DWBA.                                     
  mt=107   (n,a)                                                  
        Based on the experimental data /15/-/23/.                 
mf=4          Angular distributions of secondary neutrons         
        Taken from JENDL-3.2.                                     
        Based on the experimental data /24/-/28//33/.             
  mt=53, 58                                                       
        Based on the experimental data /33/.                      
        Isotropic in cm.                                          
        Isotropic distributions in lab.                           
mf=5          Energy distribution of secondary neutrons           
        4-body phase space.                                       
mf=12         Photon-production multiplicities                    
  mt=51    (n,n')gamma                                            
  mt=102    (n,gamma)                                             
        Based on the measurement of Spilling et al./29/ and       
        of Igashira /32/.                                         
mf=14         Photon angular distributions                        
        Based on the experimental data of Morgan et al./11/.      
        Assumed to be isotropic.                                  
 1) Shibata, K.: JAERI-M 83-221 (1983).                           
 2) Meadows, J.W. and Whalen, J.F.: Nucl. Sci. Eng. 41 (1970) 351.
 3) Cabe, J. and Cance, M.: CEA-R-4524 (1973)                     
 4) Stooksberry, R.W. and Anderson, J.H.: Nucl. Sci. Eng. 51      
    (1973) 235.                                                   
 5) Heaton, II, H.T. et al.: Nucl. Sci. Eng. 56 (1975) 27.        
 6) Nishimura, K. et al.: JAERI-M 6883 (1977)                     
 7) Smith, A. et al.: Nucl. Sci. Eng. 70 (1979) 281.              
 8) Lamaze, G.P. et al.: Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 24 (1979) 862.      
 9) Auchampaugh, G.F. et al.: Nucl. Sci. Eng. 69 (1979) 30.       
10) Cierjacks, S. et al.: Nucl. Instrum. Meth. 169 (1980) 185.    
11) Morgan, G.L. et al.: ORNL-TM-3702 (1972).                     
12) Antolkovic, B. et al.: Nucl. Phys. A394 (1983) 87.            
13) Cook, B.C.: Phys. Rev. 106 (1957) 300.                        
14) Rimmer, E.M. and Fisher, P.S.: Nucl. Phys. A108 (1968) 567.   
15) Chatterjee, M.L. and Sen, B.: Nucl. Phys. 51 (1964) 583.      
16) Huck, A. et al.: J. de Physique C1 (1966) 88.                 
17) Brendle, M. et al.: Z. Naturforsch. 23A (1968) 1229.          
18) Kitazawa, H. and Yamamuro, N.: J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 26(1969)600.
19) Kardonsky, S. et al.: Phys. Rev. C4 (1971) 840.               
20) Stevens, A.P.: INIS-MF-3596 (1976).                           
21) Retz-Schmidt, T. et al.: Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 5 (1960) 110.   
22) Verbinski, V.V. et al.: Phys. Rev. 170 (1968) 916.            
23) Obst, A.W. et al.: Phys. Rev. C5 (1972) 738.                  
24) Deconninck, G. and Meulders, J.-P.: Phys. Rev. C1 (1970) 1326.
25) Galati, W. et al.: Phys. Rev. C5 (1972) 1508.                 
26) Velkley, D.E., et al.: Phys. Rev. C7 (1973) 1736.             
27) Haouat, G. et al.: CEA-R-4641 (1975).                         
28) Thumm, M. et al.: Nucl. Phys. A344 (1980) 446.                
29) Spilling, P. et al.: Nucl. Phys. A113 (1968) 395.             
30) Glasgow D.W. et al.: Nucl. Sci. Eng. 61 (1976) 521.           
31) Rogers V.C. et al.: DNA 3495F (1974).                         
32) Igashira M.: private communication (1993).                    
33) Baba M. et al.: JAERI-M 90-025, p.383 (1990).                 
34) Firestone R.B et al.: Proc 2007 Int. Workshop on Compound-    
    Nucleus Reactions and Related Topics, Yosemite 2007, p.26     