20-Ca- 46

 20-Ca- 46 JAEA       EVAL-JUN06 K.Shibata                        
                      DIST-MAY10                       20091228   
----JENDL-4.0         MATERIAL 2043                               
-----INCIDENT NEUTRON DATA                                        
------ENDF-6 FORMAT                                               
06-06 Evaluated by K.Shibata.                                     
09-12 Compiled by K.Shibata                                       
MF=1  General information                                         
  MT=451  Descriptive data and dictionary                         
MF=2  Resonance parameters                                        
  MT=151  Resolved resonance parameters                           
   No resonance parameters are given.                             
    Thermal cross sections and resonance integrals at 300 K       
                     0.0253 eV           res. integ. (*)          
                      (barns)              (barns)                
     Total           3.6800E+00                                   
     Elastic         2.9325E+00                                   
     n,gamma         7.4023E-01           3.6492E-01              
       (*) Integrated from 0.5 eV to 10 MeV.                      
MF=3  Neutron cross sections                                      
   Below 1 keV, constant elastic scattering cross sections and    
   1/v capturte cross sections were given.  The thermal scattering
   and capture cross sections are the same as those of JENDL-3.3, 
   i.e., 2.9 b and 0.74 b, respectively.                          
   The cross sections were calcualted /2/ by using the TNG code   
   /3/.  The optilcal model parameters of Koning and Delaroche /4/
   were used for neutrons and protons.  The alpha-particle        
   potential parameters were derived from the code developed by   
   Kumar and Kailas./5/                                           
  MT= 1 Total                                                     
   The cross sections were calculated with the TNG code./3/       
  MT= 2 Elastic scattering                                        
   Obtained by subtracting the sum of the partial cross sections  
   from the total cross section.                                  
  MT= 4, 51-87, 91 Inelastic scattering                           
   The cross sections were calculated with the TNG code./3/       
  MT= 16      (n,2n)                                              
   The cross sections were calculated with the TNG code./3/       
  MT= 17      (n,3n)                                              
   The cross sections were calculated with the TNG code./3/       
  MT= 22      (n,na)                                              
   The cross sections were calculated with the TNG code./3/       
  MT= 28      (n,np)                                              
   The cross sections were calculated with the TNG code./3/       
  MT= 102     Capture                                             
   The cross sections were calculated with the TNG code./3/       
  MT= 103     (n,p)                                               
   The cross sections were calculated with the TNG code./3/       
  MT= 107     (n,a)                                               
   The cross sections were calculated with the TNG code./3/       
  MT= 600-649 partial (n,p) cross sections                        
   The cross sections were calculated with the TNG code./3/       
  MT= 800-849 partial (n,a) cross sections                        
   The cross sections were calculated with the TNG code./3/       
MF=4  Angular distributions of secondary neutrons                 
    Calculated with the TNG code/3/.                              
MF=6  Energy-angle distributions of secondary particles           
  MT= 16 (n,2n) reaction                                          
   Neutron and gamma-ray spectra calculated with TNG/3/.          
  MT= 17 (n,3n) reaction                                          
   Neutron and gamma-ray spectra calculated with TNG/3/.          
  MT= 22 (n,na) reaction                                          
   Neutron, alpha-particle, and gamma-ray spectra calculated with 
  MT= 28 (n,np) reaction                                          
   Neutron, proton, and gamma-ray spectra calculated with TNG/3/. 
  MT= 51-87 (n,n') reaction                                       
   Neutron angular distributions and discrete gamma-ray spectra   
   calculated with TNG/3/.                                        
  MT= 91 (n,n') reaction                                          
   Neutron spectra, and discrete-continuous gamma-ray spectra     
   calculated with  with TNG/3/.                                  
  MT= 102                                                         
   Calculated with the TNG code /3/.                              
  MT= 600-608 (n,p) reactions leading to discrete levels          
   Proton angular distributions and discrete gamma-ray spectra    
   calculated with TNG/3/.                                        
  MT= 649 (n,p) reaction leading to continuum levels              
   Proton spectra and discrete-continuous gamma-ray spectra       
   calculated with TNG/3/.                                        
  MT= 800 (n,a) reactions leading to discrete levels              
   Alpha-particle angular distributions calculated with TNG/3/.   
  MT= 849 (n,a) reaction leading to continuum levels              
   Alpha-particle spectra calculated with TNG/3/.                 
< Appendix >                                                      
*            Nuclear Model Calcualtions with TNG Code /3/        *
The description of the model calculations is given in Ref.2.      
< Optical model parameters >                                      
Neutron and protons:                                              
  Koning and Delaroche /4/                                        
  The potential parameters were obtained using the code developed 
  by Kumar and Kailas./5/                                         
< Level scheme of Ca- 46 >                                        
   No.   Ex(MeV)     J  PI                                        
    0    0.00000     0   +                                        
    1    1.34600     2   +                                        
    2    2.42310     0   +                                        
    3    2.57470     4   +                                        
    4    2.97390     6   +                                        
    5    3.02260     2   +                                        
    6    3.61400     3   -                                        
    7    3.63890     2   +                                        
    8    3.85970     4   +                                        
    9    3.95200     2   -                                        
   10    3.98800     3   -                                        
   11    4.18450     5   -                                        
   12    4.26100     1   -                                        
   13    4.40700     3   -                                        
   14    4.43020     2   +                                        
   15    4.48940     4   +                                        
   16    4.72880     5   -                                        
   17    4.74490     4   +                                        
   18    4.75800     0   +                                        
   19    4.99470     4   +                                        
   20    5.01360     4   +                                        
   21    5.05100     4   +                                        
   22    5.15160     4   +                                        
   23    5.21800     2   -                                        
   24    5.25150     4   +                                        
   25    5.31700     0   +                                        
   26    5.37960     3   -                                        
   27    5.39200     3   -                                        
   28    5.41670     4   -                                        
   29    5.43670     4   +                                        
   30    5.47400     3   -                                        
   31    5.53670     4   +                                        
   32    5.60000     0   +                                        
   33    5.62800     0   +                                        
   34    5.63800     4   +                                        
   35    5.67900     1   -                                        
   36    5.69000     4   +                                        
   37    5.72200     5   +                                        
The direct-reaction process was taken into account for the 1st    
ans 6th levels by DWBA.                                           
< Level density parameters >                                      
Energy dependent parameters of Mengoni-Nakajima /6/ were used.    
  Nuclei    a*    Pair    Esh     T     E0    Ematch Econt        
          1/MeV   MeV     MeV    MeV    MeV    MeV    MeV         
  Ca- 47   7.460  1.750 -0.360  0.759  3.034  7.442  4.386        
  Ca- 46   6.726  3.539  0.523  1.285  1.138 10.682  5.782        
  Ca- 45   7.212  1.789  0.882  1.223 -0.908  9.109  3.556        
  Ca- 44   6.485  3.618  1.143  1.463 -0.604 13.607  4.905        
  K - 46   6.734  0.000  0.257  0.478  3.317  5.761  3.383        
  K - 45   6.294  1.789  1.446  1.108  0.827  6.485  3.690        
  Ar- 43   6.962  1.830  1.898  0.757  1.830  3.485  1.830        
  Ar- 42   6.243  3.703  2.211  1.223  1.384 10.373  2.415        
 1) Mughaghab S.F. et al.:"Neutron Cross Sections", Vol. 1, Part  
    A (1981).                                                     
 2) Shibata, K: J. Nucl. Sci. Technol., 44, 10 (2007).            
 3) Fu, C.Y.: ORNL/TM-7042 (1980); Shibata, K., Fu, C.Y.: ORNL/TM-
 4) Koning, A.J., Delaroche, J.P.: Nucl. Phys., A713, 231 (2003). 
 5) Kumar, A., Kailas, S: a computer code contained in RIPL-2,    
    private communication (2002).                                 
 6) Mengoni, A., Nakajima, Y. Nucl. Sci. Technol., 31, 151 (1994).