53-I -131

 53-I -131 JNDC       EVAL-MAR90 JNDC FP NUCLEAR DATA W.G.        
                      DIST-MAY10                       20091112   
----JENDL-4.0         MATERIAL 5337                               
-----INCIDENT NEUTRON DATA                                        
------ENDF-6 FORMAT                                               
   JENDL-3.2 data were automatically transformed to JENDL-3.3.    
    Interpolation of spectra: 22 (unit base interpolation)        
    (3,251) deleted, T-matrix of (4,2) deleted, and others.       
90-03 New evaluation for JENDL-3 was completed by JNDC FPND       
09-09 The uresolved resonance parameters were recalcualted up to  
      160 keV.  The total cross section was recalcualted from     
      partial cross sections.                                     
      The data were compiled by K.Shibata (jaea).                 
mf = 1  General information                                       
  mt=451 Comments and dictionary                                  
mf = 2  Resonance parameters                                      
  mt=151 Resolved and unresolved resonance parameters             
  No resolved resonance parameters                                
  Unresolved resonance region : 30 eV - 160 keV                   
    The parameters were obtained by fitting to the total and      
    capture cross sections calculated with the CASTHY code /2/.   
    The parameters obtained should be used only for self-         
    shielding calculation.                                        
    Thermal cross sections and resonance integrals at 300 K       
                     0.0253 eV           res. integ. (*)          
                      (barns)              (barns)                
     Total           8.3669E+01                                   
     Elastic         3.6146E+00                                   
     n,gamma         8.0035E+01           7.7809E+01              
       (*) Integrated from 0.5 eV to 10 MeV.                      
mf = 3  Neutron cross sections                                    
  Below 30 eV, the capture and elastic scattering cross sections  
  were assumed to be in 1/v form and constant, respectively.      
  The capture cross section at 0.0253 eV was taken from Ref./3/,  
  and the scattering cross section was estimated from r = 5.4 fm. 
  Above 30 eV, the spherical optical and statistical model        
  calculation was performed with CASTHY, by taking account of     
  competing reactions, of which cross sections were calculated    
  with PEGASUS/4/ standing on a preequilibrium and multi-step     
  evaporation model.  The OMP's for neutron given in Table 1 were 
  determined to reproduce a systematic trend of the total cross   
  section by changing r0 and rso of Iijima-Kawai potential/5/.    
  The OMP's for charged particles are as follows:                 
     proton   = Perey/6/                                          
     alpha    = Huizenga and Igo/7/                               
     deuteron = Lohr and Haeberli/8/                              
     helium-3 and triton = Becchetti and Greenlees/9/             
  Parameters for the composite level density formula of Gilbert   
  and Cameron/10/ were evaluated by Iijima et al./11/  More       
  extensive determination and modification were made in the       
  present work.  Table 2 shows the level density parameters used  
  in the present calculation.  Energy dependence of spin cut-off  
  parameter in the energy range below E-joint is due to Gruppelaar
  mt = 1  Total                                                   
    Spherical optical model calculation was adopted.              
  mt = 2  Elastic scattering                                      
    Calculated as (total - sum of partial cross sections).        
  mt = 4, 51 - 91  Inelastic scattering                           
    Spherical optical and statistical model calculation was       
    adopted. The level scheme was based on Evaluated Nuclear      
    Structure Data File (1987 version)/13/ and Nuclear Data       
           no.      energy(MeV)    spin-parity                    
           gr.       0.0            7/2 +                         
            1        0.1497         5/2 +                         
            2        0.4927         3/2 +                         
            3        0.6020         5/2 +                         
            4        0.7737        11/2 +                         
            5        0.8522         9/2 +                         
            6        0.8767         1/2 +                         
            7        1.0058         7/2 +                         
            8        1.0597         9/2 +                         
            9        1.0983         3/2 +                         
           10        1.1469         5/2 +                         
           11        1.1489         7/2 +                         
           12        1.2840         5/2 +                         
           13        1.2982         3/2 +                         
           14        1.3152         9/2 +                         
           15        1.3465         1/2 +                         
      Levels above 1.377 MeV were assumed to be overlapping.      
  mt = 102  Capture                                               
    Spherical optical and statistical model calculation with      
    CASTHY was adopted.  Direct and semi-direct capture cross     
    sections were estimated according to the procedure of Benzi   
    and Reffo/15/ and normalized to 1 milli-barn at 14 MeV.       
    The gamma-ray strength function (1.97e-03) was determined from
    the systematics of radiation width (0.12 eV) and the average  
    s-wave resonance level spacing (60.7 eV) calculated from the  
    level density parameters.                                     
  mt = 16  (n,2n) cross section                                   
  mt = 17  (n,3n) cross section                                   
  mt = 22  (n,n'a) cross section                                  
  mt = 28  (n,n'p) cross section                                  
  mt = 32  (n,n'd) cross section                                  
  mt = 33  (n,n't) cross section                                  
  mt =103  (n,p) cross section                                    
  mt =104  (n,d) cross section                                    
  mt =105  (n,t) cross section                                    
  mt =107  (n,alpha) cross section                                
    These reaction cross sections were calculated with the        
    preequilibrium and multi-step evaporation model code PEGASUS. 
    The Kalbach's constant k (= 274.9) was estimated by the       
    formula derived from Kikuchi-Kawai's formalism/16/ and level  
    density parameters.                                           
    Finally, the (n,2n), (n,p) and (n,alpha) cross sections were  
    normalized to the following values at 14.5 MeV:               
      (n,2n)      1710.00  mb (systematics of Wen Den Lu+/17/)    
      (n,p)          1.99  mb (systematics of Forrest/18/)        
      (n,alpha)      1.10  mb (systematics of Forrest)            
  mt = 251  mu-bar                                                
    Calculated with CASTHY.                                       
mf = 4  Angular distributions of secondary neutrons               
  Legendre polynomial coefficients for angular distributions are  
  given in the center-of-mass system for mt=2 and discrete inelas-
  tic levels, and in the laboratory system for mt=91.  They were  
  calculated with CASTHY.  For other reactions, isotropic distri- 
  butions in the laboratory system were assumed.                  
mf = 5  Energy distributions of secondary neutrons                
  Energy distributions of secondary neutrons were calculated with 
  PEGASUS for inelastic scattering to overlapping levels and for  
  other neutron emitting reactions.                               
                DEPTH (MEV)       RADIUS(FM)    DIFFUSENESS(FM)   
         ----------------------   ------------  ---------------   
        V  = 45.97-0.199E         R0 = 6.481    A0 = 0.62         
        WS = 6.502                RS = 6.926    AS = 0.35         
        VSO= 7.0                  RSO= 6.49     ASO= 0.62         
TABLE 2  LEVEL DENSITY PARAMETERS                                 
 NUCLIDE       A(1/MEV)  T(MEV)    C(1/MEV)  EX(MEV)   PAIRING    
 51-SB-127     1.700E+01 5.120E-01 6.326E-01 3.902E+00 1.200E+00  
 51-SB-128     1.468E+01 5.600E-01 4.264E+00 2.658E+00 0.0        
 51-SB-129     1.596E+01 5.040E-01 5.308E-01 3.333E+00 1.040E+00  
 51-SB-130     1.566E+01 5.000E-01 3.630E+00 2.154E+00 0.0        
 52-TE-128     1.800E+01 6.090E-01 6.586E-01 7.010E+00 2.340E+00  
 52-TE-129     2.015E+01 5.350E-01 3.588E+00 5.141E+00 1.140E+00  
 52-TE-130     1.800E+01 5.470E-01 2.657E-01 5.735E+00 2.180E+00  
 52-TE-131     1.846E+01 5.360E-01 1.800E+00 4.651E+00 1.140E+00  
 53-I -129     1.720E+01 6.200E-01 3.436E+00 5.762E+00 1.200E+00  
 53-I -130     1.640E+01 6.000E-01 1.297E+01 3.896E+00 0.0        
 53-I -131     1.600E+01 6.330E-01 2.958E+00 5.342E+00 1.040E+00  
 53-I -132     1.550E+01 6.000E-01 8.595E+00 3.552E+00 0.0        
 Spin cutoff parameters were calculated as 0.146*sqrt(a)*a**(2/3).
 In the CASTHY calculation, spin cutoff factors at 0 MeV were     
 assumed to be 6.433 for I -131 and 5.0 for I -132.               
 1) Kawai, M. et al.: Proc. Int. Conf. on Nuclear Data for Science
    and Technology, Mito, p. 569 (1988).                          
 2) Igarasi, S.: J. Nucl. Sci. Technol., 12, 67 (1975).           
 3) Mughabghab, S.F. et al.: "Neutron Cross Sections, Vol. I,     
    Part A", Academic Press (1981).                               
 4) Iijima, S. et al.: JAERI-M 87-025, p. 337 (1987).             
 5) Iijima, S. and Kawai, M.: J. Nucl. Sci. Technol., 20, 77      
 6) Perey, F.G: Phys. Rev. 131, 745 (1963).                       
 7) Huizenga, J.R. and Igo, G.: Nucl. Phys. 29, 462 (1962).       
 8) Lohr, J.M. and Haeberli, W.: Nucl. Phys. A232, 381 (1974).    
 9) Becchetti, F.D., Jr. and Greenlees, G.W.: Polarization        
    Phenomena in Nuclear Reactions ((Eds) H.H. Barshall and       
    W. Haeberli), p. 682, the University of Wisconsin Press.      
10) Gilbert, A. and Cameron, A.G.W.: Can. J. Phys., 43, 1446      
11) Iijima, S., et al.: J. Nucl. Sci. Technol. 21, 10 (1984).     
12) Gruppelaar, H.: ECN-13 (1977).                                
13) ENSDF: Evaluated Nuclear Structure Data File (June 1987).     
14) Nuclear Data Sheets, 17, 573 (1976).                          
15) Benzi, V. and Reffo, G.: CCDN-NW/10 (1969).                   
16) Kikuchi, K. and Kawai, M.: "Nuclear Matter and Nuclear        
    Reactions", North Holland (1968).                             
17) Wen Den Lu and Fink, R.W.: Phys. Rev., C4, 1173 (1971).       
18) Forrest, R.A.: AERE-R 12419 (1986).