
 45-Rh-103 JNDC       EVAL-MAR90 JNDC FP NUCLEAR DATA W.G.        
                      DIST-MAY10                       20091214   
----JENDL-4.0         MATERIAL 4525                               
-----INCIDENT NEUTRON DATA                                        
------ENDF-6 FORMAT                                               
   Resonance parameters in JENDL-3.3 were revised for JENDL-4.    
   JENDL-3.2 data were automatically transformed to JENDL-3.3.    
    Interpolation of spectra: 22 (unit base interpolation)        
    (3,251) deleted, T-matrix of (4,2) deleted, and others.       
84-10 Evaluation for JENDL-2 was made by JNDC FPND W.G./1/        
90-03 Modification for JENDL-3 was made/2/.                       
94-02 JENDL-3.2 was made by JNDC FPND W.G.                        
     *****   modified parts for JENDL-3.2   ********************  
      (2,151)       Resolved and unresolved resonace parameters   
      (3,1), (3,2), (3,4), (3,51-91), (3,102), (3,251)            
      (4,2), (4,51-91)                                            
         New OMP was determined and renormalization of capture    
         cross section was made.                                  
10-03 JENDL-4.0 was made.                                         
      Resoloved resonance parameters were evaluated by K.Shibata. 
      Unresolved resonance parameters were evaluated by S.Kunieda.
      The LSSF=1 was applied.                                     
      Compiled by S.Kunieda                                       
      *****   modified parts for JENDL-4.0   ******************** 
        (1,451)   Updated.                                        
        (2,151)   Updated.                                        
        (3,1)     Re-calculated from partial cross sections.      
        (3,2)     Calculated from URP in lower energy range.      
        (3,4)     Re-calculated from partial cross sections.      
        (3,102)   Calculated from URP in lower energy range.      
mf = 1  General information                                       
  mt=451 Comments and dictionary                                  
mf = 2  Resonance parameters                                      
  mt=151 Resolved and unresolved resonance parameters             
  Resolved resonance region (MLBW formula) : below 3.58 keV       
    Resonance parameters were mainly taken from JENDL-2.          
       Evaluation procedure of JENDL-2 is as follows:             
    Resonance energies and neutron widths were determined from the
    experimental data of Ribon et al./3/ and Fricke and Carlson   
    /4/.  Total spin J was taken from Haste and Thomas/5/ below   
    1.2 keV, Ribon et al. up to 2.63 keV, and Macklin and         
    Halperin/6/ above 2.65 keV.  Radiation widths were evaluated  
    from the data of Ribon et al. and of Fricke and Carlson below 
    2.65 keV.  Above 2.65 keV, radiation width was determined so  
    as to reproduce the capture areas of Macklin and Halperin/6/  
    corrected acocording to a corrigendum /7/.  For levels whose  
    radiation width became negative, neutron width was calculated 
    from the capture areas of Macklin and Halperin, assuming the  
    radiation width of 0.16 eV/8/.  Average radiation width of    
    0.160+-0.013 eV/8/ was assumed for the levels having no data  
    on radiation width.  The effective scattering radius of 6.2 fm
    was taken from Ref./8/.                                       
       For JENDL-3, total spin J of some resonances was tentative-
    ly estimated with a random number method.  Above 2.65 keV,    
    neutron widths were re-adjusted to reproduce the capture area 
    data of Mackin and Halperin/6/.                               
       For JENDL-3.2, radiation width larger than 0.48 eV was     
    fixed to 0.48 eV and neutron width was re-adjusted so as to   
    reproduce the capture area data.                              
      In JENDL-4.0, the radiation width of 1.259-eV resonance was 
      changed to 139.6 meV in order to reproduce the thermal      
      capture cross section of 133.0+-0.93 b measured by Lee et   
  Unresolved resonance region : 3.58 keV - 100 keV                
    The parameters were adjusted to reproduce the capture cross   
    section calculated with CASTHY/9/.  The effective scattering  
    radius was obtained from fitting to the calculated total cross
    section at 100 keV.                                           
  Typical values of the parameters at 70 keV:                     
    S0 = 0.440e-4, S1 = 4.100e-4, S2 = 0.530e-4, Sg = 71.8e-4,    
    Gg = 0.230 eV, R  = 6.521 fm.                                 
      For JENDL-4.0, the unresolved resonance parameters were     
    re-evaluated by the ASREP /27/ code so as to reproduce the    
    total and capture cross sections given in JENDL3.3 in the     
    energy region from 3.58 keV to 100 keV. The parameters should 
    be used only for self-shielding calculations.                 
     Thermal cross sections & resonance integrals at 300 K        
                       0.0253 eV           res. integ. (*)        
                        (barns)              (barns)              
       Total          1.36430E+02                                 
       Elastic        3.27510E+00                                 
       n,gamma        1.33155E+02           1.04460E+03           
      (*) Integrated from 0.5 eV to 10 MeV.                       
mf = 3  Neutron cross sections                                    
  Below 100 keV, resonance parameters were given.                 
  Above 100 keV, the spherical optical and statistical model      
  calculation was performed with CASTHY, by taking account of     
  competing reactions, of which cross sections were calculated    
  with PEGASUS/10/ standing on a preequilibrium and multi-step    
  evaporation model.                                              
  The OMP's for neutron given in Table 1(a) were determined to    
  reproduce the measured total cross sections, and used in the    
  PEGASUS caculation.  The OMP's for charged particles are as     
     proton   = Perey/11/                                         
     alpha    = Huizenga and Igo/12/                              
     deuteron = Lohr and Haeberli/13/                             
     helium-3 and triton = Becchetti and Greenlees/14/            
  Parameters for the composite level density formula of Gilbert   
  and Cameron/15/ were evaluated by Iijima et al./16/  More       
  extensive determination and modification were made in the       
  present work.  Table 2 shows the level density parameters used  
  in the present calculation.  Energy dependence of spin cut-off  
  parameter in the energy range below E-joint is due to Gruppelaar
  Another set of OMP of neutrons given in Table 1(b) was deter-   
  mined for JENDL-3.2 so as to reproduce better the total cross   
  section.  This set of OMP was used in CASTHY calculation for    
  mt = 1  Total                                                   
    Spherical optical model calculation with OMP in Table 1(b)    
    was adopted.                                                  
  mt = 2  Elastic scattering                                      
    Calculated as (total - sum of partial cross sections).        
  mt = 4, 51 - 91  Inelastic scattering                           
    Spherical optical and statistical model calculation with      
    CASTHY and OMP in Table 1(b) was adopted.  The level scheme   
    was taken from Ref./18/.                                      
           no.      energy(MeV)    spin-parity                    
           gr.       0.0            1/2 -                         
            1        0.0397         7/2 +                         
            2        0.0930         9/2 +                         
            3        0.2950         3/2 -                         
            4        0.3575         5/2 -                         
            5        0.5368         5/2 +                         
            6        0.6076         7/2 +                         
            7        0.6501         7/2 +                         
            8        0.6518         3/2 +                         
            9        0.8036         3/2 -                         
           10        0.8477         7/2 -                         
           11        0.8804         5/2 -                         
           12        0.9200         9/2 -                         
      Levels above 0.96 MeV were assumed to be overlapping.       
  mt = 102  Capture                                               
    Spherical optical and statistical model calculation with      
    CASTHY and the OMP in Table 1(b) was adopted.  Direct and     
    semi-direct capture cross sections were estimated according to
    the procedure of Benzi and Reffo/19/ and normalized to 1      
    milli-barn at 14 MeV.                                         
    The gamma-ray strength function (6.67e-03) was adjusted to    
    reproduce the capture cross section of 295 milli-barns at 250 
    keV measured by Macklin et al./20,7/ the present results      
    are slightly larger than data of Wisshak et al./21/ at the    
    energies from 20 to 200 keV.                                  
  mt = 16  (n,2n) cross section                                   
  mt = 17  (n,3n) cross section                                   
  mt = 22  (n,n'a) cross section                                  
  mt = 28  (n,n'p) cross section                                  
  mt = 32  (n,n'd) cross section                                  
  mt = 33  (n,n't) cross section                                  
  mt =103  (n,p) cross section                                    
  mt =104  (n,d) cross section                                    
  mt =105  (n,t) cross section                                    
  mt =106  (n,he3) cross section                                  
  mt =107  (n,alpha) cross section                                
    These reaction cross sections were calculated with the        
    preequilibrium and multi-step evaporation model code PEGASUS. 
    The Kalbach's constant k (= 111.5) was estimated by the       
    formula derived from Kikuchi-Kawai's formalism/22/ and level  
    density parameters.                                           
    Finally, the (n,p) and (n,alpha) cross sections were          
    normalized to the following values at 14.5 MeV:               
      (n,p)         17.00  mb (recommended by Forrest/23/)        
      (n,alpha)     11.00  mb (recommended by Forrest)            
    The (n,2n) cross section was determined by eye-guiding of the 
    data measured by Frehaut et al./24/ and Veeser et al./25/     
  mt = 251  mu-bar                                                
    Calculated with CASTHY.                                       
mf = 4  Angular distributions of secondary neutrons               
  Legendre polynomial coefficients for angular distributions are  
  given in the center-of-mass system for mt=2 and discrete inelas-
  tic levels, and in the laboratory system for mt=91.  They were  
  calculated with CASTHY.  For other reactions, isotropic distri- 
  butions in the laboratory system were assumed.                  
mf = 5  Energy distributions of secondary neutrons                
  Energy distributions of secondary neutrons were calculated with 
  PEGASUS for inelastic scattering from overlapping levels and for
  other neutron emitting reactions.                               
                DEPTH (MEV)       RADIUS(FM)    DIFFUSENESS(FM)   
         ----------------------   ------------  ---------------   
        V  = 47.5                 R0 = 5.972    A0 = 0.62         
        WS = 9.74                 RS = 6.594    AS = 0.35         
        VSO= 7.0                  RSO= 5.97     ASO= 0.62         
                DEPTH (MEV)       RADIUS(FM)    DIFFUSENESS(FM)   
         ----------------------   ------------  ---------------   
        V  = 48.81-0.4396E        R0 = 1.234    A0 = 0.665        
        WS = 8.106+0.4862E        RS = 1.421    AS = 0.377        
        VSO= 5.633                RSO= 1.241    ASO= 0.50         
TABLE 2  LEVEL DENSITY PARAMETERS                                 
 43-TC- 99     1.600E+01 6.550E-01 2.973E+00 5.984E+00 1.290E+00  
 43-TC-100     1.637E+01 5.850E-01 1.189E+01 3.635E+00 0.0        
 43-TC-101     1.675E+01 6.440E-01 6.361E+00 5.761E+00 9.400E-01  
 43-TC-102     1.761E+01 5.400E-01 1.217E+01 3.317E+00 0.0        
 44-RU-100     1.520E+01 7.200E-01 7.835E-01 8.078E+00 2.570E+00  
 44-RU-101     1.726E+01 6.700E-01 7.228E+00 6.836E+00 1.280E+00  
 44-RU-102     1.643E+01 6.550E-01 8.872E-01 7.106E+00 2.220E+00  
 44-RU-103     1.890E+01 6.480E-01 1.210E+01 7.110E+00 1.280E+00  
 45-RH-101  *  1.596E+01 6.476E-01 2.608E+00 5.832E+00 1.290E+00  
 45-RH-102  *  1.703E+01 6.452E-01 3.197E+01 4.966E+00 0.0        
 45-RH-103     1.570E+01 6.550E-01 4.298E+00 5.499E+00 9.400E-01  
 45-RH-104     1.714E+01 5.910E-01 1.771E+01 4.018E+00 0.0        
  syst:  * = ldp's were determined from systematics.              
 Spin cutoff parameters were calculated as 0.146*sqrt(a)*a**(2/3).
 In the CASTHY calculation, spin cutoff factors at 0 MeV were     
 assumed to be 6.375 for Rh-103 and 5.0 for Rh-104.               
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