Nuclear Data Center
Photonuclear sublibrary

The photonuclear sublibrary provides the evaluated nuclear data on photon-induced nuclear reactions for 2,684 nuclides from H-2 (Z=1) to Lr-266 (Z=103). The maximum incident energy is 140 or 200 MeV. The data consists of photoabsorption, photofission, and particle and residual-nuclide production cross sections, and double-differential cross sections of emitted light-particles and gamma-rays. Most of the photonuclear data in JENDL/PD-2016.1 were carried over into JENDL-5. However, there are a few modifications: The data of fission neutron spectrum included in MF4,5/MT18 were converted to MF6/MT18 for some of actinides, and the data were reevaluated taking account of the latest experimental data by laser inverse-Compton scattering photons.
ENDF-6 format
Individual Nuclide Files
Compressed Archive File for All Nuclides (tar.gz)
Data for production cross-sections of residual nuclei

Modified at 2023/11/07 16:46 [JST]

Copyright © 1995-2024, Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Nuclear Science and Engineering Center, Nuclear Data Center
2-4 Shirakata, Tokai-mura, Naka-gun, Ibaraki 319-1195, Japan