Nuclear Data Center
Update-3 (upd-3)
Correction of JENDL-5 Decay data sublibrary


Incorrect numbers of sublibrary (NSUB) and library version (NVER) were corrected. Intensities (RI) of β- decay for some nuclei were also correced.

All nuclides
Compressed Archive File for All Nuclides (tar.gz)

(1) NSUB = 11 was set before the correction. Because NSUB = 11 is assigned for neutron-induced fission product yields, we corrected to NSUB = 4, which is used for radioactive decay data.

(2) NVER was not unified in the sublibrary. NVER is corrected to 5 to indicate that the evaluated data belong to JENDL-5.

(3) Normalization factor (FD) was multiplied to intensities (RI) of β- decay for nuclei that have both discrete and continuum spectra (LCON=2). The data of RI are corrected.

Modified at 2022/10/06 14:12 [JST]

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