O. Opening Session |
Opening Address
S. Mori |
3 |
Opening Address
K. Ida |
5 |
Speech at the Opening Ceremonies
V.A. Konshin |
7 |
Keynote Talk
T. Fuketa |
9 |
A. Differential and Integral Data for Fission Reactors |
Review of the Nuclear Data Status and Requirement for Fission Reactors
Y. Ishiguro, A. Zukeran |
15 |
Nuclear Data for Studies of Reactor Safety and Control and for Criticality Studies
J.L. Rowlands |
25 |
Integral Data for Fast Reactors
P.J. Collins, W.P. Poenitz, H.F. McFarlane |
31 |
Matters Related to the NEANDC Task Forces on 238U and 56Fe Resonance
M.G. Sowerby, F. Corvi |
37 |
The French "CEA 86" Multigroup Cross-section Library and its Integral Qualification
A. Santamarina, H. Tellier |
47 |
Implications of JUPITER Experiment Analysis in Nuclear Data
K. Shirakata, T. Yamamoto, A. Yoshimura, T. Takeda |
53 |
A Demand for Consistency of Nuclear Data Related to Reactor Neutron Activation Analysis
F. De Corte, A. Simonits |
57 |
ICARE Experiments for the Qualification of Capture Cross-sections in the Neutron Spectrum of Undermoderated Reactors
P. Chaucheprat, L.M. Deidier, J.M. Gomit |
61 |
Inelastic Scattering Cross Sections of Vibrational States in 232Th for Neutrons from 2.3 to 3.0 MeV
J.J. Egan, A. Aliyar, C.A. Horton, G.H.R. Kegel, A. Mittler |
63 |
Measurements of keV-neutron Capture Gamma-ray Spectra of Fe and Ni
M. Igashira, H. Matsumoto, T. Uchiyama, H. Kitazawa |
67 |
High Energy Resolution Measurement of the 238U Neutron Capture Yield in the Energy Region Between 1 and 100 keV
R.L. Macklin, R.B. Perez, G. de Saussure, R.W. Ingle |
71 |
The Measurement of Eta for 235U in the Energy Region below 1 eV
M.C. Moxon, J.B. Brisland, D.S. Bond |
75 |
Gamma Quanta Emission at Interaction of Fast Neutrons with 235U, 238U and 232Th
A.A. Philatenkov, M.V. Blinov, S.A. Yegorov, V.A. Rubchenja, S.V. Chuvaev |
79 |
R-matrix Analyses of the 235U and 239Pu Neutron Cross Sections
H. Derrien, G. de Saussure, N.M. Larson, L.C. Leal, R.B. Perez |
83 |
Measurement of 235U Fission Cross Section around 14 MeV
T. Iwasaki, Y. Karino, S. Matsuyama, F. Manabe, M. Baba, K. Kanda, N. Hirakawa |
87 |
Subthermal Fission Cross-section Measurements for 233U, 235U and 239Pu
C. Wagemans, P. Schillebeeckx, A.J. Deruytter, R. Barthelemy |
91 |
Neutron Induced Fission Cross Section Ratios for 232Th, 235,238U, 237Np and 239Pu from 1 to 400 MeV
P.W. Lisowski, J.L. Ullmann, S.B. Balestrini, A.D. Carlson, O.A. Wasson, N.W. Hill |
97 |
Measurement of the 235U(n,f) Reaction from Thermal to 1 keV
R.A. Schrack |
101 |
Actinide Neutron Elastic Scattering Data Analyses
E. Sheldon |
105 |
Average Neutron Parameters from Differential Elastic Scattering Cross Sections of Neutrons with Energies below 450 keV
L.V. Mitsyna, A.B. Popov, G.S. Samosvat |
111 |
High-resolution Neutron Transmission Measurements on 235U, 239Pu and 238U
J.A. Harvey, N.W. Hill, F.G. Perey, G.L. Tweed, L. Leal |
115 |
Measurement of Fast Neutron Induced Fission Cross Section Ratios of 239Pu and 242Pu Relative to 235U
N. Hirakawa, T. Iwasaki, M. Baba, F. Manabe, S. Matsuyama |
119 |
Measurement of Absolute Fission Rate of Natural, Depleted Uranium and Thorium, and Microscopic Cross Section Ratios in the Radial Beam of the RA3
M. Bovisio de Ricabarra, L. Cohen de Porto, D. Waisman, G.H. Ricabarra |
123 |
Shape of the 238U Neutron Capture Cross Section in the Range 0.002 - 0.1 eV
F. Corvi, G. Fioni |
127 |
Investigation of the Shape of the 235U(n,f) Cross-section with Very Cold Neutrons
C. Wagemans, A.J. Deruytter, R. Barthelemy, W. Mampe, P. Ageron, A. Michaudon |
131 |
Investigation of the 58Ni(n,gamma)59Ni Thermal Neutron Reaction
A.W. Carbonari, B.R.S. Pecequilo |
133 |
Measurement of Total Neutron Cross Section for Some Organic Materials in Thermal Energy Region
H. Kadotani, Y. Hariyama, N. Fukumura, N. Aihara, O. Aizawa, K. Hirano |
137 |
Measurement of 232Th and 234U Fission Cross-sections by Fast Neutrons
B.I. Fursov, B.F. Samylin, G.N. Smirenkin |
141 |
New Results of Absolute Cross-section Measurements for the Heavy Nuclide Fission Induced by Fast Neutrons
I.D. Alkhazov, L.V. Drapchinsky, V.A. Kalinin, S.S. Kovalenko, O.I. Kostochkin, V.N. Kuzmin, L.M. Solin, V.I. Shpakov, K. Merla, G. Musiol, G. Pausch, U. Todt, K.-M. Herbach |
145 |
Measurement and Analysis of Neutron Spectra in Structural Materials Using an Electron-LINAC
S.A. Hayashi, I. Kimura, K. Kobayashi, S. Yamamoto, T. Mori, M. Nakagawa |
149 |
Measurement of Total Neutron Cross Section for Sm, Gd and Dy in the Thermal Energy Region
K. Higurashi, O. Aizawa, T. Matsumoto, H. Kadotani |
153 |
Determination of the Parameters of the 1.15 keV Resonance in 56Fe by Prompt Gamma-ray Detection
D.B. Gayther, J.E. Jolly, R. Bruce Thom |
157 |
Neutron Scattering and Transport Properties in Liquid H2 and D2 Using a Synthetic Scattering Function
J.R. Granada |
161 |
The Measurement of Accurate Total Cross-sections for Lead and Carbon in the Energy Range 50 eV to 100 keV
J. Schmiedmayer, M.C. Moxon |
165 |
B. Differential and Integral Data for Fusion Reactors |
Integral Experiments for Fusion Reactors
To. Nakamura, K. Sugiyama |
171 |
Recent Developments in Cross-section Measurements for Fusion Reactors
S.M. Qaim |
179 |
Review of the Nuclear Data Status and Requirements for Fusion Reactors
E.T. Cheng |
187 |
The Differential Neutron Scattering Cross Section of Oxygen Between 6 and 15 MeV
G. Borker, R. Bottger, H.J. Brede, H. Klein, W. Mannhart, B.R.L. Siebert |
193 |
Gamma-ray Production Cross Sections of Some Structural and Shielding Materials
M. Mizumoto, K. Hasegawa, S. Chiba, Y. Yamanouti, Y. Kawarasaki, M. Igashira, T. Uchiyama, H. Kitazawa, M. Drosg |
197 |
Measurement of Double Differential Neutron Emission Cross Sections of U-238 Induced by 14.2 MeV Neutrons
Shen Guanren, Huang Tangzi, Tang Hongqing, Yu Chunying, Li AnIi, Sui Qingchang, Sa Jun, Zhuang Youxiang, Liu Tingjin |
201 |
Double Differential Neutron Emission Cross Sections at 14.1 MeV for Be, V and Fe
A. Takahashi, Y. Sasaki, H. Sugimoto |
205 |
Double-differential Neutron Scattering Cross Sections of Beryllium, Carbon and Oxygen
M. Baba, M. Ishikawa, T. Kikuchi, H. Wakabayashi, N. Hirakawa |
209 |
10,11B(n,x gamma) Reactions for Incident Neutron Energies Between 0.1 and 25 MeV
J.K. Dickens, D.C. Larson |
213 |
Charged Particle Nuclear Cross Sections for Advanced Fusion Fuels
R. Feldbacher |
217 |
Integral Test of Neutron Cross Sections in Fusion Environment
M. Nakagawa, T. Mori, Y. Ikeda |
221 |
Measurement of (n,t) Cross Sections on Light Nuclei
S.M. Qaim, A. Suhaimi, R. Wolfle, G. Stocklin |
225 |
Differential and Integral Study for Pb(n,2n) Cross Section
S. Iwasaki, N. Odano, S. Tanaka, J.R. Dumais, K. Sugiyama |
229 |
Novel LOTUS Lithium-lead Fusion Blanket Concept
S. Azam, A. Kumar |
233 |
Experiment and Analysis of Neutron Spectra in a Concrete Assembly Bombarded by 14 MeV Neutrons
K. Oishi, K. Tomioka, Y. Ikeda, To. Nakamura |
237 |
Integral Test of JENDL-3T Through Benchmark Experiments Using FNS
H. Maekawa, K. Kosako, Y. Ikeda, Y. Oyama, S. Yamaguchi, K. Tsuda, C. Konno, To. Nakamura |
241 |
The REAC-ECN-3 Data Library with Activation and Transmutation Cross-sections for Use in Fusion Reactor Technology
J. Kopecky, H. Gruppelaar |
245 |
Cross Sections for the Neutron-induced Reactions on 6Li and 7Li at 14.1 MeV
S. Shirato, S. Shibuya, Y. Ando, K. Shibata |
249 |
Measurement of Neutron-induced Neutron-producing Cross Sections of 6Li and 7Li at 18.0 MeV
S. Chiba, M. Baba, N. Yabuta, T. Kikuchi, M. Ishikawa, N. Hirakawa, K. Sugiyama |
253 |
Systematic Measurement of Neutron Activation Cross Section at Energy Range from 13.3 to 15.0 MeV Using FNS Facility
Y. Ikeda, C. Konno, To. Nakamura, K. Oishi, K. Kawade, H. Yamamoto, T. Katoh |
257 |
Application of a 6LiD Thermal-14 MeV Neutron Converter to the Measurement of Activation Cross Sections
K. Kobayashi, I. Kimura |
261 |
A Comparative Study of Tritium Breeding Calculations Using EFF-1 and ENDF/B-V Based Nuclear Data Libraries
S. Pelloni, E.T. Cheng |
267 |
Angular Neutron Flux Measurements and Nuclear Data Test on Slabs of Fusion Blanket Materials
Y. Oyama, K. Kosako, S. Yamaguchi, H. Maekawa |
271 |
Differential Cross Sections for Gamma-ray Production by 14 MeV Neutrons with Several Elements in Structural Materials
I. Murata, J. Yamamoto, A. Takahashi |
275 |
Measurement and Analysis of Neutron Spectra from Chromium Slab for 14 MeV Neutron Source
K. Furuta, H. Hashikura, R. Fukuda, Y. Oka, S. Kondo, A. Takahashi, J. Yamamto |
279 |
Neutron Inelastic Scattering Cross Sections for Ni and Cr Determined from the (n,n'gamma) Reaction
S. Itagaki, K. Sugiyama |
283 |
Scattering of 13 MeV Neutrons from 11B and 28Si
Y. Yamanouti, M. Sugimoto, Y. Furuta, M. Mizumoto, M. Hyakutake, T. Methasiri |
287 |
Double-differential Neutron Emission Spectra for Al, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu and Zr
M. Baba, M. Ishikawa, N. Yabuta, T. Kikuchi, H. Wakabayashi, N. Hirakawa |
291 |
Measurement of the Cross Section for 27Al(n,2n)26Al (T_1/2-7.16x10^5y) Reaction with Activation Technique around 14 MeV
S. Iwasaki, J.R. Dumais, K. Sugiyama |
295 |
Fusion Product Spectra
T.L. Talley, G.M. Hale |
299 |
Two Novel Techniques of Tritium Measurement at the Fusion Neutronics Facility LOTUS
A. Kumar, S. Azam, W. Leo, Ch. Sahraoui, P. Strasser, F. Fernandez, J.-P. Schneeberger |
303 |
Inelastic Scattering of 14 MeV Neutrons by Iron Nuclei
A.A. Lychageen, V.P. Lunev, B.V. Zhuravlev, O.A. Salnikov, N.N. Titarenko |
307 |
Measurements of Discrete Gamma-ray Production Cross Sections for the Interactions of 14.9 MeV Neutrons with Cobalt
Zhou Hongyu, Tang Lin, Fan Guoying, Yan Yiming, Sun Suxu, Wang Qi, Lan Liqiao, Wen Chenlin, Hua Ming, Liu Shuzhen, Rong Yaning, Yan Hua |
311 |
Neutron Activation Cross Section Measurements in Fudan University
Wu Zhihua, Wu Songmao, Xu Zhizheng, Song Linggen, You Junsheng, Li Jianwei, Ding Meisong |
315 |
The Measurement of Leakage Neutron Spectra from Various Sphere Piles with 14 MeV Neutrons
C. Ichihara, S.A. Hayashi, K. Kobayashi, I. Kimura, J. Yamamoto, M. Izumi, A. Takahashi |
319 |
C. Facilities, Instruments and Methods for Nuclear Data Measurements |
Neutron Sources: Present Practice and Future Potential
S. Cierjacks, A.B. Smith |
325 |
Experimental Techniques for Fission Data Measurements
H.-H.J. Knitter, C. Budtz-Jorgensen |
337 |
New Neutron Physics Using Spallation Sources
C.D. Bowman |
345 |
2.5 MeV Neutron Source for Fission Cross Section Measurement
K.C. Duvall, O.A. Wasson, Ma Hongchang |
355 |
Nuclear Data Measurements of Neutron-rich Nuclides Produced in Fission Using On-line Isotope Separation
R.C. Greenwood, R.A. Anderl, A.J. Caffrey, J.D. Cole, M.W. Drigert, R.G. Helmer, M.A. Lee, C.W. Reich, D.A. Struttmann |
359 |
Characteristics of Pulsed Neutron Sources Obtained with a Low-energy Electron Accelerator
C. Coceva, E. Cupini, G. Fioni |
363 |
An Associated Particle TOF Spectrometer at Chiang Mai
S. Singkarat, N. Chirapatpimol, D. Suwannakachorn, W. Pairsuwan, G. Hoyes, T. Vilaithong |
367 |
Development of a 3He/Xe Gas Scintillation Counter to Measure the 3He(n,p)T Cross Section in the Intermediate Energy Range
J.W. Behrens, O.A. Wasson, A.D. Carlson, Ma Hongchang |
371 |
Application of BGO for Neutron Capture Cross Section Measurements
S. Yamamoto, K. Kobayashi, Y. Fujita |
375 |
Responses of C6D6 and C6F6 Gamma-ray Detectors and the Capture in the 1.15-keV Resonance of 56Fe
F.G. Perey, J.O. Johnson, T.A. Gabriel, R.L. Macklin, R.R. Winters, J.H. Todd, N.W. Hill |
379 |
A Multiplicity Detector for Accurate Low-energy Capture Measurement
R.C. Block, P.J. Marano, N.J. Drindak, F. Feiner, K.W. Seeman, R.E. Slovacek |
383 |
The Karlsruhe 4pi BaF2 Detector
K. Wisshak, K. Guber, F. Kappeler, J. Krisch, H. Muller, G. Rupp, F. Voss |
387 |
A Deuterium/Tritium Gas Target for Fast Neutrons Production with d-D and d-T Reactions using the Associated Particle Technique and a Time-Zero Detector
C. Cernigoi, G.V. Margagliotti, C. Tuniz, R. Cherubini, A. Varela, G. Moschini |
391 |
Fast Pulsed Reactors for Neutron Physics Experiments
I.M. Frank, V.I. Luschikov, E.I. Sharapov |
395 |
Improvements in Neutron Time-of-flight Spectra Processing
G.H.R. Kegel, A. Aliyar, J.H. Chang, J.J. Egan, C.A. Horton, A. Mittler |
399 |
Studies on the Physical Characteristics of the TLD-LiF Dosimeters
R.B. Akbari |
403 |
Fission Fragment Distributions in Resolved Resonances of 235U(n,f)
F.-J. Hambsch, H.-H.J. Knitter, C. Budtz-Jorgensen, J.P. Theobald |
407 |
KFUPM Fast Neutron Facility
H.A. Al-Juwair |
411 |
Fission Fragment Transfer Efficiency for Helium Jet System
G.P. Couchell, D.J. Pullen, W.A. Schier, P.R. Bennett, M.H. Haghighi, E.S. Jacobs, M.F. Villani |
415 |
Monte Carlo Calculated Response of the Dual Thin Scintillation Detector in the Sum Coincidence Mode
K.C. Duvall, R.G. Johnson |
419 |
D. Nuclear Data Analysis and Evaluation |
Examination of Various Roles for Covariance Matrices in the Development, Evaluation, and Application of Nuclear Data
D.L. Smith |
425 |
Application of Nuclear Reaction Theory for Nuclear Data Evaluation
M. Uhl |
435 |
Benchmark Testings of Evaluated Data Files on Fission Reactors and Shielding Problems
A. Hasegawa |
445 |
Status of the European Fusion File
H. Gruppelaar |
455 |
Nuclear Data for Transactinides in the Recommended Evaluated Neutron Data Library (BROND)
V.A. Konshin |
465 |
Evaluation of Neutron Cross Sections of the sd-shell Nuclei 27Al and 28,29,30Si
H. Kitazawa, Y. Harima, T. Fukahori |
473 |
Evaluation of Neutron Cross-sections for Liquid Hydrogen and Deuterium for the Design of Cold Neutron Sources
W. Bernnat, D. Emendorfer, J. Keinert, M. Mattes |
477 |
Estimation of Parameters in Nuclear Model Formula for Nuclides of Structural Materials
Y. Uenohara, H. Tsuji, Y. Kanda |
481 |
Analysis of (n,alpha) Reaction by Use of Modified TNG Code
K. Shibata, K. Harada |
485 |
Nuclear Cross Section Calculations with a Simplified-input Version of ELIESE-GNASH Joint Program
N. Yamamuro |
489 |
A New Empirical Rule for the Prediction of Around 14 MeV Neutron Reaction Cross Sections
O. Horibe, H. Chatani |
493 |
Expert System for Evaluation of Experimental Uncertainty from EXFOR File
Y. Uenohara, M. Tsukamoto, To. Mori, M. Kihara, Y. Kanda |
497 |
Prototyping of an Expert System for Nuclear Data Evaluation
S. Iwasaki, N. Odano, M. Takahashi, M. Kitamura, K. Sugiyama |
501 |
Neutron Cross Sections: Book of Curves
V. McLane, C.L. Dunford, P.F. Rose |
505 |
Shielding Benchmark Test of Sodium and Iron Cross Sections in JENDL-3T
M. Kawai, A. Hasegawa, K. Sakurai, K. Ueki, N. Yamano, K. Sasaki, Y. Matsumoto, K. Tsunoda, Y. Itoh, M. Uematsu, Y. Oka |
509 |
Systematics of Averaged Neutron Capture Cross Sections around 25 keV
Zhao Zhixiang, Zhou Delin, Cai Dunjiu |
513 |
Evaluation of 56Fe(n,p)56Mn Cross Section
Yuan Hanrong |
517 |
Thermal and Fast Reactor Benchmark Tests of JENDL-3T
H. Takano, K. Kaneko |
521 |
Sensitivity Analysis of JENDL-3T
T. Takeda, M. Takamoto, H. Takano, A. Hasegawa |
525 |
Adjustment of Iron Cross Section Using an Integral Experiment
Y. Oka, K. Furuta, R. Fukuda, S. Kondo |
529 |
Status of Japanese Evaluated Nuclear Data Library Version 3
T. Asami, T. Nakagawa, M. Mizumoto, T. Narita, K. Shibata, S. Chiba, T. Fukahori, A. Hasegawa, S. Igarasi |
533 |
Evaluation of Some Activation Cross Sections Measured by Monoenergetic and Fission Neutrons
Y. Kanda, Y. Uenohara |
537 |
Adjustment of Evaluated Fission Cross Sections by Integral Data
Y. Kanda, Y. Uenohara, D.L. Smith, J.W. Meadows |
541 |
Evaluation of Fission Neutron Multiplicity Data for Th-232
H.M. Jain, M.K. Mehta |
545 |
Comparative Analysis of Hafnium Data in Evaluated Nuclear Data Libraries Available from IAEA Nuclear Data Section
Jung-Do Kim, Hark Rho Kim, Jong Tai Lee |
549 |
Evaluation of the Fission Cross Section for U-233 and Comparison with that for U-235
H. Matsunobu |
553 |
Analysis of Neutron Cross Section of N-14 and O-16 with an Approximate R-matrix Theory
T. Murata |
557 |
Study on Applicability of Global Neutron Optical Model Potentials to a Nuclear Mass Rang from Sodium to Gold and to Energies from 1 to 50 MeV
H. Yamakoshi |
561 |
Nuclear Data Evaluation of Actinides Relevant to Thorium Fuel Cycle
T. Ohsawa, M. Inoue |
565 |
Evaluation and Integral Tests of FP Nuclear data for JENDL-3
M. Kawai, T. Watanabe, T. Nakagawa, S. Iijima, H. Matsunobu, T. Nishigori, M. Sasaki, T. Sugi, A. Zukeran |
569 |
Resonance Parameter Analysis with SAMMY
N.M. Larson, F.G. Perey |
573 |
A Fast Algorithm for the Calculation of Neutron Self-shielding Factors
J.L. Molina, M.C. Lopes |
577 |
SMD/SMC-model for Nuclear Data Evaluation
H. Kalka, M. Torjman, D. Seeliger |
581 |
A Compilation of Accurately Measured 2200 ms^-1 Cross-sections for 101 (n,gamma) Reactions of Interest in Activation Analysis; A Critical Comparison with Literature
F. De Corte, A. Simonits |
583 |
Evaluation of Neutron Nuclear Data of B-11
T. Fukahori |
587 |
Critical Experiments and Analysis on Thorium and Natural Uranium Test Assemblies in UTR-KINKI for Nuclear Data Evaluation
R. Miki, T. Itoh, K. Tsuchihashi |
591 |
Nuclear-data Evaluation Based on Direct and Indirect Measurements with General Correlations
D.W. Muir |
595 |
Covariance Analysis of n+7Li Data for ENDF/B-VI
P.G. Young |
599 |
Calculation of 235U(n,n') Cross Sections for ENDF/B-VI
P.G. Young, E.D. Arthur |
603 |
New Developments in the GNASH Nuclear Theory Code
E.D. Arthur, P.G. Young, C. Kalbach |
607 |
Library of Evaluated Neutron Data Files
A.I. Blokhin, A.V. Ignatyuk, V.N. Koshcheev, B.D. Kuz'minov, VN. Manokhin, G.N. Manturov, M.N. Nikolaev |
611 |
Neutron Data Testing for Cr, Fe and Ni in Integral and Macroscopic Experiments
M.N. Nikolaev, A.M. Tsyboola, V.I. Golubev, V.A. Doolin, V.V. Filippov |
615 |
Modern State of the SOCRATOR System
M.N. Nikolaev, M.M. Savos'kin, A.M. Tsyboola, A.S. Krivtaov, V.V. Sinitsa, G.N. Manturov |
619 |
Average Resonance Parameters for Nb-93 and Natural Tungsten
P. Vertes, Y.V. Grigoryev |
623 |
Evaluation of Neutron-induced Cross Sections of Chromium, Iron and Nickel for JENDL-3
S. Iijima, T. Asami, K. Shibata, H. Yamakoshi |
627 |
Evaluation of Transplutonium Nuclear Data
T. Nakagawa, Y. Kikuchi, S. Igarasi |
631 |
Energy Averaged Resonance Neutron Cross Sections
N.B. Janeva, A.A. Lukyanov |
635 |
Systematics of (n,2n) and (n,3n) Reactions
Yao Lishan, Cai Dunjiu |
639 |
E. Nuclear Theory and Experiment |
Interplay of Direct and Compound-nucleus Mechanisms in Neutron Capture by Light Nuclides
S. Raman, S. Kahane, J.E. Lynn |
645 |
Pre-equilibrium Processes in Nuclear Reactions: Intercomparison of Theories and Codes
P.E. Hodgson |
655 |
Recent Progress in Fission Theory Based on Diffusion Model
Zhuo Yi-Zhong, Wu Xi-Zhen |
667 |
Studies of the Nucleon-nucleus and the Nucleon-nucleon Interactions using Polarized Neutron Beams
R.L. Walter, C.R. Howell, W. Tornow |
675 |
Prompt Fission Neutron Data
H. Marten, D. Richter, A. Ruben, D. Seeliger, W. Neubert, A. Lajtai |
683 |
Analysis of the Experimental Results for nu Prompt of 239Pu, 241Pu, 233U in the Resolved Range - Complementarity of the Integral and Microscopic Informations
E. Fort, J. Frehaut, H. Tellier, P. Long |
687 |
Optical Model Analysis over a Wide Range of Nuclei Using Polarized Neutron Scattering Data
G. Schreder, J.W. Hammer, W. Grum, K.-W. Hoffmann, G. Dagge, M. Koch, G. Bulski, G. Keilbach, H. Postner, G. Schleuaener, P.A. Owono |
691 |
Kinetic Energies of Fragments in Neutron-induced Nuclear Fission
A.A. Goverdovsky, B.D. Kuzminov, V.F. Mitrofanov, A.I. Sergachev |
695 |
Temperature Dependent Level Density
T. Matsuse, Sang-Moo Lee |
699 |
Mechanisms of Radiative Neutron Capture Reaction and Calculations of Neutron Induced Photon Production Data
Yu-Kun Ho, Jing-Feng Liu, C. Coceva |
703 |
New Aspects of Nuclear Level Spacing Distributions
G.H. Rohr |
707 |
A Two Step Model of Cluster Formation and Barrier Penetration in Radioactive Nuclei
Raj K. Gupta, S.S. Malik |
713 |
On the Two Gas Component Exciton Model
G. Reffo, M. Herman, C. Costa |
717 |
A Method for Prediction of Prompt Fission Neutron Spectra
A.F. Grashin, M.V. Lepeshkin |
721 |
Montecarlo Calculation of the Isomeric Cross Sections Ratio for the Reaction 237Np(n,2n)236Np
F. Cleri |
725 |
The Variable Moment of Inertia Model in Terms of Nuclear Softness
Raj K. Gupta, J.S. Batra, S.S. Malik |
729 |
Gamma Rays from Resonance Neutron Capture by 24Mg
T. Uchiyama, M. Igashira, H. Kitazawa |
733 |
New Results on Absolute Measurements of 252Cf Prompt Fission Neutron Spectrum at the Low Energy Range
A. Lajtai, P.P. Dyachenko, E.A. Seregina, V.N. Kononov |
737 |
Geiger-Nuttall Relation from Fission-character of Alpha-decay
M.K. Basu |
741 |
nu(m*) Measurements for 233U and 235U(n_th,f)
Y. Nakagome, I. Kanno, I. Kimura |
743 |
Energy Spectra of Alpha Particles Emitted from the (p,alpha) and (n,alpha) Reactions
I. Kumabe, M. Hyakutake, N. Koori, Y. Watanabe |
747 |
Shell and Odd-even Effects in Preequlibrium Nucleon Emissions in the Continuum from Nucleon-induced Reactions
Y. Watanabe, I. Kumabe, N. Koori, M. Hyakutake |
751 |
The Measurement of Cf-252 Spontaneous Fission Prompt Neutron Spectrum in the Lower Energy
Tang Guoyou, Bao Shanglian, Wang Jie, Zhong Wenguang, Li Yulin, Shi Zhaomin, Huang Feizeng, Chen Jinxiang, Meng Jiangchen, Li Anli, Bao Zhongyu, Huang Shengnian |
755 |
Improved Calculation of the Prompt Fission Neutron Spectrum from the Spontaneous Fission of 252Cf: Preliminary Results
D.G. Madland |
759 |
Nuclear Level Density at A=110-125
M.I. Svirin, G.N. Smirenkin |
763 |
Consistent Systematics of Level Density for Medium and Heavy Nuclei
O.T. Grudzevich, A.V. Ignatyuk, V.I. Plyaskin, A.V. Zelenetsky |
767 |
Dependence of Neutron Emission Spectra on the Excitation Energy of Spontaneous Fission Fragments
O.I. Batenkov, A.B. Blinov, M.V. Blinov, S.N. Smirnov |
771 |
Fission Fragment Gamma-rays Anisotropy and Some Classical Nuclear Properties
L.S.El-Mekkawi, O.N.El Bakly |
775 |
Discontinuities in the Level Spacings Observed with 52Cr+n Resonances
G.H. Rohr, R.C. Shelley, A.A. Brusegan, F.A. Poortmans, L.W. Mewissen |
779 |
Shift of Neutron Resonance Levels in Periodic Structure
K. Ideno |
783 |
Nuclear Energy Level Spacing Distributions in Even Iron Isotopes
G.H. Rohr, R.C. Shelley, G.J. Vanpraet |
787 |
Saddle and Scission States Expected from Fine Structure of Nuclear Charge Distribution Based on Semi-empirical Theory
A. Zukeran, T. Nakagawa |
791 |
Prompt Neutron Emission Multiplicity Distribution and Average Values, nu-bar, at 2200 Meter per Second for the Fissile Nuclides
N.E. Holden, M.S. Zucker |
795 |
Small Angle Scattering Cross Sections of 14.7 MeV Neutrons for 238U
Qi Huiquan, Chen Yingtang, Chen Zemin, Chen Zhenpeng, Chen Qiankun, Li Hucheng |
799 |
Radiative Capture Cross Section for Fast Neutron
Xu Haishan, Xiang Zhengyu, Mu Yunshan, Li Yexiang, Liu Jianfeng |
803 |
Development of Neutron Data Evaluation Methods and Creating Complete Files of Zirconium Isotopes
V. Bychkova, O. Grudzevich, A. Zelenetski, V. Plyaskin |
807 |
An United Method Calculating Neutron Fluence Attenuation and Gamma-ray Self-Absorption in a Large Cylindrical Sample for (n,x gamma) Experiment
Zhou Hongyu, Wang Wanhong, Yan Yiming, Fan Guoying, Wen Chenlin, Tang Lin |
811 |
F. Nuclear Structure and Decay data, and their Application |
Review of Decay Heat Calculations
K. Tasaka, J. Katakura, T. Yoshida |
819 |
Predictions of the Decay Heat of Nuclear Reactors by Microscopic Beta Decay Calculations
H.V. Klapdor, J. Metzinger |
827 |
Systematic Trends in the Level Structure of Neutron Rich Nuclei
B. Fogelberg |
837 |
Recent Progress in the Gross Theory of Beta-decay
M. Yamada |
841 |
Comparison of Experimental and Theoretical Internal Conversion Coefficients of Octupole Transitions
Zs. Nemeth, A. Veres, T. Sekine, K. Yoshihara |
849 |
Measured Composite Delayed Neutron Spectra from Fission of U-235, U-238 and Pu-239 and Derived Six-group Spectra
W.A. Schier, D.J. Pullen, G.P. Couchell, M.H. Haghighi, E.S. Jacobs, M.F. Villani, P.R. Bennett |
853 |
Integral Determination of the Beta and Gamma Heat in Thermal-neutron-induced Fission of 235U and 239Pu, and of the Gamma Heat in Fast Fission of 238U
P.-I. Johansson |
857 |
Yields and Energies of Delayed Neutrons from Fast Fission in Uranium and Plutonium
J. Walker, D.R. Weaver, S.A. Benayad, S.J. Chilton, J.G. Owen, M.J. Cogbill |
861 |
Experimental Determinations of Average Beta and Gamma Energies and their Use for Decay Heat Predictions
G. Rudstam, P. Aagaard, K. Aleklett, P.I. Johansson, E. Lund, O. Tengblad, B. Jonson, G. Nyman, R. von Dincklage, P. Hoff |
867 |
Half-lives for Selected Actinides and Long-lived Radionuclides
N.E. Holden |
871 |
Gamma-ray Production Data and Related Nuclear Structure Calculations
F. Fabbri, G. Maino, E. Menapace, A. Mengoni |
875 |
Calculation of Gamma-ray Spectrum of Aggregate Fission Product Nuclides and Fitting of the Gamma-ray Spectrum
J. Katakura |
881 |
Estimation of Delayed Neutron Emission Probability and Delayed Neutron Yield
T. Tachibana, M. Yamada, K. Nakata, S. Matsuda, R. Nakasima |
885 |
The Overview of the JNDC FP Decay Data Library Version 2
T. Yoshida, H. Ihara, J. Katakura, K. Tasaka, R. Nakasima |
889 |
Precise Measurement of Beta-ray Maximum Energy by Huge
H. Ukon, M. Miyachi, T. Ishii, H. Yamamoto, K. Kawade, T. Katoh, Y. Kawase, K. Okano, Jian-Zhi Ruan |
893 |
Precise Measurements of Half-lives of Short-lived Nuclei
M. Miyachi, H. Ukon, M. Shibata, Y. Gotoh, H. Yamamoto, K. Kawade, T. Katoh, T. Iida, A. Takahashi |
897 |
CEA Fission Product Radioactivity Data File and its Assessment
J. Blachot, B. Duchemin, B. Nimal, J.C. Nimal |
901 |
Delayed Neutron Equilibrium Spectra for U-235, U-238 and Pu-239
D.J. Pullen, W.A. Schier, G.P. Couchell, E.S. Jacobs, M.F. Villani, M.H. Haghighi, P.R. Bennett |
905 |
Measurements and Evaluation of Nuclear and Atomic Data of the Applied Radionuclides
A.M. Geidelman, Yu.S. Egorov, N.K. Kuzmenko, V.G. Nedovesov, V.P. Chechev, G.E. Shyukin |
909 |
The System of Nuclides
Wang Duan |
911 |
Possibilities of the Twodimensional Method for Delayed Neutron Spectra Measurements
B.P. Maksyutenko, Yu.F. Balakshev, S.V. Ignatjev |
915 |
G. Nuclear Data for Nuclear fuel Cycle and Waste Management, and their Application |
Nuclear Data for U-Pu Fuel Cycle Evaluation
E. Fort |
921 |
Development of Indian Cross Section Data Files for Th-232 and U-233 and Integral Validation Studies
S. Ganesan |
929 |
Nuclear Data for Safeguards
J.W. Boldeman, M. Lammer |
937 |
Status of Fission Yield Data
J. Blachot, T.R. England |
943 |
Photonuclear Data Needed for Calculating Gamma Ray Incineration of Long-lived Radioactive Wastes
T. Matsumoto |
951 |
Transmutation of Transuranium Nuclides with FBR
A. Sasahara, T. Matsumura |
955 |
Photoactivation of Nuclear Isomers for Assaying Irradiated Reactor Fuel
A. Veres, L. Lakosi, I. Almasi, Zs. Nemeth, I. Pavlicsek |
959 |
Study of 249Cf(n_th,f) with Lohengrin Mass Separator
M. Djebara, M. Asghar, J.P. Bocquet, R. Brissot, J. Crancon, Ch. Ristori, E. Aker, D. Engelhardt, B.D. Wilkins, U. Quade |
963 |
Mass Distribution in Fission Spectrum Neutron Induced Fission of U-235
Qi Linkun, Liu Conggui, Tang Peijia, Li Ze, Wnag Xiuzhi, Zhang Sujing, Liu Yonghui, Jiu Daming, Ju Changxin, Lu Huijun, Zhu Jiaxuan, Guo Jingru |
967 |
The ASIND-MEPhI Fission Product Yield Data-base
A.D. Efimenko, A.F. Grashin, E.A. Kudryavtseva |
971 |
Analysis of Spallation Product Yields for Proton-induced Reactions
T. Nishida, Y. Nakahara |
975 |
Study of Post-neutron Mass and Charge Yields for 232U(n_th,f) and 238Pu(n_th,f)
M. Haddad, M. Asghar, J. Crancon, G. Lhospice |
979 |
Evaluation and Adjustment of Actinide Cross Sections Using Integral Data Measured at FCA
S. Okajima, T. Mukaiyama, Jung-Do Kim, M. Obu, T. Nemoto |
983 |
Investigation of Binary and Ternary Fission in 238U Induced by Monoenergetic Neutrons
H. Afarideh, K. Randle |
987 |
Mass Distribution Structures as a Function of Excitation Energy of the 252Cf Spontaneous Fission Fragments
I.D. Alkhazov, A.V. Kuznetsov, S.S. Kovalenko, B.F. Petrov, V.I. Shpakov |
991 |
Nuclear-physical Characteristics of Neptunium Isotopes
S.S. Kovalenko, Yu.A. Selitsky, V.B. Funshtein, S.V. Khlebnikov, V.A. Yakovlev |
995 |
Activation of Structural Materials due to Recoil Protons in Light Water Reactor
M. Takahashi, S. Iijima |
999 |
H. Neutron Standards and Nuclear Data for Dosimetry and Radiation damage Studies, and their Application |
Neutron Standard Data
R. Peelle, H. Conde |
1005 |
Status of Dosimetry and Activation Data
F.M. Mann |
1013 |
Activation Cross Section Measurements by 15-35 MeV Quasi-monoenergetic p-Be Neutrons
Ta. Nakamura, Y. Kondo, H. Sugita, Y. Uwamino |
1017 |
Measurement of 27Al(n,p)27Mg Activation Cross Section
K. Kudo, T. Kinoshita, Y. Hino, A. Fukuda, Y. Kawada, K. Takeuchi, A. Iwahara |
1021 |
MEASUREMENTS of the Al-27(n,alpha) and Mg-24(n,p) Cross Section Between 8 MeV and 15 MeV
G. Borker, H. Klein, W. Mannhart, M. Wagner, G. Winkler |
1025 |
A Study of the 235U(n,f) Cross Section in the 3 to 30 MeV Energy Region
A.D. Carlson, O.A. Wasson, P.W. Lisowski, J.L. Ullmann, N.W. Hill |
1029 |
Cross-section Measurements in the Intermediate-energy Standard Neutron Field
G.P. Lamaze, C.M. Eisenhauer, J.A. Grundl, E.D. McGarry, F.J. Schima, V. Spiegel |
1033 |
Measurements of the 235U(n,f) Standard Cross Section at the National Bureau of Standards
R.G. Johanson, A.D. Carlson, O.A. Wasson, K.C. Duvall, J.W. Behrens, M.M. Meier, B.D. Patrick, M.S. Dias |
1037 |
Covariance Matrices Evaluated by Different Methods for Some Neutron-dosimeter Reactions
Y. Kanda, Y. Uenohara |
1041 |
Cross Sections and Partial KERMA Factors for Elastic and Inelastic Neutron Scattering from Carbon in the Energy Range 16.5 - 22.0 MeV
N. Olsson, B. Trostell, E. Ramstrom |
1045 |
Measurement of the 93Nb(n,n') 93mNb Cross Section at 7.9 MeV
M. Wagner, G. Winkler, H. Vonach, H. Liskien |
1049 |
Si-PKA Spectra in a Si-SSD Bombarded by 14 MeV Neutrons
K. Yageta, S. Iwasaki, K. Sugiyama |
1053 |
A Measurement of the 93Nb(n,n')93mNb Cross-section in the Energy Range 1 to 6 MeV
D.B. Gayther, C.A. Uttley, M.F. Murphy, W.H. Taylor, K. Randle |
1057 |
The Data Library UKACTl and the Inventory Code FISPACT
R.A. Forrest, M.G. Sowerby, B.H. Patrick, D.A.J. Endacott |
1061 |
I. Nuclear Data for Biomedical and Industrial Application |
Radioisotope Productions for Medical Use
A. Hashizume |
1067 |
Formation of 99mTc by the (gamma,gamma') Nuclear Excitation
K. Yoshihara, T. Sekine, Zs. Nemeth, L. Lakosi, A. Veres |
1075 |
Isotope Production in the FFTF by Neutron Transmutation
R.E. Schenter, M.A. Myjak |
1079 |
Excitation Functions for the Production of Positron Emitting Radionuclides 82Sr(82Rb) and 73Se
S.M. Qaim, F. Tarkanyi, A. Mushtaq, G. Stocklin |
1083 |
FFTF Cobalt Test Assembly Results
J.A. Rawlins, D.W. Wootan, L.L. Carter, H.R. Brager, R.E. Schenter |
1087 |
Radon Measurement in Human Environment Using Nuclear Track Etch Technique
R.C. Ramola, A.S. Sandhu, Surinder Singh, H.S. Virk |
1091 |
Neutrongraphy Experiments at the IEA-R1 Nuclear Research Reactor
R. Pugliesi, M.A.P.V. de Moraes, I.M. Yamazaki, C. de F. Acosta |
1095 |
Cross-section Measurements for Radioactive Samples
P.E. Koehler, H.A. O'Brien |
1101 |
Neutron Capture Rates for Stellar Nucleosynthesis
F. Kappeler |
1107 |
Medium Energy Nuclear Data for Applications
S. Pearlstein |
1115 |
Calculated Proton-induced Thick-target Radionuclide Activation Yields and Neutron Yield Spectra for E_p < 50 MeV, with Comparisons to other Calculations and Measured Data
W.B. Wilson, E.D. Arthur, R.J. LaBauve, R.T. Perry |
1121 |
Investigation of Neutron Producing (alpha,n)-reactions Relevant for the Astrophysical s-process
J.W. Hammer, A. Wohr, G. Bulski, A. Kohler, R. Seidel, H.W. Becker, H.P. Trautvetter, K. Wolke, V. Harms, M. Wiescher |
1125 |
Development of Nuclear Models for Higher Energy Calculations
M. Bozoian, E.R. Siciliano, R.D. Smith |
1129 |
Intranuclear Cascade and Exciton Model Calculation of 100-MeV alpha-particle-induced Reactions on Light Nuclei
M. Divadeenam, T.E. Ward, S. Ramavataram |
1137 |
Improvement on Intranuclear Cascade Model Calculation for an Energy Range 500-1000 MeV
K. Ishibashi, H. Takada, T. Sakae, Y. Nakahara, T. Nishida |
1143 |
Product Yields for the Photofission of 238U, 237Np and 239Pu
A. Yamadera, T. Kase, Ta. Nakamura |
1147 |
Product Yields of 232Th Photo-fission Induced by Monochromatic Gamma Rays
Jing Kexing, Li Ze, Liu Conggui, Liu Yonghui, Su Shuxin, Huang Shengnian |
1151 |
Total Cross Section Measurements for High Energy Neutrons Up to 75 MeV and Transmission Experiment for the Neutrons Through Concrete Shield
K. Shin, Y. Ishii, Y. Uwamino, H. Sakai, S. Numata |
1153 |
Nuclear Reaction Data Centers
V. McLane, C. Nordborg, H.D. Lemmel, V.N. Manokhin |
1157 |
Neutron Yield Data Due to Bombardment of Thick Targets of Be, C, Ta and Au by 40 to 60 MeV Alpha Particles
T. Bandyopadhyay, P.K. Sarkar, G. Muthukrishnan, S. Ghosh, A.S. Divatia |
1161 |
Polarized Proton Induced Reactions on Lithium Isotopes
N. Koori, I. Kumabe, M. Hyakutake, K. Orito, K. Akagi, Y. Watanabe, K. Ogawa, N. Oda, J. Yano, A. Iida |
1165 |
Application of Intranuclear Cascade Evaporation Model for Evaluation of Helium and Transmutation Product Cross-section
A. Sinha |
1169 |
Anisotropy of Fission Angular Distributions for 16O+192Os and 197Au
M. Ogihara, S.C. Jeong, H. Fujiwara, M. Miyazawa, Y.H. Pu, W. Galster, Y. Nagashima, S.M. Lee, T. Mikumo, H. Ikezoe, K. Ideno, Y. Tomita, Y. Sugiyama, T. Matsuse |
1173 |
Qualitative Texture Investigation of a Maraging Steel Sample by Neutron Diffraction Technique
R. Pugliesi, I.M. Yamazaki |
1177 |
Two-, Three- and Four-particle Exit Channels in the Reaction of 14 MeV/amu Beam of 238U with Gold Targets
H. Afarideh, K. Randle, S.A. Durrani |
1181 |
Development and Benchmarking of Higher Energy Neutron Transport Data Libraries
E.D. Arthur, P.G. Young, R.T. Perry, D.G. Madland, R.E. MacFarlane, R.C. Little, M. Bozoian, R.J. LaBauve |
1185 |
Monte Carlo Alpha Deposition
T.L. Talley, F. Evans |
1189 |
Calculated Alpha-induced Thick Target Neutron Yields and Spectra, with Comparison to Measured Data
W.B. Wilson, M. Bozoian, R.T. Perry |
1193 |
Calculated Neutron-activation Cross Sections for E_n < 100 MeV for a Range of Accelerator Materials
M. Bozoian, E.D. Arthur, R.T. Perry, W.B. Wilson, P.G. Young |
1199 |
On the Charge Symmetry Conservation and the d-D Reaction Channels
R. Cherubini, A. Varela, G. Moschini, G. Pauli |
1205 |
On the Validity of the Intranuclear-Cascade and Evaporation Model for High-energy Proton Induced Reactions
N. Kishida, H. Kadotani |
1209 |
A Monte Carlo Simulation of Electron-photon Cascades Including Photonuclear Processes
S. Morioka, H. Kadotani |
1213 |
Theoretical Calculation of Medium-energy Proton-induced Reactions on Al, Zr and Pb
S. Ramavataram, M. Divadeenam, T.E. Ward |
1217 |
Absorption Cross-section of Charged Particles by Nuclei in the Ground and Excited State
V.M. Bychkov, A.B. Pashchenko, O.T. Grudzevich, A.V. Zelenetsky, V.I. Plyaskin |
1221 |
Theoretical Photofission Cross Sections of Some Isotopes
L.S. El-Mekkawi, O.M. El-Bakly |
1225 |
S. Special Talk - Summary Report of IAEA Consultants's Meeting on the Physics of Neutron Emission in Fission - |
Fission Neutron Yield and Related Topics
J.W. Boldeman |
1233 |
Energy Spectrum of Fission Neutrons
D. Seeliger |
1237 |
Z. Closing Session |
Summary Talk
M. Salvatores |
1241 |
Index of Authors
1265 |