
International Conference on Future Nuclear Systems

Challenge Towards Second Nuclear Era with Advanced Fuel Cycles

October 5-10, 1997
Pacifico Yokohama, (Pacific Convention Plaza Yokohama)
Yokohama, Japan

First Announcement

Conference Outline

This is the third conference of GLOBAL series in succession to GLOBAL'93 held in Seattle and GLOBAL'95 held in Versailles. This conference will put an emphasis on the challenges that we will be facing towards establishing the Second Nuclear Era.

This conference will provide an international forum for discussion and evaluation of future nuclear systems and fuel cycle options. Global strategies of future nuclear energy including plutonium utilization will be discussed.

Papers on advanced concepts, designs and high performance systems of fast reactors, thermal reactors with plutonium fuel, reprocessing, fuel fabrication, waste management and disposal, decommissioning and nuclear safeguards in addition to basic researches on physics, chemistry and metallurgy issues, and separation & transmutation of selected nuclides are important parts of the conference scope for supporting future nuclear systems.

  Date:   October 5-10, 1997
  Venue:  Pacifico Yokohama
          (Pacific Convention Plaza Yokohama)
          Yokohama, Japan
  Sponsored by 
        Atomic Energy Society of Japan (AESJ)
        The Fuel Cycle and Waste Management Division of the American 
           Nuclear Society (ANS-FCWMD)
        The Japan Section of the American Nuclear Society (ANS-JS)
  Co-sponsored by
        Power Reactor and Nuclear Fuel Development Corporation (PNC)
        Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (JAERI)
        Federation of Electric Power Companies (FEPCO)
        Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry (CRIEPI)
        The Japan Electrical Manufacturers' Association (JEMA)
  In cooperation with
        Japan Atomic Industrial Forum (JAIF)
        The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)*
        The OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (OECD/NEA)*
        The Chinese Nuclear Society*
        The European Nuclear Society*
        The Korean Nuclear Society*
        The Russian Nuclear Society*

          * to be confirmed

Conference Officials

  Honorary Chairman
        Akira OYAMA, Professor Emeritus, University of Tokyo
  Organizing Committee
    Chair:     Mamoru AKIYAMA, University of Tokyo
    Co-chairs: Hiroshi Oishi, PNC
               Shozo SHIMOMURA, JAERI
               Susumu YODA, CRIEPI
  International Advisory Committee
    Chair:     Kunihiko UEMATSU, OECD/NEA
  International Technical Program Committee
    Chair:     Shunsuke KONDO, University of Tokyo
  International Planning Committee
    Chair:     Atsuyuki SUZUKI, University of Tokyo
  Steering Committee
    Chairs:    Saburo KIKUCHI, PNC
               Kunihisa SODA, JAERI

Key Dates

  May, 1996:         Second Announcement and Call for Papers
  November, 1996:    Deadline of Abstracts
  May, 1997:         Registration and Hotel Reservation
  July, 1997:        Deadline of Full Papers
  October 5-10 1997: GLOBAL'97
                     - Plenary Sessions
                     - Technical Sessions
                     - Technical Tours

Technical Exhibition

There will be an exhibition space during the conference. An exhibition guidelines will be distributed in October, 1996 to companies and organizations interested in the exhibition.

Information on Yokohama

Situated on the edge of Tokyo Bay, Yokohama is just thirty minutes from central Tokyo. Shinkansen (bullet train) service from Shin-Yokohama Station (15 minutes away) places Kyoto, Osaka and other parts of Japan within easy reach. And nearby sightseeing spots range from the old capital of Kamakura to beautiful Hakone National park at the base of Mt. Fuji.

Address for Inquiries

     Dr. N. MIZOO
     Conference Secretary
     Power Reactor and Nuclear Fuel Development Corporation
     1-9-13 Akasaka Minato-ku Tokyo 107, Japan
     TEL: 81-3-3586-3311 (ext2057)   
     FAX: 81-3-3586-7726