Nuclear Data Center
γ-ray Data in Selected Energy Range
     In this page, γ-ray data is sorted by energy, and the data in selected energy range is shown.
[The data was derived from ENSDF as of March 2011.]
     Please input and submit energy range in the form below as following usage, and change the option if you need to show data sorted from all γ-rays, or check to add a γ-ray table with energies summed up.
Usage :
     It is not required that all "textboxes" (energies) are filled, because of some flexibility of the input form. In general, only { [e0] and [er] }, or { [e1] and [e2] } must be inputted as following examples.
* [er] is set to 5 (keV) as a default value if [er] is not inputted.
* [e1] and [e2] have higher priority than [e0] and [er].
Example 1 :
[e0] = 500 (keV), [er] = 10 (keV) ⇒ Energy range is set to 490 ~ 510 (keV).
Example 2 :
[e1] = 985 (keV), [e2] = 1000 (keV) ⇒ Energy range is set to 985 ~ 1000 (keV).

central energy  [e0] (keV)
energy range from center [er] (keV)
lower boundary  [e1] (keV)
upper boundary  [e2] (keV)
[Option 1: number of γ-rays to show]
three γ-rays with the strongest intensity
all γ-rays
[Option 2: γ-ray summed-up energies]
Add γ-ray table with energies summed up.

Copyright © 1995-2016, Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Nuclear Data Center
Tokai-mura, Naka-gun, Ibaraki-ken, 319-1195, Japan