5-B - 11

  5-B - 11 JAERI      EVAL-MAY88 T.FUKAHORI                       
JAERI-M 89-046        DIST-MAY10                       20090831   
----JENDL-4.0         MATERIAL  528                               
-----INCIDENT NEUTRON DATA                                        
------ENDF-6 FORMAT                                               
87-03  Newly evaluated by T.Fukahori (jaeri)                      
88-05  Revised by T.Fukahori (jaeri)                              
       (n,d),(n,nd),(n,t),(n,nt) and (n,n2a) added                
01-07  Total cross section was revised above 14 MeV.              
       Compiled by K.Shibata for JENDL-3.3.                       
       *****  modified parts for JENDL-3.3  **********************
       (1,451)       Updated.                                     
       (3,1)         Revised above 14 MeV.                        
       (3,2)         Re-calculated.                               
       (3,251)       Deleted.                                     
       (4,2)         Transformation matrix deleted.               
       (5,16-91)     INT=22                                       
       (33,1-102)    Taken from JENDL-3.2 covariance file.        
09-08  Photon multiplicities were revised for MF/MT=12/102.       
mf=1          General information                                 
  mt=451    Descriptive data and dictionary                       
mf=2          Resonance parameters                                
  mt=151    Only scattering radius is given.                      
mf=3          Cross sections                                      
  2200 m/sec cross sections and resonance integrals               
                        2200 m/sec        res. integ.             
            total         5.050 b             -                   
            elastic       5.045 b             -                   
            capture       5.075 mb          2.542 mb              
  mt=1      Total cross section                                   
        Below 1 MeV, calculated with the multi-level Breit-Wigner 
        formula and the resonance parameters taken from ref. /1/. 
        In the range of 1 to 4 MeV, based on the R-matrix         
        calculation which was performed by using Koehler et al.'s 
        parameters /2/. Above 4 MeV, smooth curve was obtained by 
        fitting to the experimental data of Auchampaugh et al./3/.
        ******  JENDL-3.3 ****************************************
        Above 14 MeV, the optical model calculations were performe
        using the parameter set of Glendinning et al./12/         
        The calculated values were normalized to the JENDL-3.2    
        value at 14 MeV.                                          
  mt=2      Elastic scattering cross section                      
        Below 1 MeV based on the multi-level Breit-Wigner formula.
        In the range of 1 to 2.2 MeV, the R-matrix calculation was
        adopted. Above 2.2 MeV, the cross section was obtained by 
        subtracting the reaction cross sections from the total    
        cross section.                                            
  mt=4      Total inelastic scattering cross section              
        sum of mt=51-57 and 91.                                   
  mt=16     (n,2n)B-10 cross section                              
        Calculated with gnash /4/. The optical potential          
        parameters, the level density parameters and the level    
        scheme are shown in Tables 1-3, respectively.             
  mt=22     (n,n'alpha)Li-7 cross section                         
        Calculated with gnash. The optical potential parameters,  
        the level density parameters and the level scheme are     
        shown in Tables 1-3, respectively.                        
  mt=28     (n,n'p)Be-10 cross section                            
        Based on the gnash calculation. The parameters used are   
        listed in Tables 1-3.                                     
  mt=29     (n,n'2alpha)t cross section                           
        Based on (n,n't) cross section of the gnash calculation   
        and normalized to he production cross section of Kneff    
        et al. /5/.                                               
  mt=32     (n,n'd)Be-9 cross section                             
        Based on the gnash calculation. The parameters used are   
        listed in Tables 1-3.                                     
  mt=33     (n,n't)Be-8 cross section                             
        Based on the gnash calculation. The parameters used are   
        listed in Tables 1-3.                                     
  mt=51     Inelastic scattering                                  
        The R-matrix calculation with Koehler et al.'s parameters 
        was adopted below 7 MeV. Above 7 mev, the gnash and DWBA  
        calculations were performed. The sum of both results      
        was adopted, and normalized to the experimental data of   
        Koehler et al. /2/ and Glendinning et al. /6/.            
  mt=52,53  Inelastic scattering                                  
        Below 7 MeV, based on the R-matrix calculation with       
        the searched parameters. Above 7 MeV, the sum of the gnash
        and DWBA calculations was adopted, and fitted to the      
        experimental data of Glendinning et al..                  
  mt=54-57  Inelastic scattering                                  
        The sum of results of the gnash and DWBA calculations was 
        normalized to be the result of Oktavian's ddx data /7/.   
  mt=91     Continuum inelastic scattering                        
        Above 7.2 MeV, continuum levels were adopted.             
        Based on the gnash calculation.                           
  mt=102    Capture cross section                                 
        Calculated from the multi-level Breit-Wigner formula.     
        The direct capture /1/ is also considered.                
  mt=103    (n,p)Be-11 cross section                              
        Based on the gnash calculation with being normalized to   
        the experimental data of Stepancic et al. /8/. The        
        parameters used are shown in Tables 1-3, respectively.    
  mt=104    (n,d)Be-10 cross section                              
        Based on the gnash calculation.                           
  mt=105    (n,t)Be-9 cross section                               
        Based on the gnash calculation.                           
  mt=107    (n,alpha)Li-8 cross section                           
        The gnash calculation was performed, and normalized to the
        experimental data of Antolkovic et al. /9/ and            
        Scobel et al. /10/. The parameters used are shown in      
        Tables 1-3, respectively.                                 
mf=4           Angular distributions of secondary neutrons        
        The R-matrix and DWBA calculations were adopted below     
        8 MeV and above 8 MeV, respectively.                      
        Assumed to be isotropic in the center of mass system.     
        Below 8 MeV based on R-matrix calculation. Above 8 MeV,   
        based on the DWBA and the gnash calculations.             
        Based on the DWBA and the gnash calculations.             
mf=5          Energy distributions of secondary neutrons          
        Based on the gnash calculation.                           
mf=12-15      Gamma-ray data                                      
        Based on the gnash calculation.                           
mf=33         Covariances of cross sections (ref. 19)             
        Based on experimental data.  A chi-value was 6.212.       
        Constructed from mt=1 and 102.                            
        Based on experimental data.  A chi-value was 1.406.       
         Table 1   The optical potential parameters               
 neutron  V = 41.8-0.005E MeV*  r0= 1.40 fm   a0= 0.35 fm  ref.12 
          Ws= 1.01E       MeV*  ri= 1.15 fm*  ai= 0.50 fm         
 proton   V = 66.1-0.273E MeV   r0= 1.15 fm   a0= 0.57 fm  ref.13 
          Ws= 1.50+0.581E MeV   ri= 1.15 fm   ai= 0.5  fm         
          Vsym = 5.5      MeV   r0= 1.15 fm   a0= 0.57 fm         
 deuteron V = 80.0        MeV*  r0= 1.0  fm*  a0= 1.0  fm* ref.14 
          Wv= 30.0        MeV   ri= 1.0  fm*  ai= 0.8  fm*        
          Vsym = 6.0      MeV*  r0= 1.0  fm*  a0= 1.0  fm*        
 triton   V = 103.0+20.0E MeV*  r0= 0.85 fm   a0= 0.70 fm  ref.15 
          Wv= 1.49E       MeV*  ri= 2.06 fm   ai= 0.72 fm         
          Vsym = 8.55     MeV*  r0= 0.85 fm   a0= 0.70 fm         
 alpha    V = 285.2-2.40E MeV*  r0= 1.61 fm*  a0= 0.55 fm* ref.16 
          Ws= 16.16-0.70E MeV*  ri= 1.81 fm   ai= 0.65 fm         
  note : E is incident neutron energy in lab. system.             
         * means that parameter is modified from original one.    
             Table 2   The level density parameters               
              a(1/MeV)       t(MeV)         pair.(MeV)            
  B-10         1.196          7.990            0.0                
  B-11         1.431          6.112            2.67               
  B-12         1.491          6.201            0.0                
  Be-8         1.115          9.187            5.13               
  Be-9         1.125          8.248            2.46               
  Be-10        1.088         10.029            5.13               
  Be-11        1.419          7.277            2.46               
  Li-7         1.138          7.197            2.67               
  Li-8         1.115          8.170            0.0                
Table 3  The level scheme (energy(MeV), spin and parity) /17-18/  
       B-10      B-11     Be-10     Be-11       Li-7      Li-8    
 gs  0.0   3+ 0.0   3/2- 0.0   0+ 0.0   1/2+ 0.0   3/2- 0.0   2+  
  1  0.718 1+ 2.125 1/2- 3.368 2+ 0.320 1/2- 0.478 1/2- 0.981 1+  
  2  1.740 0+ 4.445 5/2- 5.958 2+            4.630 7/2-           
  3  2.154 1+ 5.020 3/2- 5.960 1-            6.680 5/2-           
  4  3.587 2+ 6.743 7/2- 6.179 0+            7.460 5/2-           
  5  4.774 3+ 6.792 1/2+ 6.263 2-            9.670 7/2-           
  6  5.110 2- 9.120 7/2+ 7.371 3-            9.850 3/2-           
  7  5.164 2+ 10.60 7/2+ 7.452 2+           11.240 3/2-           
  8  5.180 1+            9.270 4-                                 
  9  5.926 2+            9.400 2+                                 
 10  6.025 4+                                                     
 11  6.127 3-                                                     
 12  6.561 4-                                                     
 13  6.873 1-                                                     
 14  7.002 2+                                                     
 15  7.430 2-                                                     
 16  7.467 1+                                                     
 17  7.479 2+                                                     
 18  7.561 0+                                                     
 19  7.670 1+                                                     
 20  7.819 1-                                                     
 21  8.070 2+                                                     
 22  8.700 2+                                                     
 23  8.889 3-                                                     
 24  8.895 2+                                                     
  1) Mughabghab S.F. et al. : 'Neutron Cross Sections' Vol.1      
    Part A (academic press 1981, new york)                        
  2) Koehler P.E. et al.: Nucl. Phys. A394 (1983) 221             
  3) Auchampaugh G.F. et al.: Nucl. Sci. Eng. 69 (1979) 30        
  4) Young P.G. et al.: GNASH, a preequilibrium,statistical       
    nuclear-model code for calculation of cross section and       
    emission spectra, LA-6947 (1977).                             
  5) Kneff D.W. et al.: Nucl. Sci. Eng. 92 (1986) 491             
  6) Glendinning S.G. et al.: Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 24 (1979) 656  
  7) Takahashi A. et al.: INDC(JPN)-103/L (1986)                  
  8) Stepancic B.Z. et al.: Bull. Inst. Boris Kidric 17 (1966) 237
  9) Antolkovic B. et al.: Nucl. Phys. A325 (1979) 189            
 10) Scobel W. et al.: Zeitschrift f. Naturforschung, Section A   
    25 (1970) 1406                                                
 11) Cookson J.A. et al.: Nucl. Phys. A146 (1970) 417             
 12) Glendinning S.G. et al.: Nucl. Sci. Eng. 80 (1982) 256       
 13) Watson B.A. et al.: Phys. Rev. 182 (1969) 977                
 14) Miljanic D. et al.: Nucl. Phys. A176 (1971) 110              
 15) Herling G.H. et al.: Phys. Rev. 178 (1969) 178               
 16) Matsuki S. et al.: J. Phys. Soc. Japan 26 (1969) 1344        
 17) Ajzenberg-Selove F. : Nucl. Phys. A413 (1984) 1              
 18) Ajzenberg-Selove F. : ibid. A433 (1985) 1                    
 19) Shibata K. et al.: JAERI-Research 98-045 (1998).