27-Co- 59

 27-Co- 59 KHI        EVAL-AUG88 T.WATANABE                       
                      DIST-MAY10                       20100115   
----JENDL-4.0         MATERIAL 2725                               
-----INCIDENT NEUTRON DATA                                        
------ENDF-6 FORMAT                                               
88-08 Newly evaluated by T.Watanabe                               
                          (Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd.)       
94-04 JENDL-3.2.                                                  
       Gamma prodction data evaluated by T.Asami (data eng.)      
       Other data were mainly adopted from JENDL fusion file.     
      Compiled by T.Nakagawa                                      
94-05 JENDL fusion file /1/                                       
95-02 Gamma-ray production data were taken from JENDL-3.2.        
96-10 Ddx's of charged particles were corrected.                  
      Comments modified by S. Chiba                               
01-08 JENDL-3.3 modified and compiled  by T.Watanabe.             
02-01 Covariances were estimated by T.Watanabe.                   
*****   modified parts of JENDL-3.3 from previous version  ****   
      (2,151)      New evaluation R-M formulas                    
      (3,1)        New evaluation                                 
      (3,2)        Re-calcualted                                  
      (3,203-207)  Calculated                                     
      (3,251)      Deleted.                                       
      (3,16)       Adopted from JENDL activation file             
      (3,102)      En>1.5MeV d/sd capture was taken into account  
      (4,2)        Transformation matrix deleted.                 
      (4,16-91)    Deleted                                        
      (5,16-91)    Deleted                                        
      (6,16-91)    Taken from JENDL fusion file                   
      (12,102)     New evaluation                                 
      (15,102)     New evaluation                                 
******* modified parts for JENDL-ff   *************************   
      (3,4), (3,51-70), (4,16-70)                                 
      (3,2)  to compensate the above cross section changes        
      Gamma-ray production data: new evaluation                   
      JENDL fusion file /1/  (as of Nov. 1993)                    
            Evaluated by B.Yu (ciae) and S.Chiba (ndc/jaeri)      
            Compiled  by B.Yu    .                                
         Cross sections were mainly taken from JENDL-3.1 except   
      for the (n,n') (mt=51 to 91) reactions which were taken from
      new calculation with sincros-ii/2/.  Energy distributions   
      for mt=16, 22, 28 and 91 were replaced by the sincros-ii    
      calculation.  Ddx (mf=6) were created with f15tob program   
      /1/ in which modified Kumabe's systematics /3/ was used     
      for outgoing neutrons.   Ddx of p, d and alpha were         
      newly created with mt=203, 204 and 207.                     
      The ratio of precompound to compound was taken from the     
      sincros-ii calculation.  Optical-model, level density and   
      other parameters used in the sincros-ii calculation are     
      described in ref./2/.  Level schemes were determined on the 
      basis of ENSDF/4/.                                          
      JENDL fusion file (feb. 1995)                               
        Capture cross section and photon production data were     
        taken from JENDL-3.2.                                     
10-01 For JENDL-4.0, the total cross section was recalcualted from
      partial cross sections.                                     
      ***** Modified parts for JENDL-4.0 *************************
      (1,451)    Revised.  A Japanese character was removed.      
      (3,1)      Re-calculated                                    
mf=1    General information                                       
  mt=451   Descriptive data and dictionary                        
  mt=151   Resonance parameters            : 1.0e-5 eV - 100 keV  
           Resolved resonances for Reich-Moore formula:           
           Parameters were evaluated based on experimental data   
           /5,6,7,9/ and modified to reproduce experimental total 
           cross sections. Negative energy levels were added to   
           reproduce 2200 m/s total and capture cross sections.   
        calculated 2200 m/s cross sections and resonance integrals
                        2200 m/sec        res. integ.             
            elastic        6.02 b             -                   
            capture       37.20 b           75.8 b                
            total         43.22 b             -                   
mf=3    Neutron cross sections                    : above 100 keV 
  mt=1   Total                                                    
    Up to 5 MeV, based on experimental data /8,9,11/.             
    Above 5 MeV, total cross section was averaged values of       
    ref.9 and 11.                                                 
  mt=2   Elastc scattering                                        
    total cross section - sum of partial cross sections           
  mt= 4, 51 - 70, 91  Inelastic scattering                        
    Calculated for JENDL fusion file.  The level scheme was taken 
    from ref./4/  contributions of the direct process was         
    calculated for the levels marked with '*'.                    
           no.      energy(MeV)    spin-parity (direct process)   
           g.s        0.0            7/2-                         
            1         1.0993         3/2-          *              
            2         1.1905         9/2-          *              
            3         1.2920         3/2-          *              
            4         1.4343         1/2-                         
            5         1.4595        11/2-          *              
            6         1.4820         5/2-          *              
            7         1.7450         7/2-          *              
            8         2.0630         5/2-          *              
            9         2.0880         7/2-          *              
           10         2.1460         7/2-                         
           11         2.1533        15/2-                         
           12         2.183          5/2-                         
           13         2.205          5/2-          *              
           14         2.3971         9/2-                         
           15         2.479          7/2-                         
           16         2.537          9/2-                         
           17         2.5405         3/2-                         
           18         2.5816         9/2+                         
           19         2.584          5/2-                         
           20         4.0            5/2-          *              
      Levels above 2.584 MeV were assumed to be overlapping.      
  mt=16  (n,2n)                                                   
    Based on experimental data /12,13,14,15/ and Yamamuro's       
    theoretical calculations /16/. Modified slightly to reproduce 
    acitivation exp. at FNS. Same as JENDL activation file.       
  mt=22,28,104 (n,n alpha),(n,np),(n,d)                           
    Yamamuro's evaluation was adopted /16/.                       
  mt=102  capture                                                 
    Statistical model calculation with casthy code /10/ was       
    performed. Above 1.5 MeV, semidirect capture cross section    
    was calculated with gnash-95/27/ and added.                   
    The spherical optical potential parameters were evaluated to  
    reproduce experimental total cross sections /8,11/.           
           V = 49.65 - 0.114*En MeV  r0= 1.241 fm  a0= 0.533 fm   
           Ws= 8.625-0.05306*En MeV  rs= 1.421 fm  b = 0.292 fm   
           Vso= 7.724 MeV            rso=1.151 fm  aso=0.7   fm   
  mt=103 (n,p)                                                    
    Based on experimental data /12,20,21,22/.                     
  mt=107 (n,alpha)                                                
    JENDL-2 data were adopted with slight modification based on   
    evain's evaluation /23/ and experimental data /12,24/.        
  mt=203  Total proton production                                 
    sum of mt=28 and 103.                                         
  mt=204  Total deuteron production                               
    Equal to mt=104.                                              
  mt=207  Total alpha production                                  
    Sum of mt=22 and 107.                                         
mf=4    Angular distributions of secondary neutrons               
    Optical model calculation.                                    
    Calculated for JENDL fusion file with dwba and                
    statistical model.                                            
mf=6    Energy-angle distributions of secondary particles         
    Based on modified Kumabe's systematics/1/.                    
    Based on Kalbach's systematics/25/.                           
mf=12   Gamma-ray production mutiplicities and transition         
    Multiplicities were calculated with gnash /26/                
    Transition probabilities were given.                          
    From energy balance.                                          
mf=14   Gamma-ray angular distributions                           
    Isotropic distributions were assumed.                         
mf=15   Gamma-ray energy distributions                            
    Calculated with gnash /26/                                    
    Calculated with casthy /10/ at thermal energy and with gnash  
    above 100 keV.                                                
    Above 1.5 MeV, semidirect capture cross section was calculated
    with gnash-95/27/ and added.                                  
    Experiemental data /31/ were inserted at 22.5, 54.5 and 550   
mf=33   Covariances of cross sections                             
  mt=1, 2, 16, 102, 103, 107                                      
    Based on experimental data.                                   
 1) Chiba, S. et al.: JAERI-M 92-027, p.35 (1992).                
 2) Yamamuro, N.: JAERI-M 90-006 (1990).                          
 3) Kumabe, I. et al.: Nucl. Sci. Eng., 104, 280 (1990).          
 4) ENSDF: Evaluated Nuclear Structure Data File, BNL/NNDC.       
 5) Garg J.B. et al.: Nucl. Sci. Eng. 65,76 (1978).               
 6) Spencer R.R. and Macklin, R.L.: Nucl.Sci.Eng. 61,346 (1976).  
 7) Mughabghab S.F. et al.:"Neutron Cross Sections Vol.1 Part A", 
    Academic Press (1981).                                        
 8) Foster,Jr. D.G. and Glasgow D.W.: Phys. Rev. C3, 576 (1973).  
 9) De Saussure, G. et al.: Annals of Nuclear Energy Vol.19,      
10) Igarasi S. and Fukahori T.: JAERI 1321 (1991).                
11) Cierjacks S.: kfk-1000 (1969).                                
12) Ikeda Y. et al.: JAERI 1312 (1988).                           
13) Hasan S.J. et al.: Proc. Int. Conf. Nuclear Data for Basic    
    and Applied Science, Santa Fe, 1985, p.155 (1986).            
14) Huang Jian-Zhou et al.: Chinese Nucl. Phys. 3,59 (1981).      
15) Veeser L.R. et al.: Phys. Rev. C16, 1792 (1977).              
16) Yamamuro N.: Private communication.                           
17) Paulsen A.: Z. Phys. 205, 226 (1967).                         
18) Rigaud F. et al.: Nucl. Phys. A273, 551 (1971).               
19) Budnar M. et al.: INDC(YUG)-6 (1979).                         
20) Smith D.L. et al.: Nucl. Sci. Eng. 58, 314 (1975).            
21) Williams J.R. and Alford, W.L.: Proc. Int. Conf. Nuclear Data 
    for Basic and Applied Science, Santa Fe, 1985, p.215 (1986).  
22) Hasan S.J. et al.: J. Phys. G12, 397 (1986).                  
23) Evain B.P. et al.: ANL/NDM-89 (1985).                         
24) Meadows J.W. et al.: Ann. Nucl. Energy 14, 603 (1987).        
25) Kalbach C. : Phys. Rev. C37, 2350(1988).                      
26) Young P.G. and Arthur E.D.: LA-6974 (1977).                   
29) Young P.G. et al.:FLA-12343-MS(1992).                         
30) Poenitz W.P.: BNL-NCS-51363(1981).                            
31) Igashira M.: Private communication (1999).