24-Cr- 53

 24-CR- 53 NEDAC      EVAL-MAR87 T.ASAMI(NEDAC)                   
                      DIST-MAR02 REV3-DEC01            20011226   
----JENDL-3.3         MATERIAL 2434                               
-----INCIDENT NEUTRON DATA                                        
------ENDF-6 FORMAT                                               
87-03  New evaluation was made for JENDL-3                        
88-12  mf/mt=3/107 modified.                                      
93-09  JENDL-3.2.                                                 
       Compiled by T.Nakagawa (ndc/jaeri)                         
00-03  Reevaluation was made by T.Asami.                          
01-11  Compiled by K.Shibata (ndc/jaeri)                          
     *****   modified parts for JENDL-3.3   ********************  
      (2,151)              revised                                
      (3,2)                re-calculated                          
      (3,28,102,103,107)   revised                                
      (3,104,105,106,111,203,207)  evaluated newly                
      (3,251)              deleted                                
      (4,2)                transformation matrix deleted          
      (4,16,22,28,91)      deleted                                
      (5,16,22,28,91)      deleted                                
      (6,16,22,28,91)      taken from JENDL fusion file           
      (6,203, 207)         taken from JENDL fusion file           
      (12,16-107)          evaluated newly                        
      (14,16-107)          isotropic distributions                
      (15,16-107)          evaluated newly                        
mf=1  General information                                         
 mt=451  Descriptive data and dictionary                          
mf=2  Resonance parameters                                        
 mt=151  Resolved resonance parameters                            
   Resolved parameters for Reich-Moore formula were given in the  
   energy region from 1.0e-5 eV to 245 keV. Evaluated based on the
   experimental data of Stieglitz+71/4/, Beer+74/5/, Allen+77/6/, 
   Kenny+77/7/, Brusegan+86/8/ and Mueller+71/9/.  Effective      
   scattering radius = 5.4 fm/10/.                                
    calculated 2200 m/s cross sections and resonance integral.    
            2200 m/s cross section(b)     res. integral(b)        
    elastic      8.46                                             
    capture     17.6                           8.35               
    total       26.0                                              
mf=3  Neutron cross sections                                      
   Below 245 keV, no background cross section was given.          
   Above 245 keV, the total and partial cross sections were given 
 mt=1 Total                                                       
    Below 245 keV, created from the resonance parameters          
    Above 245 keV, optical and statistical model calculation was  
    made with the casthy code/11/.                                
    The optical potential parameters used are                     
      v = 46.78 - 0.262*En,    Vso = 7.0    (MeV)                 
     Ws = 4.87 + 0.352*En,      Wv = 0      (MeV)                 
      r = 1.30,  rs = 1.40,  rso = 1.30     (fm)                  
      a = 0.55,   b = 0.40,  aso = 0.48     (fm)                  
       Surface imaginary part is in derivative Woods-Saxon form.  
 mt=2 Elastic scattering                                          
    Obtained by subtracting the sum of the partial cross sections 
    from the total cross section.                                 
 mt=4, 51-63, 91 Inelastic scattering                             
    Calculated with the casthy code/11/, taking account of the    
    contribution from the competing processes and using the       
    discrete level data/3/ shown below.  The contributions from   
    the direct process for the levels marked with '*' were        
    calculated with the dwuck code/12/. The deformation parame-   
    ters used in the calculation were assumed based on a weak     
    coupling model.                                               
              level energy(MeV)   spin-parity                     
        g.s.      0.0                3/2-                         
          1       0.5640             1/2-       *                 
          2       1.0063             5/2-       *                 
          3       1.2895             7/2-       *                 
          4       1.5366             7/2-       *                 
          5       1.9736             5/2-       *                 
          6       2.1724            11/2-                         
          7       2.2330             9/2-                         
          8       2.3208             3/2-                         
          9       2.4531             3/2-                         
         10       2.6570             5/2-                         
         11       2.6695             1/2-                         
         12       2.7065            13/2-                         
         13       2.7080             3/2-                         
         14       2.7720             5/2-                         
         15       2.8266            11/2-                         
         16       2.9930             7/2-                         
         17       3.0841            15/2-                         
         18       3.0930             5/2-                         
         19       3.1380             5/2-                         
         20       3.1793             3/2-                         
         21       3.2439            11/2-                         
         22       3.2610             5/2-                         
  The calculated data for the inelastic scattering were finally   
  lumped for the convenieince on the construction of the element  
  data as follows:                                                
       mt no.    level energy(MeV)  lumping                       
         51         0.5640            1                           
         52         1.0063            2                           
         53         1.2895            3                           
         54         1.5366            4                           
         55         1.9736            5                           
         56         2.1724            6                           
         57         2.2330            7                           
         58         2.3208            8                           
         59         2.4531            9                           
         60         2.6695          10-13                         
         61         2.7720           14                           
         62         2.8266           15                           
         63         2.9930           16                           
         91         3.0500         over 17                        
       Levels above 3.05 MeV were assumed to be overlapping.      
 mt=16       (n,2n)                                               
    Calculated with the gnash code/13/.                           
 mt=22       (n,na)                                               
    Calculated with the gnash code/13/ and normalized.            
 mt=28       (n,np)                                               
    Obtained from from the sincros-ii calculation made with the   
    with the egnash code/2/.                                      
 mt=102      capture                                              
    Below 245 keV, created from the resonance parameters          
    Above 245 keV, calculated with the casthy code/11/ and        
    normalized at 50 keV to reproduce the element data of 10 mb,  
    and added the semidirect component calculated with the quick  
    gnash code/18,19/.                                            
 mt=103      (n,p)                                                
    Below 9 MeV, evaluated based on the experimental data of      
    Smith/14/.  Above 9 MeV, calculated with the gnash code/13/   
    and normalized so as to be connected with Smith's experimental
 mt=104,105,106    (n,d), (n,t), (n,He-3)                         
    Obtained from from the sincros-ii calculation made with the   
    the egnash code/2/.                                           
 mt=107      (n,a)                                                
    Calculated with the egnash code/2/ to reproduce Dolja's       
    experimental data at 14.7 MeV /15/.                           
 mt=111     (n,2p)                                                
    obtained from from the sincros-ii calculation made with the   
    the egnash code/2/.                                           
mf=4  Angular distributions of secondary neutrons                 
 mt=2   Elastic scattering                                        
    Calculated with the casthy code/11/.                          
 mt=51-63   Inelastic scattering                                  
    Calculated with the casthy code and the dwuck code/12/.       
mf=6  Energy-angle distributions of secondary particles           
 mt=16, 22, 28, 91                                                
    Based on modified Kumabe's systematics/1/.                    
 mt=203, 207                                                      
    Based on kalbach's 1988 systematics/16/.                      
mf=12  Photon production multiplicities and transition probability
 mt=16, 22, 28, 51-62, 91,103, 104, 107                           
       mt=51-16 were given as the transition probability arrays.  
     mt=16, 22, 28, 91, 102, 103, 104, 107 were calculated with   
     the egnash code/2/ and processed by the gamfil2 code/17/.    
     mt=102 was calculated with the casthy code/10/.              
mf=14  Photon angular distributions                               
 mt=16, 22, 28, 51-62, 91, 102, 103, 104, 107                     
       Assumed to be isotropic distributions                      
mf=15  Continuous photon energy spectra                           
 mt=16, 22, 28, 91, 103, 104, 107                                 
     Calculated with the egnash code/2/.                          
     Calculated with the casthy code/10/.                         
 1) Chiba S. et al.: JAERI-M 92-027, p.35 (1992).                 
 2) Yamamuro N.: JAERI-M 90-006 (1990).                           
 3) ENSDF: Evaluated Nuclear Structure Data File, BNL/NNDC.       
 4) Stiegliz R.G. et al.: Nucl. Phys. A163, 592 (1971).           
 5) Beer H. and Spencer R.P.: KfK-2063 (1974), also Nucl.  Phys.  
    A240, 29 (1975).                                              
 6) Allen B.J. and Musgrove A.R.de L.: Neutron Data of Structural 
    Materials for FBR, 1977 Geel meeting, p.447, Pergamon Press   
 7) Kenny M.J. et al.: AAEC/E-400 (1977).                         
 8) Brusegan A. et al.: 85 Santa Fe Vol.1 p.633 (1986).           
 9) Mueller K.N. et al.: Nucl. Phys. A164, 97 (1971).             
10) Mughabghab S.F. et al.: "Neutron Cross Sections", Vol.1,      
    Part A (1981).                                                
11) Igarasi S. and Fukahori T.: JAERI 1321 (1991).                
12) Kunz P.D.: Unpublished.                                       
13) Young P.G. and Arthur E.D.: LA-6947 (1977).                   
14) Smith D.L. et al.: Nucl. Sci. Eng. 78, 420 (1981).            
15) Dolja G.D. et al.: 1973 Kiev Conf. Vol.3, 131 (1973).         
16) Kalbach C. : Phys. Rev. C37, 2350(1988).                      
17) Hida K.: JAERI-M 86-150 (1986) (in Japanese).                 
18) Young P.G. et al. : LA-12343-MS (1992).                       
19) Koning A.J. and Delaroche J.P. : ECN-RX-98-015 (1998).