
 55-Cs-136 JAEA       EVAL-Apr09 N.Iwamoto                        
                      DIST-MAY10                       20100119   
----JENDL-4.0         MATERIAL 5534                               
-----INCIDENT NEUTRON DATA                                        
------ENDF-6 FORMAT                                               
09-04 The data above the resolved resonance region were evaluated 
      and compiled by N.Iwamoto.                                  
MF= 1 General information                                         
  MT=451 Descriptive data and directory                           
MF= 2  Resonance parameters                                       
  MT=151 Resolved and unresolved resonance parameters             
    No resolved resonance parameters                              
    Unresolved resonance region : 29 eV - 100 keV                 
      The unresolved resonance paramters (URP) were determined by 
      ASREP code /1/ so as to reproduce the evaluated total and   
      capture cross sections calculated with optical model code   
      OPTMAN /2/ and CCONE /3/. The unresolved parameters         
      should be used only for self-shielding calculation.         
      Thermal cross sections and resonance integrals at 300 K     
                       0.0253 eV           res. integ. (*)        
                        (barn)               (barn)               
       Total           1.6546e+01                                 
       Elastic         3.5133e+00                                 
       n,gamma         1.3005e+01           4.2949e+01            
       n,alpha         4.4146e-09                                 
         (*) Integrated from 0.5 eV to 10 MeV.                    
MF= 3 Neutron cross sections                                      
  MT=  1 Total cross section                                      
    Sum of partial cross sections.                                
  MT=  2 Elastic scattering cross section                         
    Obtained by subtracting non-elastic scattering cross sections 
      from total cross section.                                   
  MT=  4 (n,n') cross section                                     
    Calculated with CCONE code /3/.                               
  MT= 16 (n,2n) cross section                                     
    Calculated with CCONE code /3/.                               
  MT= 17 (n,3n) cross section                                     
    Calculated with CCONE code /3/.                               
  MT= 22 (n,na) cross section                                     
    Calculated with CCONE code /3/.                               
  MT= 24 (n,2na) cross section                                    
    Calculated with CCONE code /3/.                               
  MT= 28 (n,np) cross section                                     
    Calculated with CCONE code /3/.                               
  MT= 29 (n,n2a) cross section                                    
    Calculated with CCONE code /3/.                               
  MT= 30 (n,2n2a) cross section                                   
    Calculated with CCONE code /3/.                               
  MT= 32 (n,nd) cross section                                     
    Calculated with CCONE code /3/.                               
  MT= 33 (n,nt) cross section                                     
    Calculated with CCONE code /3/.                               
  MT= 34 (n,nHe3) cross section                                   
    Calculated with CCONE code /3/.                               
  MT= 41 (n,2np) cross section                                    
    Calculated with CCONE code /3/.                               
  MT= 44 (n,n2p) cross section                                    
    Calculated with CCONE code /3/.                               
  MT= 45 (n,npa) cross section                                    
    Calculated with CCONE code /3/.                               
  MT=102 Capture cross section                                    
    Calculated with CCONE code /3/.                               
  MT=103 (n,p) cross section                                      
    Calculated with CCONE code /3/.                               
  MT=104 (n,d) cross section                                      
    Calculated with CCONE code /3/.                               
  MT=105 (n,t) cross section                                      
    Calculated with CCONE code /3/.                               
  MT=106 (n,He3) cross section                                    
    Calculated with CCONE code /3/.                               
  MT=107 (n,a) cross section                                      
    Calculated with CCONE code /3/.                               
  MT=108 (n,2a) cross section                                     
    Calculated with CCONE code /3/.                               
  MT=111 (n,2p) cross section                                     
    Calculated with CCONE code /3/.                               
  MT=112 (n,pa) cross section                                     
    Calculated with CCONE code /3/.                               
  MT=115 (n,pd) cross section                                     
    Calculated with CCONE code /3/.                               
  MT=116 (n,pt) cross section                                     
    Calculated with CCONE code /3/.                               
  MT=117 (n,da) cross section                                     
    Calculated with CCONE code /3/.                               
MF= 4 Angular distributions of emitted neutrons                   
  MT=  2 Elastic scattering                                       
    Calculated with CCONE code /3/.                               
MF= 6 Energy-angle distributions of emitted particles             
  MT= 16 (n,2n) reaction                                          
    Calculated with CCONE code /3/.                               
  MT= 17 (n,3n) reaction                                          
    Calculated with CCONE code /3/.                               
  MT= 22 (n,na) reaction                                          
    Calculated with CCONE code /3/.                               
  MT= 24 (n,2na) reaction                                         
    Calculated with CCONE code /3/.                               
  MT= 28 (n,np) reaction                                          
    Calculated with CCONE code /3/.                               
  MT= 29 (n,n2a) reaction                                         
    Calculated with CCONE code /3/.                               
  MT= 30 (n,2n2a) reaction                                        
    Calculated with CCONE code /3/.                               
  MT= 32 (n,nd) reaction                                          
    Calculated with CCONE code /3/.                               
  MT= 33 (n,nt) reaction                                          
    Calculated with CCONE code /3/.                               
  MT= 34 (n,nHe3) reaction                                        
    Calculated with CCONE code /3/.                               
  MT= 41 (n,2np) reaction                                         
    Calculated with CCONE code /3/.                               
  MT= 44 (n,n2p) reaction                                         
    Calculated with CCONE code /3/.                               
  MT= 45 (n,npa) reaction                                         
    Calculated with CCONE code /3/.                               
  MT=102 Capture reaction                                         
    Calculated with CCONE code /3/.                               
       Nuclear Model Calculation with CCONE code /3/              
  Models and parameters used in the CCONE calculation             
  1) Optical model                                                
    * optical model potential                                     
      neutron  omp: Kunieda,S. et al./4/ (+)                      
      proton   omp: Koning,A.J. and Delaroche,J.P./5/             
      deuteron omp: Lohr,J.M. and Haeberli,W./6/                  
      triton   omp: Becchetti Jr.,F.D. and Greenlees,G.W./7/      
      He3      omp: Becchetti Jr.,F.D. and Greenlees,G.W./7/      
      alpha    omp: McFadden,L. and Satchler,G.R./8/              
      (+) omp parameters were modified.                           
  2) Two-component exciton model/9/                               
    * Global parametrization of Koning-Duijvestijn/10/            
      was used.                                                   
    * Gamma emission channel/11/ was added to simulate direct     
      and semi-direct capture reaction.                           
  3) Hauser-Feshbach statistical model                            
    * Width fluctuation correction/12/ was applied.               
    * Neutron, proton, deuteron, triton, He3, alpha and gamma     
      decay channel were taken into account.                      
    * Transmission coefficients of neutrons were taken from       
      optical model calculation.                                  
    * The level scheme of the target is shown in Table 1.         
    * Level density formula of constant temperature and Fermi-gas 
      model were used with shell energy correction/13/.           
      Parameters are shown in Table 2.                            
    * Gamma-ray strength function of generalized Lorentzian form  
      /14/,/15/ was used for E1 transition.                       
      For M1 and E2 transitions the standard Lorentzian form was  
      adopted. The prameters are shown in Table 3.                
Table 1. Level Scheme of Cs-136                                   
  No.  Ex(MeV)  J  PI                                             
   0  0.00000   5  +                                              
Table 2. Level density parameters                                 
  Nuclide      a*    Pair  Eshell       T      E0  Ematch         
            1/MeV     MeV     MeV     MeV     MeV     MeV         
   Cs-137 16.8656  1.0252 -3.8037  0.6992  0.1372  5.5205         
   Cs-136 18.0000  0.0000 -2.9176  0.6768 -1.3925  5.0000         
   Cs-135 16.6000  1.0328 -1.8144  0.6675 -0.2856  5.6078         
   Cs-134 17.0000  0.0000 -0.8946  0.7066 -2.2698  5.8956         
   Xe-136 17.3240  2.0580 -4.8277  0.7973  0.5592  8.7610         
   Xe-135 20.2000  1.0328 -3.8043  0.5665  0.4707  4.2857         
   Xe-134 17.1069  2.0733 -2.8193  0.7693 -0.1097  8.7590         
   Xe-133 18.7000  1.0405 -1.7673  0.6413 -0.6524  6.0509         
    I-135 16.3372  1.0328 -5.8723  0.8855 -0.3830  9.0941         
    I-134 16.8488  0.0000 -4.8096  0.8747 -2.2475  8.6722         
    I-133 16.1297  1.0405 -3.5913  0.8275 -1.0073  8.1906         
    I-132 16.6361  0.0000 -2.4976  0.7769 -2.2437  6.6852         
    I-131 15.9219  1.0484 -1.6425  0.7356 -0.8231  6.6968         
Table 3. Gamma-ray strength function for Cs-137                   
  * E1: ER = 15.25 (MeV) EG = 4.41 (MeV) SIG = 230.00 (mb)        
        ER =  6.20 (MeV) EG = 2.20 (MeV) SIG =   3.90 (mb)        
        ER =  2.10 (MeV) EG = 5.60 (MeV) SIG =   0.40 (mb)        
  * M1: ER =  7.95 (MeV) EG = 4.00 (MeV) SIG =   1.08 (mb)        
  * E2: ER = 12.22 (MeV) EG = 4.47 (MeV) SIG =   2.94 (mb)        
 1) Kikuchi,Y. et al.: JAERI-Data/Code 99-025 (1999)              
    [in Japanese].                                                
 2) Soukhovitski,E.Sh. et al.: JAERI-Data/Code 2005-002 (2004).   
 3) Iwamoto,O.: J. Nucl. Sci. Technol., 44, 687 (2007).           
 4) Kunieda,S. et al.: J. Nucl. Sci. Technol. 44, 838 (2007).     
 5) Koning,A.J. and Delaroche,J.P.: Nucl. Phys. A713, 231 (2003)  
    [Global potential].                                           
 6) Lohr,J.M. and Haeberli,W.: Nucl. Phys. A232, 381 (1974).      
 7) Becchetti Jr.,F.D. and Greenlees,G.W.: Ann. Rept.             
    J.H.Williams Lab., Univ. Minnesota (1969).                    
 8) McFadden,L. and Satchler,G.R.: Nucl. Phys. 84, 177 (1966).    
 9) Kalbach,C.: Phys. Rev. C33, 818 (1986).                       
10) Koning,A.J., Duijvestijn,M.C.: Nucl. Phys. A744, 15 (2004).   
11) Akkermans,J.M., Gruppelaar,H.: Phys. Lett. 157B, 95 (1985).   
12) Moldauer,P.A.: Nucl. Phys. A344, 185 (1980).                  
13) Mengoni,A. and Nakajima,Y.: J. Nucl. Sci. Technol., 31, 151   
14) Kopecky,J., Uhl,M.: Phys. Rev. C41, 1941 (1990).              
15) Kopecky,J., Uhl,M., Chrien,R.E.: Phys. Rev. C47, 312 (1990).