29-Cu- 65
29-Cu- 65 NAIG,MAPI EVAL-MAR87 N.Yamamuro,T.Kawakit
DIST-MAY10 20080724
----JENDL-4.0 MATERIAL 2931
87-03 Evaluation was performed for JENDL-3.
87-05 Compiled by K.Shibata (jaeri).
93-09 JENDL-3.2.
(3,1),(3,2),(3,102) modified by T.Nakagawa(jaeri)
(12,102),(15,102) modified by S.Igarasi(nedac)
Compiled by T.Nakagawa (ndc/jaeri)
***** Modified parts for JENDL-3.2 ********************
(2,151) Upper boundary energy changed to 50 keV
(3,1),(3,2) 50 keV - 153 keV
(3,102) 50 keV - 20 MeV
(4,16-32),(4,91) Taken from JENDL fusion file
(5,16-91) Taken from JENDL fusion file
JENDL fusion file /1/ (as of Sep. 1993)
Evaluated by B.Yu(ciae) and S.Chiba (ndc/jaeri)
Compiled by B.Yu
Cross sections were taken from JENDL-3.1. mf=6 (ddx's)
of mt=16, 22, 28, 32 and 91 were created with f15tob
program /1/. Modified Kumabe's systematics /1/ was used.
The precompound/compound ratio was calculated by the
sincros-II code system/2/.
Optical-model, level density and other parameters used
in the sincros-II calculation are described in ref./2/.
Level schemes were determined on the basis of ENSDF/3/.
00-10 Revised for JENDL-3.3 by K. Shibata (jaeri).
***** Modified parts for JENDL-3.3 ************************
(1,451) Comments modified
(3,1) Above 50 keV
(3,2) Re-calculated.
(3,203-207) Calculated.
(3,251) Deleted.
(4,2) Transformation matrix deleted.
(4,16-32),(4,91) Deleted.
(5,16-32),(5,91) Deleted.
(6,16-32),(6,91) Taken from JENDL fusion file
(6,203-207) Taken form JENDL fusion file.
08-07 Revised for JENDL-4 by K. Shibata (jaea)
***** Modified parts for JENDL-4 **************************
(1,451) Comments modified
(3,1) Between 50 keV and 1.1 MeV
(3,2) Re-calculated
(4,2) Newly calculated
mf=1 General information
mt=451 Descriptive data and dictionary
mf=2 Resonance parameters
mt=151 Resolved resonance parameters for MLBW formula
parameters were mainly taken from the work of Mughabghab
et al./4/
Resonance region : 1.0e-5 eV to 50 keV.
Upper boundary of the resonance region was changed from
153 keV of JENDL-3.1 to 50 keV because serious level
missing was found above 50 keV.
Scattering radius: 6.70 fm
Calculated 2200-m/s cross sections and res. integrals
2200-m/s res. integ.
elastic 14.073 b -
capture 2.168 b 2.22 b
total 16.242 b -
mf=3 Neutron cross sections
mt=1 Total
50 keV to 1.1 MeV: Based on the measured data of Pandey et
1.1 to 20 MeV : Least-squares fit to the experimental
data of natural element /7,6,8,9,10/.
mt=2 Elastic scattering
(total) - (reaction cross section)
mt=4,51-70,91 Inelastic scattering
Statistical model calculations were made with casthy/11/
below 3 MeV by taking account of competing processes, and
with gnash/12/ above 3 MeV including preequilibrium
effects. The direct-process component was considered for
the levels of mt=51-54,64,91 by the DWBA calculations with
dwuck/13/. The level scheme was taken from ref./14/.
no. energy(MeV) spin-parity
g.s. 0.0 3/2 -
1. 0.7706 1/2 -
2. 1.1160 5/2 -
3. 1.4820 7/2 -
4. 1.6230 5/2 -
5. 1.7250 3/2 -
6. 2.0940 7/2 -
7. 2.1070 5/2 -
8. 2.2130 1/2 -
9. 2.2780 7/2 -
10. 2.3290 3/2 -
11. 2.4070 9/2 -
12. 2.5260 9/2 +
13. 2.5330 5/2 -
14. 2.5340 7/2 +
15. 2.5930 1/2 -
16. 2.6440 9/2 -
17. 2.6500 5/2 -
18. 2.6550 5/2 -
19. 2.6690 5/2 -
20. 2.7530 9/2 +
Levels above 2.80 MeV were assumed to be overlapping.
The neutorn optical potential parameters used are as
follows/15/ (in the units of MeV and fm):
V = 51.725 - 0.447*E r0 = 1.221 a0 = 0.683
Ws = 8.44 + 0.055*E rs = 1.223 as = 0.507
(derivative Woods-Saxon form)
Vso= 8.0 rso= 1.221 aso = 0.683
mt=16,22,28,32,103,104,107 (n,2n),(n,n'a),(n,n'p),(n,n'd),(n,p)
(n,d) and (n,a) cross sections
Calculated with gnash/12/.
Optical potential parameters for proton, alpha-particles
and deuteron were as follows/16,17,18/.
V = 59.11 - 0.55*e r0 = 1.25 a0 = 0.65
Ws = 10.4 rs = 1.25 as = 0.47
Vso= 7.5 rso= 1.25 aso= 0.47
V = 164.7 r0 = 1.442 a0 = 0.52
Wv = 22.4 rv = 1.442 av = 0.52
rc = 1.30
V = 106.69 r0 = 1.05 a0 = 0.86
Ws = 13.92 rs = 1.43 as = 0.704
Vso= 7.0 rso= 0.75 aso= 0.5
rc = 1.3
mt=102 Radiative capture cross section
Below 1.505 MeV, calculation with casthy was adopted. A
value of 0.001 was employed for the gamma-ray strength
function for s-wave neutrons. Above this energy, cross
section curve was based on the experimental data/19, 20,
21/. 0.5mb was assumed at 14 MeV.
mt=203 Total proton production
Sum of mt=28 and 103.
mt=204 Total deuteron production
Sum of mt=32 and 104.
mt=207 Total alpha production
Sum of mt=22 and 107.
mf=4 Angular distributions of secondary neutrons
Calculated with POD/22/ using the coupled-channel optical
potentials obtained by Kunieda et al./23/
Calculated with casthy for equilibrium process. The
components of the direct process were added to the levels
of mt=51-54,64 by using the dwuck code /13/.
mf=6 Energy-angle distributions of secondary particles
mt=16, 22, 28, 32, 91, 203, 204, 207
Taken from JENDL fusion file.
mf=12 Photon production multiplicities
Calculated with gnash.
Transition probabilities are given.
Obtained from energy balance.
mf=14 Photon angular distributions
Assumed to be isotropic.
mf=15 Photon energy distributions
Calculated with gnash.
Calculated with casthy.
1) Chiba S. et al.: JAERI-M 92-027, p.35 (1992).
2) Yamamuro N.: JAERI-M 90-006 (1990).
3) ENSDF: Evaluated Nuclear Structure Data File, BNL/NNDC.
4) Mughabghab S.F., Divadeenam M. and Holden N.E.: "Neutron Cross
Sections, Vol. 1, Part A", Academic Press (1981).
5) Pandey M.S. et al.: Phys. Rev., C15, 600 (1977).
6) Whalen J.F. et al.: ANL-7710, 12 (1971).
7) Foster Jr., D.G. and Glasgow D.W.: Phys. Rev., C3, 576 (1971).
8) Guenther P.T., Smith D.L., Smith A.B. and Whalen J.F.: Nucl.
Phys. A448, 280 (1986).
9) Finlay R.W., Abfalterer W.P., Fink G., Moneti E., Adami T.,
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237 (1993).
10) Larson D.C.: Proc. Symp. Neutron Cross-Sections from 10 to
50 MeV, BNL-NCS-51245, p.277 (1980).
11) Igarasi S. and Fukahori T.: JAERI 1321 (1991).
12) Young P.G. and Arthur E.D.: "GNASH, A Preequilibrium,
Statistical Nuclear-Model Code for Calculation of Cross
Sections and Emission Spectra", LA-6974 (1977).
13) Kunz P.D.: Univ. Colorado (1974).
14) Ward N.J. and Tuli J.K.: Nucl. Data Sheets, 47, 135 (1986).
15) Hetrick D.M., Fu C.Y. and Larson D.C.: "Calculated Neutron-
Induced Cross Sections for Cu-63,65 from 1 to 20 MeV and
Comparisons with Experiments", ORNL/TM-9083 (1984).
16) Perey F.G.: Phys. Rev. 131, 745 (1963).
17) McFadden L. and Satchler G.R.: Nucl. Phys. 84, 177 (1966).
18) Lohr J.M. and Haeberli W.: Nucl. Phys. A232, 381 (1974).
19) Zaikin G.G. et al.: Atom. Energija, 10, 508(1961). EXFOR40248
20) Johnsrud A.E. et al.: Phys. Rev., 116, 927 (1959). EXFOR11675
21) Voignier J. et al.: Nucl. Sci. Eng., 93, 43(1986). EXFOR22006
22) Ichihara A. et al.: JAEA-Data/Code 2007-012 (2007).
23) Kunieda S. et al.: J. Nucl. Sci. Technol., 44, 838 (2007).