DIST-MAR02 REV3-SEP01 20010907
----JENDL-3.3 MATERIAL 6331
84-10 Evaluation for JENDL-2 was made by JNDC FPND W.G./1/
89-03 Evaluation for JENDL-3 was made by T.Asami(jaeri) and
90-02 A resonance at 0.457 eV was removed.
This modification was made only for mat=6303.
94-01 JENDL-3.2
Modified by T.Nakagawa (ndc/jaeri)
***** modified parts for JENDL-3.2 ********************
(2,151) 0.457-eV resonance was deleted.
After this modification, the data are
the same as mat=6303 in JENDL3.1.
(3,1)* Beloe 2 eV, 83.95-100 keV, around 10 MeV.
(3,102) Q-value was corrected.
(3,107)* Below 2 eV and Q-value corrected.
*) Modification was made only to mat=3633 in JENDL-3.1
01-07 Compiled by K.Shibata for JENDL-3.3
***** modified parts for JENDL-3.3 ***********************
(1,451) Updated.
(3,251) Deleted.
(4,2) Transformation matrix deleted.
(5,16-91) INT=22
(12,16-107) Added.
(14,16-107) Added.
(15,16-107) Added.
mf = 1 General information
mt=451 Comments and dictionary
mf = 2 Resonance parameters
mt=151 Resolved and unresolved resonance parameters
Evaluation was made by Kikuchi /2/. Neutron widths were
obtained by averaging the data of Rahn et al./3/ and Anufriev
et al./4/. Radiative capture widths were adopted from the
data measured by Rahn et al. The parameters of 1.73-, 2.46-,
3.29- and 3.94-eV levels were taken from Mughabghab /5/ so as
to reproduce the capture resonance integral of 1420 +- 100
barns recommended in ref./5/. A negative resonance was added
at -0.5 eV so as to reproduce the capture cross section of 390
+- 20 barns and the elastic scattering of 8.0 +- 0.2 barns at
0.0253 eV /6/.
Unresolved resonance region : 0.0972 keV - 100 keV
Initial values of neutron strength functions were the same as
JENDL-2 calculated with optical and statistiacl model code
casthy/7/. They were adjusted to the capture cross section
calculated with casthy for JENDL-2 which was in good agreement
with experimental data by Macklin and Young/8/. The observed
level spacing was determined to reproduce the capture cross
section at 30 keV. The effective scattering radius was
obtained from fitting to the calculated total cross section at
100 keV.
Typical values of the parameters at 70 keV:
S0 = 2.602e-4, S1 = 1.394e-4, S2 = 2.946e-4, Gg = 0.094 eV
Do = 1.489 eV, R = 6.421 fm.
calculated 2200-m/s cross sections and res. integrals (barns)
2200 m/s res. integ.
total 323.0 -
elastic 10.33 -
capture 312.7 1410
(n,alpha) 7.1e-07
mf = 3 Neutron cross sections
Below 100 keV, resonance parameters were given.
mt = 1 Total
Below 10 MeV, calculated with the casthy code/7/. The optical
potential parameters listed in Table 1 used. Above 10 MeV,
determined from the data of Foster and Glasgow/9/ for
natural Eu.
mt = 2 Elastic scattering
Calculated as (total - sum of partial cross sections).
mt = 4, 51 - 91 Inelastic scattering
Calculated with the casthy code/7/. The level scheme used in
the calculations was taken from ref./10/
no level energy(MeV) spin-parity
g.s. 0.0 5/2+
1 0.0834 7/2+
2 0.0974 5/2-
3 0.1032 3/2+
4 0.1516 7/2-
5 0.1729 5/2+
6 0.1931 9/2+
7 0.2353 9/2-
8 0.2697 7/2+
9 0.3219 11/2-
10 0.3251 11/2+
11 0.3964 9/2+
Levels above 0.400 MeV were assumed to be overlapping.
mt = 102 Capture
Calculation for JENDL-2 with casthy/7/ was adopted. The
following potential parameters were determined by Iijima et
al. /11/ to reproduce a systematic trend of the total cross
depth (MeV) radius(fm) diffuseness(fm)
---------------------- ------------ ---------------
V = 49.61 r0 = 6.7926 a0 = 0.6
Ws = 10.595 rs = 7.6483 as = 0.45
Vso= 7.0 rso= 6.8461 aso= 0.6
Parameters for the composite level density formula of Gilbert-
Cameron were evaluated as follows/12/. The coefficient of
spin cut-off parameter c1 was taken as 0.146. The energy
dependence of spin cut-off parameter in the energy range below
E-joint is due to Gruppelaar /13/.
Eu-153 Eu-154
-------- --------
pairing energy (MeV) 1.100 0.0
a (1/MeV) 27.860 22.670
spin cut-off param. 19.567 19.972
nuclear temp.(MeV) 0.455 0.432
c (1/MeV) 13.410 16.440
E-joint (MeV) 5.399 2.784
The gamma-ray strength function (= 809.e-4) was adjusted to
reproduce the experimental capture cross section of 680 milli-
barns at 250 keV measured by Macklin and Young/8/. Direct
and semi-direct capture cross sections were estimated
according to the procedure of Benzi and Reffo/14/ and
normalized to 1 milli-barn at 14 MeV.
mt=16, 17, 22, 28, 103, 107 (n,2n), (n,3n), (n,na), (n,np),
(n,p) and (n,a) cross sections
Calculated with the gnash code/15/ using the optical model
parameters in Table 2, which were determined so as to
reproduce well the total cross section measured by Foster and
Glasgow/9/ for natural Eu. The level scheme data were taken
from ref./10/. The calculated (n,p) cross section was
normalized at 14.5 MeV to an average value of the experimental
data around 14.5 MeV/16,17,18,19/.
The (n,alpha) cross section in the resonance region was
calculated from resonance parameters, by assuming a mean alpha
width of 2.0e-10 eV so as to reproduce the thermal cross
section/5/. The cross section was averaged in suitable
energy intervals. Above 97.2 eV, the cross section was
connected smoothly to the gnash calculation.
mf = 4 Angular distributions of secondary neutrons
Legendre polynomial coefficients for angular distributions are
given in the center-of-mass system for mt=2 and discrete inelas-
tic levels, and in the laboratory system for mt=91. They were
calculated with casthy/7/. For other reactions, isotropic
distributions in the laboratory system were assumed.
mf = 5 Energy distributions of secondary neutrons
Energy distributions of secondary neutrons were calculated with
mf = 12 Photon production multiplicities
mt=16, 17, 22, 28, 91, 103, 107
Calculated with gnash code /15/.
Calculated with casthy code /7/.
Transitioin probability arrays
mf = 14 Photon angular distributions
mt=16, 17, 22, 28, 51-61, 91, 102, 103, 107
mf = 15 Continuous photon energy distributions
mt=16, 17, 22, 28, 91, 103, 107
Calculated with egnash code /15/.
Calculated with casthy code /7/.
Table 1 Neutron optical potential parameters (for casthy)
V = 43.71 - 0.0566*En, Vso = 7.9 (MeV)
Ws = 7.696, Wv = 0.0 (MeV)
r = 1.270, rs = 1.440, rso = 1.280 (fm)
a = 0.60, b = 0.45, aso = 0.60 (fm)
Table 2 Neutron optical potential parameters (for gnash)
V = 43.71 - 0.05655*En, Vso = 0.0 (MeV)
Ws = 7.696, Wv = 0.0 (MeV)
r = 1.272, rs = 1.440, rso = 1.270 (fm)
a = 0.48, b = 0.45, aso = 0.48 (fm)
1) Aoki, T. et al.: Proc. Int. Conf. on Nuclear Data for Basic
and Applied Science, Santa Fe., Vol. 2, p.1627 (1985).
2) Kikuchi, Y. et al.: JAERI-M 86-030 (1986).
3) Rahn, F., et al.: Phys. Rev., c6, 251 (1972).
4) Anufriev, V.A., et al.: Sov. At. Energy, 46, 182 (1979).
5) Mughabghab, S.F.: "Neutron Cross Sections, Vol. I, Part B",
Academic Press (1984).
6) Mughabghab, S.F. and Garber, D.I.: "Neutron Cross Sections,
Vol.1, Resonance Parameters", BNL 325, 3rd ed., Vol. 1,
7) Igarasi, S. and Fukahori, T.: JAERI 1321 (1991).
8) Macklin, R.L. and Young, P.G.: Nucl. Sci. Eng., 95, 189(1987).
9) Foster Jr.,D.G. and Glasgow, D.W.: Phys. Rev., C3, 576 (1971).
10) ENSDF: Evaluated Nuclear Structure Data File (June 1987).
11) Iijima, S. and Kawai, M.: J. Nucl. Sci. Technol., 20, 77
12) Iijima, S., et al.: J. Nucl. Sci. Technol. 21, 10 (1984).
13) Gruppelaar, H.: ECN-13 (1977).
14) Benzi, V. and Reffo, G.: CCDN-NW/10 (1969).
15) Young, P.G. and Arthur, E.D.: LA-6947 (1977).
16) Coleman, R.F. et al.: Proc. Phys. Soc., 73, 215 (1959).
17) Qaim, S.M.: Data in the EXFOR file (1974).
18) Pruys, H.S. et al.: J. Inorg. Nucl. Chem., 37, 1587 (1975).
19) Bari, A.: J. Radioanal. Chem., 75, 189 (1982).