26-Fe- 57
DIST-MAR02 REV3-MAR00 20010823
----JENDL-3.3 MATERIAL 2634
87-03 Evaluation was performed for JENDL-3.
87-05 Compiled by K.Shibata (jaeri)>
93-11 JENDL-3.2
Angular distributions for mt=16,22,28,91 were converted
from the file-6 of the JENDL fusion file /1/ (Kalbach's
Gamma production data for mt=102 were evaluated by S.
Igarasi (nedac).
data were compiled by K. Shibata (jaeri).
***** modified parts for JENDL-3.2 *********************
Obtained from JENDL fusion file.
Statistical model calculations.
2000-03 Re-evaluated and compiled by K. Shibata for JENDL-3.3
********************* modified parts *********************
(1,451) revised
(2,151) changed to Reich-Moore formula
(3,1) re-calculated
(3,2) total - sum of partials
(3,102) preequilibrium capture included
(3,203),(3,207) calculated
(6,16),(6,22),(6,28),(6,91) taken from JENDL/F-99 /1/
(6,203),(6,207) taken from JENDL/F-99 /1/
mf=1 General information
mt=451 Descriptive data and dictionary
mf=2 Resonance parameters
mt=151 Resolved resonances
Resonance region = 1.0e-5 eV to 200.0 keV
The Reich-Moore formula was used. Parameters were adopted
from Allen+/2/ for s-wave resonances, and Beer+/3/ for
p-wave resonances in 0 - 185 keV.
calculated 2200-m/s cross sections and res. integrals.
2200-m/s res. integ.
elastic 0.2021 b -
capture 2.462 b 1.43 b
total 2.664 b -
mf=3 Neutron cross sections
Below 200 keV, background cross section was given for
the total and capture cross sections.
Above 200 keV, the data were evaluated as follows.
mt=1 Total
Spherical optical model calculation was made with casthy
code /4/. Parameters are as follows,
V = 46.0-0.25*E , r0=1.286, a0=0.620
Ws = 14.08-0.20*E , rs=1.390. as=0.700
Vso= 6.00 , rso=1.07,aso=0.620
(energies in MeV unit, lengths in fm unit)
mt=2 Elastic scattering
Given as total minus nonelastic cross sections
mt=16,22,28,103,107 (n,2n),(n,n'a),(n,n'p),(n,p),(n,a)
Calculated with gnash /5/.
mt=4,51-71,91 Inelastic scattering
The casthy and gnash calculations were adopted for
neutron energies below and above 7 MeV, respectively.
The level scheme used is given as follows:
no. energy(MeV) spin-parity
g.s 0.0 1/2 -
1. 0.0144 3/2 -
2. 0.1365 5/2 -
3. 0.3668 3/2 -
4. 0.7064 5/2 -
5. 1.0072 7/2 -
6. 1.1978 9/2 -
7. 1.2654 1/2 -
8. 1.3562 7/2 -
9. 1.6273 3/2 -
10. 1.7254 3/2 -
11. 1.9893 9/2 -
12. 1.9910 1/2 -
13. 2.1180 5/2 -
14. 2.2189 5/2 +
15. 2.3300 1/2 -
16. 2.3560 11/2 -
17. 2.4560 9/2 +
18. 2.5053 5/2 +
19. 2.5643 3/2 -
20. 2.6000 5/2 +
21. 2.6974 1/2 -
Continuum levels were assumed above 2.76 MeV.
mt=102 Capture
Calculated with casthy.
Pre-equilibrium capture cross sections were added /6/
above 5 MeV.
Sum of mt=28 and 103.
Sum of mt=22 and 107.
mf=4 Angular distributions of secondary neutrons
Casthy calculation
mf=6 Energy-angle distributions of secondary particles
Calculated with gnash.
Taken from JENDL/F-99.
mf=12 Photon multiplicities and transition probability arrays
Multiplicities were calculated with gnash.
Calculated with casthy.
mf=14 Photon angular distributions
Assumed to be isotopic.
mf=15 Photon energy distributions
Calculated with gnash.
Calculated with casthy.
1) Chiba S. et al.: JAERI-M 92-027, p.35 (1992).
2) Allen B.J. et al.: Proc. Specialist Meeting on Neutron
Data of Structural Materials for Fast Reactors, Geel,
p. 476 (1977).
3) Beer H. and Spencer R.R.: KfK-2063 (1974).
4) Igarasi S. : J. Nucl. Sci. Technol., 12, 67 (1975).
5) Young P.G. and Arthur E.D.: LA-6974 (1977).
6) Shibata K.: Private communication (2000).