26-Fe- 58

 26-Fe- 58 JNDC       EVAL-MAR87 S.IIJIMA,H.YAMAKOSHI             
                      DIST-MAY10                       20090904   
----JENDL-4.0         MATERIAL 2637                               
-----INCIDENT NEUTRON DATA                                        
------ENDF-6 FORMAT                                               
              The data were taken from JENDL-3.3.                 
87-03  Evaluation was performed for JENDL-3.                      
87-05  Compiled by K.Shibata (jaeri).                             
93-10  JENDL-3.2.                                                 
       Re-evaluation was made by                                  
         T.Nakagawa (ndc/jaeri): resonance params, cross sections 
         S.igarasi (nedac): gamma-ray production data below 10 keV
       Compiled by T.Nakagawa                                     
     *****   Modified parts for JENDL-3.2   ********************  
      (3,1), (3,2), (3,4), (3,51-91), (3,102)                     
      (4,16-28), (4,91)    taken from JENDL Fusion File           
      (15,102)             below 1 MeV                            
      JENDL Fusion File /1/  (as of aug. 1993)                    
          Evaluated B.Yu (ciae) and S.Chiba (ndc/jaeri)           
          compiled by B.Yu.                                       
            All of cross sections were taken from JENDL-3.  Mf=6  
        of mt=16, 22, 28 and 91 were created with sincros-II /2/  
        and f15tob/1/ program.  Kalbach's systematics /3/ was     
        used.  The precompound/compound ratio was taken from the  
        sincros-II calculation.                                   
            Optical-model, level density and other parameters used
        in the sincros-II calculation are described in ref./2/.   
        Level schemes were determined on the basis of ENSDF/4/.   
2000-03  Modification for JENDL-3.3                               
         Reevaluated and compiled by K. Shibata (jaeri).          
     ************** modified parts *******************************
     (2,151)                        changed to Reich-Moore formula
     (3,203),(3,207)                calculated                    
     (6,16),(6,22),(6,28),(6,91)    taken from JENDL/F-99/1/      
     (6,203),(6,207)                taken from JENDL/F-99/1/      
mf=1  General information                                         
  mt=451  Descriptive data and dictionary                         
mf=2  Resonance parameters                                        
  mt=151 Resolved resonances                                      
      Resonance region = 1.0e-5 eV to 350.0 keV                   
      The Reich Moore formula was used.   Parameters were         
      determined on the basis of data by Garg et al./5/,          
      Kaeppeler et al./6/, Allen and Macklin/7/.                  
      calculated 2200-m/s cross sections and res. integrals.      
                      2200-m/s     res. integ.                    
         elastic       6.470 b         -                          
         capture       1.300 b        1.36 b                      
         total         7.770 b         -                          
mf=3  Neutron cross sections                                      
  Bbelow 350 keV, no background cross sections were given.        
  Above 350 keV, the data were evaluated as follows.              
  mt=1,4,51-62,91,102  Total, inelastic and capture               
      Calculated with optical and statistical model code casthy   
      /8/.  Optical potential parameters/9/ are as follows:       
         V  = 46.0-0.25*En (MeV),                                 
         Ws = 14.0-0.2*En  (MeV),  (in the Gaussian form)         
         Wi = 0.125*E-0.0004*E**2 (MeV),                          
         Vso= 6.0          (MeV),                                 
         r  = 1.286 (fm), a0 = 0.62  (fm)                         
         rs = 1.387 (fm), as = 0.7   (fm)                         
         rso= 1.07  (fm), aso= 0.62  (fm)                         
     The level scheme used is:                                    
          no.     energy(mev)  spin-parity                        
         g.s.      0.0          0 +                               
          1.       0.8108       2 +                               
          2.       1.6747       2 +                               
          3.       2.0765       4 +                               
          4.       2.1339       3 +                               
          5.       2.2581       0 +                               
          6.       2.6004       4 +                               
          7.       2.7819       1 +                               
          8.       2.8764       2 +                               
          9.       3.0840       2 +                               
         10.       3.1330       4 +                               
         11.       3.2330       2 +                               
         12.       3.2440       0 +                               
       Levels above 3.389 MeV were assumed to be overlapping.     
       the capture cross section was normalized to 3 mb at 500    
       keV/10/.  Direct capture cross section was calculated      
       with a simple formula derived by Benzi and Reffo/11/ and   
       added to the casthy calculation.                           
  mt=2   Elastic                                                  
      Total cross section - sum of partial cross sections         
  mt=16,22,28,103,107 (n,2n),(n,n'a),(n,n'p),(n,p),(n,a)          
      Calculated with gnash /12/.                                 
      Sum of mt=28 and 103.                                       
      Sum of mt=22 and 107.                                       
mf=4  Angular distributions of secondary neutrons                 
      Casthy calculation                                          
mf=6  Energy-angle distributions of secondary particles           
      Calculated with gnash.                                      
mf=12 Photon multiplicities and trasition probabilities           
      Multiplicities were calculated with gnash.                  
      Transition probabilities were given.                        
      Multiplicities were calculated from energy balance.         
mf=14 Photon angular distributions                                
      Assumed to be isotropic.                                    
mf=15 Photon energy distributions                                 
      Calculated with gnash.                                      
      Below 10 keV, calculated with casthy/8/. Above 1 MeV, gnash 
      calculation was adopted.                                    
 1) Chiba S. et al.: JAERI-M 92-027, p.35 (1992).                 
 2) Yamamuro N.: JAERI-M 90-006 (1990).                           
 3) Kalbach C.: Phys. Rev., C37, 2350 (1988).                     
 4) ENSDF: Evaluated nuclear structure data file, BNL/NNDC.       
 5) Garg J.B. et al.: Phys. Rev., C18, 1141 (1978).               
 6) Kaeppeler F. et al.: Nucl. Sci. Eng., 84, 234 (1983).         
 7) Allen B.J. and Macklin R.L.: J. Phys. G., 6, 381 (1980).      
 8) Igarasi S. and Fukahori T.: JAERI 1321 (1991).                
 9) Yamakoshi H.: JAERI 1261, p.30 (1979).                        
10) Trofimov Ju.N.: Atomnaja Energija, 58, 278 (1985).            
11) Benzi V. and Reffo G.: CCDN/NW/10 (1969).                     
12) Young P.G. and Arthur E.D.: LA-6974 (1977).