
 64-Gd-157 JAEA+      EVAL-Dec09 N.Iwamoto,A.Zukeran,K.Shibata    
                      DIST-MAY10                       20100119   
----JENDL-4.0         MATERIAL 6440                               
-----INCIDENT NEUTRON DATA                                        
------ENDF-6 FORMAT                                               
09-12 The resolved resonance parameters were evaluated by         
      The data above the resolved resonance region were evaluated 
      and compiled by N.Iwamoto.                                  
MF= 1 General information                                         
  MT=451 Descriptive data and directory                           
MF=2  Resonance parameters                                        
  MT=151 Resolved and unresolved resonance parameters             
    Resolved resonance parameters for MLBW formula: below 303.7 eV
      Evaluation for JENDL-2 was made on the basis of the data    
      measured by Moller et al./1/, Ribon/2/ and Karzhavina et    
      al./3/  The average radiation width of 0.121 eV was         
      assumed.  The scattering radius was taken from Mughabghab   
      and garber/4/                                               
      For JENDL-3, total spin J of some resonances was estimated  
      with a random number method.                                
      In JENDL-4, the data for 0.0314 - 294.16 eV were replaced   
      with the ones obtained by Leinweber et al./5/               
      It should be noted that the background capture cross        
      sections are required below 0.1 eV to reproduce the ICSBEP  
      benchmarks.  The background is equal to the difference      
      between the capture cross sections of JENDL-3.3 and those   
      of the calculations using Leinweber's parameters.           
    Unresolved resonance region : 303.7 eV - 100.0 keV            
      The unresolved resonance paramters (URP) were determined by 
      ASREP code /6/ so as to reproduce the evaluated total and   
      capture cross sections calculated with optical model code   
      CCOM /7/ and CCONE /8/. The unresolved parameters           
      should be used only for self-shielding calculation.         
      Thermal cross sections and resonance integrals at 300 K     
                       0.0253 eV           res. integ. (*)        
                        (barn)               (barn)               
       Total           2.5406e+05                                 
       Elastic         8.0447e+02                                 
       n,gamma         2.5325e+05           7.8382e+02            
       n,alpha         4.2228e-04                                 
         (*) Integrated from 0.5 eV to 10 MeV.                    
MF= 3 Neutron cross sections                                      
  MT=  1 Total cross section                                      
    Sum of partial cross sections.                                
  MT=  2 Elastic scattering cross section                         
    Obtained by subtracting non-elastic scattering cross sections 
      from total cross section.                                   
  MT=  4 (n,n') cross section                                     
    Calculated with CCONE code /8/.                               
  MT= 16 (n,2n) cross section                                     
    Calculated with CCONE code /8/.                               
  MT= 17 (n,3n) cross section                                     
    Calculated with CCONE code /8/.                               
  MT= 22 (n,na) cross section                                     
    Calculated with CCONE code /8/.                               
  MT= 24 (n,2na) cross section                                    
    Calculated with CCONE code /8/.                               
  MT= 28 (n,np) cross section                                     
    Calculated with CCONE code /8/.                               
  MT= 32 (n,nd) cross section                                     
    Calculated with CCONE code /8/.                               
  MT= 41 (n,2np) cross section                                    
    Calculated with CCONE code /8/.                               
  MT= 51-91 (n,n') cross section                                  
    Calculated with CCONE code /8/.                               
  MT=102 Capture cross section                                    
    Calculated with CCONE code /8/.                               
  MT=103 (n,p) cross section                                      
    Calculated with CCONE code /8/.                               
  MT=104 (n,d) cross section                                      
    Calculated with CCONE code /8/.                               
  MT=105 (n,t) cross section                                      
    Calculated with CCONE code /8/.                               
  MT=106 (n,He3) cross section                                    
    Calculated with CCONE code /8/.                               
  MT=107 (n,a) cross section                                      
    Calculated with CCONE code /8/.                               
MF= 4 Angular distributions of emitted neutrons                   
  MT=  2 Elastic scattering                                       
    Calculated with CCONE code /8/.                               
MF= 6 Energy-angle distributions of emitted particles             
  MT= 16 (n,2n) reaction                                          
    Calculated with CCONE code /8/.                               
  MT= 17 (n,3n) reaction                                          
    Calculated with CCONE code /8/.                               
  MT= 22 (n,na) reaction                                          
    Calculated with CCONE code /8/.                               
  MT= 24 (n,2na) reaction                                         
    Calculated with CCONE code /8/.                               
  MT= 28 (n,np) reaction                                          
    Calculated with CCONE code /8/.                               
  MT= 32 (n,nd) reaction                                          
    Calculated with CCONE code /8/.                               
  MT= 41 (n,2np) reaction                                         
    Calculated with CCONE code /8/.                               
  MT= 51-91 (n,n') reaction                                       
    Calculated with CCONE code /8/.                               
  MT=102 Capture reaction                                         
    Calculated with CCONE code /8/.                               
       Nuclear Model Calculation with CCONE code /8/              
  Models and parameters used in the CCONE calculation             
  1) Optical model                                                
    * coupled channels calculation                                
      coupled levels: 0,1,4,6,9,15,24 (see Table 1)               
    * optical model potential                                     
      neutron  omp: Kunieda,S. et al./9/ (+)                      
      proton   omp: Koning,A.J. and Delaroche,J.P./10/ (+)        
      deuteron omp: Lohr,J.M. and Haeberli,W./11/                 
      triton   omp: Becchetti Jr.,F.D. and Greenlees,G.W./12/     
      He3      omp: Becchetti Jr.,F.D. and Greenlees,G.W./12/     
      alpha    omp: Huizenga,J.R. and Igo,G./13/ (+)              
      (+) omp parameters were modified.                           
  2) Two-component exciton model/14/                              
    * Global parametrization of Koning-Duijvestijn/15/            
      was used.                                                   
    * Gamma emission channel/16/ was added to simulate direct     
      and semi-direct capture reaction.                           
  3) Hauser-Feshbach statistical model                            
    * Width fluctuation correction/17/ was applied.               
    * Neutron, proton, deuteron, triton, He3, alpha and gamma     
      decay channel were taken into account.                      
    * Transmission coefficients of neutrons were taken from       
      optical model calculation.                                  
    * The level scheme of the target is shown in Table 1.         
    * Level density formula of constant temperature and Fermi-gas 
      model were used with shell energy correction/18/.           
      Parameters are shown in Table 2.                            
    * Gamma-ray strength function of enhanced generalized         
      Lorentzian form/19/,/20/ was used for E1 transition.        
      For M1 and E2 transitions the standard Lorentzian form was  
      adopted. The prameters are shown in Table 3.                
Table 1. Level Scheme of Gd-157                                   
  No.  Ex(MeV)  J  PI                                             
   0  0.00000  3/2 -  *                                           
   1  0.05453  5/2 -  *                                           
   2  0.06392  5/2 +                                              
   3  0.11572  7/2 +                                              
   4  0.13145  7/2 -  *                                           
   5  0.18023  9/2 +                                              
   6  0.22731  9/2 -  *                                           
   7  0.27225 11/2 +                                              
   8  0.31500  9/2 +                                              
   9  0.34725 11/2 -  *                                           
  10  0.36110 13/2 +                                              
  11  0.37200 13/2 +                                              
  12  0.42660 11/2 -                                              
  13  0.43443  5/2 -                                              
  14  0.47463  3/2 +                                              
  15  0.47887 13/2 -  *                                           
  16  0.50900 15/2 +                                              
  17  0.51467  7/2 -                                              
  18  0.52485  5/2 +                                              
  19  0.56600  9/2 +                                              
  20  0.57946  7/2 +                                              
  21  0.60759  5/2 +                                              
  22  0.61240 17/2 +                                              
  23  0.61748  9/2 -                                              
  24  0.64056 15/2 -  *                                           
  25  0.65570  9/2 +                                              
  26  0.66453  9/2 +                                              
  27  0.68290  1/2 +                                              
  28  0.68323  3/2 +                                              
  29  0.68667  5/2 +                                              
  30  0.70139  1/2 -                                              
  *) Coupled levels in CC calculation                             
Table 2. Level density parameters                                 
  Nuclide      a*    Pair  Eshell       T      E0  Ematch         
            1/MeV     MeV     MeV     MeV     MeV     MeV         
   Gd-158 19.3000  1.9093  2.8152  0.5596 -0.4648  6.8458         
   Gd-157 20.0000  0.9577  3.0516  0.5315 -1.2892  5.6268         
   Gd-156 19.0000  1.9215  3.2702  0.5513 -0.3880  6.7098         
   Gd-155 20.5000  0.9639  3.7045  0.5229 -1.4800  5.7609         
   Eu-157 18.0565  0.9577  2.7904  0.5507 -0.9395  5.3155         
   Eu-156 18.0000  0.0000  2.8275  0.5361 -1.7176  4.0906         
   Eu-155 17.9000  0.9639  3.3259  0.5676 -1.2578  5.7030         
   Eu-154 19.2000  0.0000  3.6717  0.5485 -2.4486  4.8922         
   Sm-156 18.7270  1.9215  2.8073  0.5682 -0.4051  6.8309         
   Sm-155 19.5000  0.9639  2.9414  0.5495 -1.3709  5.8007         
   Sm-154 18.5215  1.9340  3.2136  0.5576 -0.3117  6.6726         
   Sm-153 20.0000  0.9701  3.6781  0.5579 -1.8633  6.3072         
   Sm-152 19.7000  1.9467  3.6242  0.5066 -0.0488  6.1904         
   Sm-151 20.8000  0.9765  3.9732  0.5224 -1.6295  5.9141         
Table 3. Gamma-ray strength function for Gd-158                   
  K0 = 2.000   E0 = 4.500 (MeV)                                   
  * E1: ER = 11.70 (MeV) EG = 2.60 (MeV) SIG = 165.00 (mb)        
        ER = 14.90 (MeV) EG = 3.80 (MeV) SIG = 249.00 (mb)        
        ER =  3.10 (MeV) EG = 1.00 (MeV) SIG =   0.35 (mb)        
        ER =  6.40 (MeV) EG = 1.50 (MeV) SIG =   3.00 (mb)        
  * M1: ER =  7.58 (MeV) EG = 4.00 (MeV) SIG =   1.79 (mb)        
  * E2: ER = 11.65 (MeV) EG = 4.21 (MeV) SIG =   3.66 (mb)        
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