
 JNST 34, 1171 (1997) DIST-MAR02                       20020208   
----JENDL-3.3         MATERIAL 8025                               
-----INCIDENT NEUTRON DATA                                        
------ENDF-6 FORMAT                                               
 97-09  Evaluation was performed for JENDL-3.3.                   
 97-10  Compiled by T.Fukahori (jaeri).                           
 99-04  Comments were added by T.Fukahori                         
 01-07  Modified by K.Shibata for JENDL-3.3.                      
        (3,251)   deleted.                                        
        (4,2)     transformation matrix deleted.                  
        (5,16-91) INT=22.                                         
 mf=1  General information                                        
   mt=451  Descriptive data and dictionary                        
 mf=2  Resonance parameters                                       
   mt=151 Resolved resonances                                     
       Resonance region = 1.0e-5 eV to 102.85 eV                  
       Parameters for the multilevel Breit-Wigner formula         
       were adopted from the compilation by Mughabghab+ /1/.      
       R=9.5 fm was selected to reproduce the thermal elastic     
       scattering cross section of natural Mercury measured by    
       Hibdon+ /2/.                                               
       calculated 2200-m/s cross sections and res. integrals.     
                       2200-m/s     res. integ.                   
          elastic        110 b         -                          
          capture       3078 b        419 b                       
          total         3188 b                                    
 mf=3  Neutron cross sections                                     
   mt=1    Total                                                  
       Below 102.85 eV , no background cross section was given.   
       spherical optical model calculation was made by            
       casthy code /3/ above 102.85 eV.  Modified Walter-Guss     
       potential parameters /4,5/ were used.                      
   mt=2    Elastic scattering                                     
       Given as total minus nonelastic cross sections.            
       Calculated by scincros-ii /4/ with the following           
         optical potential parameters                             
           neutron : modified Walter-Guss /4,5/                   
           proton  : combined Perey /6/ and Walter-Guss           
           alpha   : Lemos /7/ modified by Arthur-Young /8/       
           deuteron: Lohr-Haeberli /9/                            
         level density parameters                                 
            nuclei  a(1/MeV)  pair(MeV)  t(MeV)  Ex(MeV)  Ec(MeV) 
            Hg-194    21.5      2.00      0.42    3.66     2.89   
            Hg-195    21.0      0.87      0.59    5.45     0.89   
            Hg-196    20.5      1.71      0.49    4.36     2.50   
            Hg-197    20.0      0.87      0.63    6.00     1.03   
            Hg-198    19.5      1.66      0.63    6.45     1.91   
            Hg-199    18.0      0.87      0.70    6.48     0.75   
            Hg-200    17.0      1.69      0.75    7.81     2.19   
            Hg-201    16.0      0.87      0.79    7.22     0.77   
            Hg-202    15.0      1.58      0.84    8.35     1.79   
            Hg-203    14.5      0.87      0.83    7.02     0.58   
            Hg-204    14.0      1.28      0.82    6.88     2.81   
            Hg-205    13.5      0.87      0.84    6.59     1.86   
            Au-195    21.0      0.84      0.57    5.05     1.11   
            Au-196    20.5      0.00      0.43    1.63     0.60   
            Au-197    19.6      0.79      0.58    4.70     1.26   
            Au-198    19.1      0.00      0.62    4.52     0.57   
            Au-199    18.0      0.82      0.65    5.52     1.16   
            Au-200    17.0      0.00      0.64    4.07     0.47   
            Au-201    15.5      0.71      0.73    5.53     0.90   
            Au-202    15.0      0.00      0.77    5.40     0.00   
            Au-203    14.0      0.41      0.82    6.01     0.00   
            Au-204    13.0      0.00      0.87    5.84     0.00   
            Pt-192    23.2      1.84      0.58    7.15     1.44   
            Pt-193    22.5      0.71      0.58    5.64     0.52   
            Pt-194    21.0      1.55      0.59    6.28     1.67   
            Pt-195    21.0      0.71      0.61    5.69     0.66   
            Pt-196    20.0      1.50      0.58    5.63     1.97   
            Pt-197    18.9      0.71      0.67    6.11     0.60   
            Pt-198    18.7      1.53      0.65    6.53     1.52   
            Pt-199    18.5      0.71      0.67    6.09     0.51   
            Pt-200    18.0      1.42      0.66    6.29     0.00   
            Pt-201    17.5      0.71      0.68    5.66     0.00   
   mt=4,51-70,91  Inelastic scattering                            
       The casthy and sincros-ii calculations were adopted. The   
       direct-process component was considered by the DWBA theory.
       Deformation parameters were taken from ref. /10/ and       
       listed in the table below for adopted levels.              
       The level scheme is given as follows:                      
          no.     energy(MeV)  spin-parity  deformation-parameter 
          g.s.      0.0          0 +                              
           1.       0.4260       2 +          L=2, beta=0.116     
           2.       1.0362       2 +                              
           3.       1.0609       4 +                              
           4.       1.3189       0 +                              
           5.       1.3906       2 +                              
           6.       1.7568       5 -                              
           7.       1.7753       2 +                              
           8.       1.7850       6 +                              
           9.       1.8147       2 +                              
          10.       1.8408       7 -                              
          11.       1.8450       1 +                              
          12.       1.9215       2 +                              
          13.       1.9787       1 +                              
          14.       2.0123       1 +                              
          15.       2.0637       9 -                              
          16.       2.2626       8 +                              
          17.       2.3460       5 -                              
          18.       2.3596      10 +                              
          19.       2.4552       1 +                              
          20.       2.4955       2 +                              
       Continuum levels were assumed above 2.496 MeV.             
   mt=102  Capture                                                
       Below 102.85 ev, no background cross section was given.    
       The casthy calculation was adopted above 102.85 eV.        
 mf=4  Angular distributions of secondary neutrons                
       Optical and statistical-model calculations were adopted.   
       The DWBA calculations were added.                          
       Calculated with sincros-ii.                                
 mf=5  Energy spectrum of secondary neutron                       
       Calculated with sincros-ii.                                
 mf=12 Photon multiplicities and transition probability arrays    
       Multiplicities were calculated with casthy and sincros-ii. 
 mf=14 Photon angular distributions                               
       Assumed to be isotropic.                                   
 mf=15 Photon energy spectra                                      
       Calculated with casthy and sincros-ii.                     
  1) Mughabghab S.F. et al.: "Neutron Cross Sections", Vol.1,     
     Part B, Academic Press (1984).                               
  2) Hibdon C.T. et al.: Phys. Rev., 82, 560 (1951).              
  3) Igarasi S. and Fukahori T.: JAERI-1321 (1991).               
  4) Yamamuro N.: JAERI-M 90-006 (1990).                          
  5) Walter R.L. and Guss P.P.: Proc. Int. Conf. on Nucl. Data    
     for Basic and Applied Sci., Santa Fe, May 13-17, 1985,       
     p.1079 (1986).                                               
  6) Perey F.G.: Phys. Rev., 131, 745 (1963).                     
  7) Lemos O.F.: Orsay Rep., Ser. A. No. 136 (1972).              
  8) Arthur E.D. and Young P.G.: LA-8626-MS (1980).               
  9) Lohr J.M. and Haeberli W.: Nucl. Phys., A232, 381 (1974).    
 10) Raman S. et al: At. Data Nucl. Data Tables, 36, 1 (1987).