36-Kr- 80
36-Kr- 80 JAEA EVAL-AUG09 K.Shibata, A.Ichihara, S.Kunieda
DIST-MAY10 20091118
----JENDL-4.0 MATERIAL 3631
09-08 Evaluated by K. Shibata, A. Ichihara and S. Kunieda.
09-10 Compiled by K. Shibata.
MF= 1 General information
MT=451 Descriptive data and directory
MF= 2 Resonance parameters
MT=151 Resolved and unresolved resonance parameters
Resolved resonance region (MLBW formula) : below 1 keV
Resonance parameters were based on Mughabghab et al./1/
Resonance levels at 89.2 and 171.9 eV, and above 2.16 keV
were abandoned, because they do not possibly belong to
Kr-80. Neutron widths of the resonance levels above 1.136
keV were derived from the average reduced neutron width of
18.34 meV. Average radiation width of 0.23 eV was adopted
for all resonance levels except the first level at 106 eV.
The values of neutron orbital angular momentum L and total
spin J were assumed to be 0 and 0.5 for all resonance
levels, respectively. Scattering radius was also taken from
the graph (Fig. 1, part A) given by Mughabghab et al.
A negative resonance was added so as to reproduce the
thermal capture cross section of 11.5+-0.5 barns given
by Mughabghab et al.
Unresolved resonance region: 1 keV - 1 MeV
The parameters were obtained by fitting to the total and
capture cross sections calculated from POD /2/. The
unresolved parameters should be used only for self-shielding
Thermal cross sections and resonance integrals at 300 K
0.0253 eV res. integ. (*)
(barns) (barns)
Total 1.8841E+01
Elastic 7.3366E+00
n,gamma 1.1505E+01 6.0401E+01
(*) Integrated from 0.5 eV to 10 MeV.
MF= 3 Neutron cross sections
MT= 1 Total cross section
Calculated with POD code /2/.
MT= 2 Elastic scattering cross section
Obtained by subtracting non-elastic cross sections from total
cross sections.
MT= 3 Non-elastic cross section
Sum of partial non-elastic cross sections.
MT= 4,51-91 (n,n') cross section
Calculated with POD code /2/.
MT= 16 (n,2n) cross section
Calculated with POD code /2/.
MT= 22 (n,na) cross section
Calculated with POD code /2/.
MT= 28 (n,np) cross section
Calculated with POD code /2/.
MT= 32 (n,nd) cross section
Calculated with POD code /2/.
MT=102 Capture cross section
Calculated with POD code /2/.
MT=103 (n,p) cross section
Calculated with POD code /2/.
MT=104 (n,d) cross section
Calculated with POD code /2/.
MT=105 (n,t) cross section
Calculated with POD code /2/.
MT=106 (n,He3) cross section
Calculated with POD code /2/.
MT=107 (n,a) cross section
Calculated with POD code /2/.
MT=203 (n,xp) cross section
Calculated with POD code /2/.
MT=204 (n,xd) cross section
Calculated with POD code /2/.
MT=205 (n,xt) cross section
Calculated with POD code /2/.
MT=206 (n,xHe3) cross section
Calculated with POD code /2/.
MT=207 (n,xa) cross section
Calculated with POD code /2/.
MF= 4 Angular distributions of emitted neutrons
MT= 2 Elastic scattering
Calculated with POD code /2/.
MF= 6 Energy-angle distributions of emitted particles
MT= 16 (n,2n) reaction
Neutron spectra calculated with POD/2/.
MT= 22 (n,na) reaction
Neutron spectra calculated with POD/2/.
MT= 28 (n,np) reaction
Neutron spectra calculated with POD/2/.
MT= 32 (n,nd) reaction
Neutron spectra calculated with POD/2/.
MT= 51 (n,n') reaction
Neutron angular distributions calculated with POD/2/.
MT= 52 (n,n') reaction
Neutron angular distributions calculated with POD/2/.
MT= 53 (n,n') reaction
Neutron angular distributions calculated with POD/2/.
MT= 54 (n,n') reaction
Neutron angular distributions calculated with POD/2/.
MT= 55 (n,n') reaction
Neutron angular distributions calculated with POD/2/.
MT= 56 (n,n') reaction
Neutron angular distributions calculated with POD/2/.
MT= 57 (n,n') reaction
Neutron angular distributions calculated with POD/2/.
MT= 58 (n,n') reaction
Neutron angular distributions calculated with POD/2/.
MT= 59 (n,n') reaction
Neutron angular distributions calculated with POD/2/.
MT= 60 (n,n') reaction
Neutron angular distributions calculated with POD/2/.
MT= 61 (n,n') reaction
Neutron angular distributions calculated with POD/2/.
MT= 62 (n,n') reaction
Neutron angular distributions calculated with POD/2/.
MT= 63 (n,n') reaction
Neutron angular distributions calculated with POD/2/.
MT= 64 (n,n') reaction
Neutron angular distributions calculated with POD/2/.
MT= 65 (n,n') reaction
Neutron angular distributions calculated with POD/2/.
MT= 66 (n,n') reaction
Neutron angular distributions calculated with POD/2/.
MT= 67 (n,n') reaction
Neutron angular distributions calculated with POD/2/.
MT= 68 (n,n') reaction
Neutron angular distributions calculated with POD/2/.
MT= 69 (n,n') reaction
Neutron angular distributions calculated with POD/2/.
MT= 70 (n,n') reaction
Neutron angular distributions calculated with POD/2/.
MT= 71 (n,n') reaction
Neutron angular distributions calculated with POD/2/.
MT= 72 (n,n') reaction
Neutron angular distributions calculated with POD/2/.
MT= 73 (n,n') reaction
Neutron angular distributions calculated with POD/2/.
MT= 74 (n,n') reaction
Neutron angular distributions calculated with POD/2/.
MT= 91 (n,n') reaction
Neutron spectra calculated with POD/2/.
MT= 203 (n,xp) reaction
Proton spectra calculated with POD/2/.
MT= 204 (n,xd) reaction
Deuteron spectra calculated with POD/2/.
MT= 205 (n,xt) reaction
Triton spectra calculated with POD/2/.
MT= 206 (n,xHe3) reaction
He3 spectra calculated with POD/2/.
MT= 207 (n,xa) reaction
Alpha spectra calculated with POD/2/.
MF=12 Gamma-ray multiplicities
MT= 3 Non-elastic gamma emission
Calculated with POD code /2/.
MF=14 Gamma-ray angular distributions
MT= 3 Non-elastic gamma emission
Assumed to be isotropic.
MF=15 Gamma-ray spectra
MT= 3 Non-elastic gamma emission
Calculated with POD code /2/.
* Nuclear Model Calculations with POD Code /2/ *
1. Theoretical models
The POD code is based on the spherical optical model, the
distorted-wave Born approximaiton (DWBA), one-component exciton
preequilibrium model, and the Hauser-Feshbach-Moldauer statis-
tical model. With the preequilibrim model, semi-empirical
pickup and knockout process can be taken into account for
composite-particle emission. The gamma-ray emission from the
compound nucleus can be calculated within the framework of the
exciton model. The code is capable of reading in particle
transmission coefficients calculated by separate spherical or
coupled-channel optical model code.
2. Optical model parameters
Coupled-channel optical model parameters /3/
Koning and Delaroche /4/
Lohr and Haeberli /5/
Becchetti and Greenlees /6/
Becchetti and Greenlees /6/
Lemos /7/ potentials modified by Arthur and Young /8/
3. Level scheme of Kr- 80
No. Ex(MeV) J PI
0 0.00000 0 +
1 0.61661 2 +
2 1.25625 2 +
3 1.32050 0 +
4 1.43603 4 +
5 1.78796 3 +
6 2.14582 4 +
7 2.39180 6 +
8 2.43891 3 -
9 2.65940 5 +
10 2.79296 4 -
11 2.85927 5 -
12 2.96900 3 -
13 2.99730 5 +
14 3.03904 5 -
15 3.04156 6 -
16 3.11022 6 +
17 3.34543 6 -
18 3.40950 8 +
19 3.48780 6 -
20 3.52993 7 -
21 3.55833 7 -
22 3.58138 7 -
23 3.63490 7 +
24 3.69930 8 +
Levels above 3.70930 MeV are assumed to be continuous.
4. Level density parameters
Energy-dependent parameters of Mengoni-Nakajima /9/ were used
Nuclei a* Pair Esh T E0 Ematch Elv_max
1/MeV MeV MeV MeV MeV MeV MeV
Kr- 81 11.444 1.333 3.305 0.766 -1.104 7.552 1.829
Kr- 80 10.645 2.683 3.049 0.643 1.801 6.353 3.699
Kr- 79 11.220 1.350 3.562 0.809 -1.546 8.309 1.475
Kr- 78 10.422 2.717 2.928 0.913 -0.557 10.634 2.007
Br- 80 10.191 0.000 3.385 0.903 -3.155 7.747 0.771
Br- 79 10.079 1.350 3.698 0.897 -1.795 9.044 1.513
Br- 78 10.399 0.000 3.911 0.857 -3.042 7.363 0.648
Se- 78 9.830 2.717 3.184 0.927 -0.352 10.456 3.090
Se- 77 10.361 1.368 3.763 0.856 -1.590 8.612 1.511
Se- 76 10.198 2.753 3.354 0.862 0.003 9.763 3.009
5. Gamma-ray strength functions
M1, E2: Standard Lorentzian (SLO)
E1 : Generalized Lorentzian (GLO) /10/
6. Preequilibrium process
Preequilibrium is on for n, p, d, t, He-3, and alpha.
Preequilibrium capture is on.
1) Mughabghab, S.F. et al.: "Neutron Cross Sections, Vol. I,
Part A", Academic Press (1981).
2) A.Ichihara et al., JAEA-Data/Code 2007-012 (2007).
3) S.Kunieda et al., J. Nucl. Sci. Technol. 44, 838 (2007).
4) A.J.Koning, J.P.Delaroche, Nucl. Phys. A713, 231 (2003).
5) J.M.Lohr, W.Haeberli, Nucl. Phys. A232, 381 (1974).
6) F.D.Becchetti,Jr., G.W.Greenlees, "Polarization
Phenomena in Nuclear Reactions," p.682, The University
of Wisconsin Press (1971).
7) O.F.Lemos, Orsay Report, Series A, No.136 (1972).
8) E.D.Arthur, P.G.Young, LA-8626-MS (1980).
9) A.Mengoni, Y.Nakajima, J. Nucl. Sci. Technol. 31, 151
10) J.Kopecky, M.Uhl, Nucl. Sci. Eng. 41, 1941 (1990).