12-Mg- 26

                      DIST-MAY10                       20090828   
----JENDL-4.0         MATERIAL 1231                               
-----INCIDENT NEUTRON DATA                                        
------ENDF-6 FORMAT                                               
              The data were taken from JENDL-3.3.                 
 87-03  New evaluation was made for JENDL-3.                      
 87-03  Compiled by T.Asami.                                      
 01-04  Gamma-ray production data were added.                     
        Compiled by K.Shibata.                                    
*****  modification for JENDL-3.3  ****************************** 
(1,451)            Updated.                                       
(3,251)            Deleted.                                       
(4,2)              Transformation matrix deleted.                 
(5,16-91)          INT=22.                                        
(12,16-107)        Added.                                         
(14,16-107)        Added.                                         
(15,16-107)        Added.                                         
mf=1  General information                                         
 mt=451  Descriptive data and dictionary                          
mf=2  Resonance parameters                                        
 mt=151  Resolved resonance parameters                            
   Resolved parameters for MLBW formula were given in             
   the energy region from 1.0e-5 eV to 450 keV.                   
   Parameters were taken from the recommended data of BNL/1/ and  
   the data for a negative resonance were added so as to reproduce
   the recommended thermal cross sections for capture and scatter-
   The scattering radius was assumed to be 4.3 fermi.             
   Calculated 2200 m/sec cross sections and resonance integrals   
   are as follows:                                                
           2200 m/s cross section(b)     res. integral(b)         
   elastic    2.83                                                
   capture    0.038                        0.0190                 
   total      2.87                                                
mf=3  Neutron cross sections                                      
  Below 450 keV, zero background cross section was given and  all 
  the cross-section data are reproduced from the evaluated resolv-
  ed resonance parameters with mlbw formula.                      
  Above 450 keV, the total and partial cross sections were given  
 mt=1 Total                                                       
  Optical and statistical model calculation was made with         
  the casthy code/2/. The optical potential parameters used are:  
    V = 49.68,                Vso = 7.12   (MeV)                  
   Ws = 7.76 - 0.5*En,         Wv = 0      (MeV)                  
    r = 1.17,  rs = 1.09,  rso = 1.17      (fm)                   
    a = 0.6,   aso = 0.6,   b = 0.69       (fm)                   
 mt=2 Elastic scattering                                          
  Obtained by subtracting the sum of the partial cross sections   
  from the total cross section.                                   
 mt=4, 51-63, 91 Inelastic scattering                             
  Calculated with casthy /2/, taking account of the contribution  
  from the competing processes. The direct component was          
  calculated with the dwuck code/3/.                              
  The level data used in the above two calculations were taken    
  from ref./4/ as follows:                                        
    mt   level energy(MeV)   spin-parity                          
             0.0                 0+                               
    51       1.8087              2+                               
    52       2.9384              2+                               
    53       3.5880              0+                               
    54       3.9405              3+                               
    55       4.3180              4+                               
    56       4.3320              2+                               
    57       4.3500              3+                               
    58       4.8340              2+                               
    59       4.9000              4+                               
    60       4.9720              0+                               
    61       5.2910              2+                               
    62       5.4740              4+                               
    63       5.6900              1+                               
  Levels above 8.0 MeV were assumed to be overlapping.            
 mt=16, 22, 28, 103, 107     (n,2n), (n,na), (n,np), (n,p), (n,a) 
   Calculated with the gnash code/6/ using the above optical      
   model parameters                                               
   The (n,a) cross sections were normalized to the experimental   
   data of Bormann/5/ at 14 MeV.                                  
 mt=102      Capture                                              
   Calculated with the casthy code/2/ and normalized to 1.7 mb    
   at 30 keV.                                                     
mf=4  Angular distributions of secondary neutrons                 
   Calculated with the casthy code/2/.                            
   Calculated with the casthy code/2/ and the dwuck code/3/.      
   Calculated with the casthy code/2/.                            
 mt=16, 22, 28                                                    
   Isotropic in the laboratory system.                            
mf=5  Energy distributions of secondary neutrons                  
 mt=16, 22, 28, 91                                                
   Calculated with the gnash code/6/.                             
mf=12 Photon multiplicities and transition probabilities          
   Calculated with gnash.                                         
   Stored under option-2 (transition probability array).          
   Calculated with casthy.                                        
mf=14 Photon angular distributions                                
mf=15 Continuous photon energy spectra                            
   Calculated with gnash.                                         
   Calculated with casthy.                                        
1) Mughabghab S.F. and Garber D.I. :"Neutron cross sections", Vol.
   1, Part B (1984).                                              
2) Igarasi S. : J. Nucl. Sci. Tech. 12, 67 (1975).                
3) Kunz P.D. : unpublished.                                       
4) ENSDF(Evaluated Nuclear Structure Data File)                   
5) Bormann M. et al. : 1966 Paris Conf. Vol.1, 225 (1967).        
6) Young P.G. and Arthur E.D. : LA-6947 (1977).