7-N - 14
DIST-MAY10 20100317
----JENDL-4.0 MATERIAL 725
89-06 New evaluation for JENDL-3
Sub-working group on evaluation of N-14,
working group on nuclear data for fusion,
Japanese Nuclear Data Committee
In charge
sig-t K.Shibata (jaeri)
sig-el T.Asami (nedac), T.Murata (naig)
sig-in T.Asami, T.Murata
capture T.Asami
photon production
Evaluated data were compiled by T.Fukahori (jaeri).
90-10 mf=5: Spectra were modified at low energies of emitted
neutrons by T.Asami(Data Engineering, Co. )
90-11 Reevaluation was made for the data concerning with the
neutron emission double differential cross sections.
The inelastic scattering cross sections and the angular
distributions for the inelastically emitted neutrons were
revised considerably/1/.
94-02 JENDL-3.2
mf=3, mt=1,2,4,22,32,52-90,103,105: cross section modified
and mf=4, mt=54-90: isotoropic angular dist. added
by T.Fukahori(jaeri).
mf=12,mt=102: multiplicity modified
by K.Shibata (jaeri).
***** Modified parts for JENDL-3.2 **********************
(3,1),(3,2) above 1 MeV
(3,4),(3,22),(3,32) all energy region
(3,52-71) 9-14 MeV
(3,72) (3,72)+(3,73) of JENDL-3.1
(3,73) (3,74) of JENDL-3.1
(3,74-90) new pseud-level added
(3,103) above 7 MeV
(3,105) above 9 MeV
(4,74-90) new pseud-level added
(12,102) energy balance
00-10 JENDL-3.3
The (n,p) cross sections were taken from JENDL Fusion
File 99 /2/. The file was compiled by K.Shibata (jaeri).
01-07 JENDL-3.3
The (n,p) cross sections were modified between 10-5 eV and
40 keV.
***** Modified parts for JENDL-3.3 **********************
(1,451) Updated
(3,1),(3,2) Re-calculated
(3,103) Taken from JENDL Fusion File 99
Modified between 10-5 eV and 40 keV.
(3,251) Deleted
(4,2) Transformation matrix deleted
(5,16-32) Modified
09-08 JENDL-4.0
The data for MF/MT=12/103 were revised by K.Shibata (jaea).
10-01 (n,p) cross section was revised.
mf=1 General information
mt=451 Descriptive data
mf=2 Resonance parameters
mt=151 Scattering radius only.
mf=3 Cross sections
calculated 2200 m/s cross sections and res. integ.
2200 m/s (b) res. integ. (b)
total 11.905 -
elastic 10.000 -
capture 0.075 0.0034
mt=1 sig-t
Below 1 eV, a sum of partial cross sections.
Above 1 eV, based on the experimental data /3,4,5,6/.
mt=2 sig-el
Below 1 eV, sig-el = 10 barns.
above 1 eV, the elastic scattering cross section was
obtained by subtracting the reaction cross sections from
the total cross section.
mt=4 total inelastic
Sum of mt=51 to 91.
mt=16 (n,2n)
Based on experimental data/7,8,9/.
mt=22 (n,n alpha)
Adopted the half of values calculated with the gnash
mt=28 (n,np)
Calculated with the gnash code/10/, and normalized
to the experimental data/11/.
mt=32 (n,nd)
Adopted the half of values calculated with the gnash
mt=51-90 sig-in
The cross sections were calculated with the statistical
model. The low-energy portion was analyzed with the
resonance theory/12/. For mt=51 to 73, the direct
components were calculated with the dwuck code/13/. For
74 to 90, pseud-levels were assumed and adjusted to fit
to the experimental data/14/.
The optical potential parameters used are the following
V = 50.08-0.01E , Ws = 9.0 + 0.62E, Vso = 5.5 (MeV)
r = 1.22 , rs = 1.45 , rso = 1.15 (fm)
a = 0.66 , b = 0.13 , aso = 0.50 (fm).
Level scheme
no. energy(MeV) spin-parity
g.s. 0.0 1 +
1. 2.3129 0 +
2. 3.9478 1 +
3. 4.9150 0 -
4. 5.1059 2 -
5. 5.6900 1 -
6. 5.8320 3 -
7. 6.2040 1 +
8. 6.4440 3 +
9. 7.0280 2 +
10. 7.9670 2 -
11. 8.0620 1 -
12. 8.4880 4 -
13. 8.6180 0 +
14. 8.7900 0 -
15. 8.91 3 -
16. 8.96 5 +
17. 9.13 3 +
18. 9.17 2 +
19. 9.51 2 -
20. 10.23 1 -
21. 10.81 5 +
22. 11.05 3 +
11.07 1 + (summing up)
23. 11.24 3 -
24. 11.5 (pseud-level)
25. 11.75 (pseud-level)
26. 12.0 (pseud-level)
27. 12.25 (pseud-level)
28. 12.5 (pseud-level)
29. 13.0 (pseud-level)
30. 13.5 (pseud-level)
31. 14.0 (pseud-level)
32. 14.5 (pseud-level)
33. 15.0 (pseud-level)
34. 15.5 (pseud-level)
35. 16.0 (pseud-level)
36. 16.5 (pseud-level)
37. 17.0 (pseud-level)
38. 17.5 (pseud-level)
39. 18.0 (pseud-level)
40. 18.5 (pseud-level)
mt=102 Capture
Calculated with the casthy code/16/.
mt=103 (n,p)
Below 7 MeV, based on experimental data/17,18,19,20,21,
Above 7 MeV, based on experimental data/23/.
For JENDL-3.3, the data were taken from FENDL-1 (BROND-2)
above 6 MeV.
The 1/v part was modified so as to reproduce a thermal
cross section of 1.93 b mesured by Wagemans et al. /24/
mt=104 (n,d)
Below 8.5 MeV, based on experimental data/25/.
Above 8.5 MeV, calculated with gnash.
mt=105 (n,t)
Below 9 MeV, based on experimental data/26/.
Above 9 MeV, based on experimental data/27,28/.
mt=107 (n,alpha)
Based on the experimental data/21,22,25,26/.
mt=108 (n,2alpha)
Calculated with gnash and normalized at 14.1 mev to an
average value among the experimental data/29,30/.
mt=800 (n, alpha0)
Based on experimental data.
mt=801 (n, alpha1)
Based on experimental data.
mt=849 (n, alpha) continuum
Based on experimental data.
mf=4 Angular distributions of secondary neutrons
1.e-5 eV to 8 MeV calculated with the resonance theory.
8 MeV to 20 MeV calculated with casthy.
Assumed to be isotropic in the center of mass system.
The distributions were converted to the ones in the
laboratory system.
Calculated with casthy/16/ and dwuck/13/.
Assumed to be isotropic in the center of mass system.
mf=5 Energy distribution for secondary neutrons
Calculated with the gnash code/10/.
mf=12 Photon production multiplicities
Calculated with the gnash code.
for mt=102, modified by considering energy balance.
mf=13 Photon production cross sections
Calculated with the gnash code/10/.
mf=14 Photon angular distributions
mf=15 Photon energy distributions
Calculated with the gnash code/10/.
For mt=102, modified by using the experimental data/31/
at thermal energy.
mf=33 Covariances for neutron cross sections
Below 60 keV, uncertainty of 3% /24/ was assumed.
1) Kanda Y. et al.: JAERI-M 91-032 (1991) p.376.
2) Chiba S. et al.: Fusion Eng. Des., 37, 175 (1997).
3) Melkonian E.: Phys. Rev., 76, 1750 (1949).
4) Bilpuch E.G. et al.: Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., 4, 42 (1959).
5) Bilpuch E.G. et al.: Taken from EXFOR (1962).
6) Heaton, II H.T. et al.: Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., 15, 568 (1970).
7) Ferguson J.W. et al.: Phys. Rev., 118, 228 (1960).
8) Bormann N. et al.: Nucl. Phys., 63, 438 (1965).
9) Ryves T.B. et al.: J. Phys., G4, 1783 (1978).
10) Young P.G. and Arthur E.D.: LA-6947 (1977).
11) Csikai J. and Nacy S.: Nucl. Phys., A91, 222 (1967).
12) Murata T.: Proc. Int. Conf. Nuclear Data for Science and
Technology, Mito, 1988, p.557, (1988).
13) Kunz P.D.: unpublished.
14) Baba M. et al.: Proc. of Int. Conf. on Nucl. Data for Basic
and Applied Sci. at Santa Fe, p.223 (1986).
15) Templon J.A. et al.: Nucl. Sci. Eng., 91, 451 (1985).
16) Igarasi S.: J. Nucl. Sci. Technol., 12, 67 (1975).
17) Batchelor R.: AERE-N/R-370 (1949).
18) Coon J.H. et al.: Phys. Rev., 75, 1358 (1949).
19) Cure P. et al.: J. Phys. Radium., 12, 6 (1951).
20) Hanna G.C. et al.: Can. J. Phys., 39, 1784 (1961).
21) Morgan G.L. et al.: Nucl. Sci. Eng., 70, 163 (1979).
22) Felber H. et al.: Z. Phys., A276, 75 (1976).
23) Anderson J.D. et al.: UCRL-50001-66-2, (1966).
24) Wagemans J. et al.: Phys. Rev., C61, 064601 (2000).
25) Chase, Jr L.F. et al.: AFSWC-TR-61-15 (1961).
26) Gabbard F. et al.: Nucl. Phys., 14, 277 (1959).
27) Suhaimi A.: Jul-2196, (1988).
28) Dimbylow P.: Phys. in Medicine and Biology, 25, 637 (1980).
29) Lillie A.B.: Phys. Rev., 87, 726 (1952).
30) Schmidt G. et al.: Nucl. Phys., a103, 238 (1967).
31) Maerker R.E.: ORNL/TM-5203 (1976).