7-N - 15
JAERI-M 89-047 DIST-MAY10 20100115
----JENDL-4.0 MATERIAL 728
88-12 Newly evaluated by T.Fukahori (jaeri)/1/
94-04 JENDL-3.2
Compiled by T.Fukahori and K.Shibata (ndc/jaeri)
***** modified parts for JENDL-3.2 ********************
( 2,151) Omitted except scattering radius
( 3, 1) Below 5.5 MeV, changed to point-wise cross section
( 3, 2) Below 5.5 MeV, changed to point-wise cross section
( 3,102) Below 5.5 MeV, changed to point-wise cross section
(12,102) From energy balance
01-07 Compiled by K.Shibata for JENDL-3.3
***** modified parts for JENDL-3.3 ********************
(1,451) Updated.
(3.1) Re-calculated.
(3,102) Revised.
(3,251) Deleted.
(4,2) Transformation matrix deleted.
(5,16-91) INT=22
06-05 Covariances for MF/MT=33/1 and 33/2 were added by K.Shibata.
10-01 Comments and MODn modified for JENDL-4.0.
mf=1 General information
mt=451 Descriptive data and dictionary
mf=2 Resonance parameters
mt=151 Only scattering radius is given.
2200 m/sec cross sections and resonance integrals
2200 m/sec res. integ.
total 4.590 b -
elastic 4.590 b -
capture 0.024 mb 0.016 mb
mf=3 Cross sections
mt=1 Total cross section
Below 5.5 MeV, resonance parameters of the multi-level
Breit-Wigner formula /2,3/ are adjusted to reproduce the
experimental data of B.Zeitnitz et al./4/, and given as
point-wise data. Above 5.5 MeV, smooth curve was obtained
by fitting to the experimental data of B.Zeitnitz et al.
mt=2 Elastic scattering cross section
Below 5.5 MeV, point-wise cross section obtained from MLBW
calculation is given. Above 5.5 MeV, the cross section
was obtained by subtracting the reaction cross sections
from the total cross section.
mt=4 Total inelastic scattering cross section
Sum of mt=51-66 and 91.
Calculated with gnash /5/. The optical potential potential
parameters, the level density parameters and the level
scheme are shown in tables 1-3, respectively.
mt=51-91 Inelastic scattering
Calculated with casthy /6/. The parameters are also shown
in tables 1-3.
mt=102 Capture cross section
Below 5.5 MeV, point-wise cross section obtained from MLBW
calculation is given. Above 5.5 MeV, the cross section
was obtained by casthy calculation.
For JENDL-3.3, the direct p-wave capture was considered
using the formula derived by Meissner et al./11/
mf=4 Angular distributions of secondary neutrons
Based on the casthy calculation.
Assumed to be isotropic in the center of mass system.
mf=5 Energy distributions of secondary neutrons
Based on the gnash calculation.
mf=12-15 Gamma-ray data
Based on the gnash calculation. For mf=12,mt=102,
modification was done for energy balance.
mf=33 Covariances
Based on the least-squares fit to the measurements /4,12-
Below 5.5 MeV, the covariance matrix is the same as that
for mt1. Above 5.5 MeV, the covariances were obtained
from the Kalman/Eliese-Casthy calculations /17/.
The detais are given in Ref.18.
Table 1 The optical potential parameters
neutron V = 50.08-0.012E MeV r0 = 1.22 fm a0 = 0.66 fm
Ws = 8.91+0.618E MeV ri = 1.45 fm ai = 0.13 fm
Vsym= 5.50 MeV r0 = 1.15 fm a0 = 0.50 fm
proton V = 51.30-0.220E MeV r0 = 1.21 fm a0 = 0.61 fm
Ws = 6.40-0.050E MeV ri = 1.03 fm ai = 0.53 fm
Vsym= 6.00 MeV r0 = 1.06 fm a0 = 0.53 fm
deuteron Perey-Perey's potential/7/
triton Becchetti-Greenlees's potential/8/
alpha V = 43.9 MeV r0 = 1.91 fm a0 = 0.45 fm
Wv = 3.85 MeV ri = 1.91 fm ai = 0.45 fm
Table 2 The level density parameters
a(1/MeV) t(MeV) pair.(MeV) Ex(MeV)
B-11 1.431 6.149 2.67 25.58
B-12 1.491 6.201 0.0 26.78
C-12 1.700 5.971 5.60 37.91
C-13 1.846 5.382 2.80 30.57
C-14 1.988 4.887 5.00 28.94
C-15 1.988 4.600 0.0 19.28
N-14 1.600 5.000 0.0 10.00
N-15 2.130 3.758 2.20 10.07
N-16 2.130 4.547 0.0 22.11
Table 3 The level scheme (energy(MeV), spin and parity)/3,9,10/
N-14 N-15 N-16 C-15 C-14 C-13
gs 0.0 1+ 0.0 1/2- 0.0 2- 0.0 1/2+ 0.0 0+ 0.0 1/2-
1 2.313 0+ 5.270 5/2+ 0.120 0- 0.740 5/2+ 6.094 1- 3.089 1/2+
2 3.948 1+ 5.299 1/2+ 6.589 0+ 3.685 3/2-
3 4.915 0- 6.324 3/2- 6.728 3- 3.854 5/2+
4 5.106 2- 7.155 5/2+ 6.903 0-
5 5.691 1- 7.301 3/2+ 7.012 2+
6 5.834 3- 7.567 7/2+ 7.341 2-
7 6.204 1+ 8.313 1/2+ ---------------------------------------
8 6.446 3+ 8.571 3/2+ C-12 B-11 B-12
9 7.029 2+ 9.050 1/2+ ---------------------------------------
10 9.152 3/2- gs 0.0 0+ 0.0 3/2- 0.0 1+
11 9.155 5/2+ 1 2.125 1/2- 0.953 2+
12 9.225 1/2- 2 4.445 5/2- 1.674 2-
13 9.758 5/2- 3 5.020 3/2- 2.620 1-
14 9.829 7/2- 4 6.743 7/2- 2.720 0+
15 9.928 3/2- 5 6.793 1/2+
16 10.070 3/2+ 6 7.286 5/2+
1) Fukahori T.: JAERI-M 89-047 (1989).
2) Mughabghab S.F. et al. : 'Neutron Cross Sections' Vol.1 Part A
(Academic Press 1981, New York)
3) Ajzenberg-Selove F.: Nucl. Phys. A460 (1986) 1
4) Zeitnitz B. et al.: KfK-1443 (1971)
5) Young P.G. et al.: GNASH, a preequilibrium,statistical
nuclear-model code for calculation of cross section and
emission spectra, LA-6947 (1977).
6) Igarasi S. and Fukahori T.: JAERI 1321 (1991).
7) Perey F.G.: Phys. Rev. 131 (1963) 745
8) Becchetti Jr. F.D. and Greenlees G.W.: 'Polarization Phenomena
in Nuclear Reactions', the University of Wisconsin Press
9) Ajzenberg-Selove F.: Nucl. Phys. A449 (1986) 1
10) Ajzenberg-Selove F.: Nucl. Phys. A433 (1985) 1
11) Meissner J. et al.: Phys. Rev. C53 (1996) 977
12) Sikkema C.P.: Nucl. Phys. 32 (1962) 470
13) Schellenberg L. et al.: Helevetica Physica Acta, 32 (1959) 357
14) Fossan D.B. et al.: Phys. Rev. 135 (1964) B1347
15) Fossan D.B. et al.: Phys. Rev. 152 (1966) 980
16) Donoghue T.R. et al.: Nucl. Phys. 54 (1964) 49
17) Kawano T, Shibata K.: JAERI-Data/Code 97-037 (1997) [in
18) Shibata K, Nakagawa T.: J. Nucl. Sci. Technol., 44, 1 (2007).