41-Nb- 93
41-Nb- 93 JAEA EVAL-NOV09 A.Ichihara, K.Shibata, S.Kunieda+
DIST-MAY10 20091201
----JENDL-4.0 MATERIAL 4125
82-10 Evaluation of resonance parameters for JENDL-2 was made
by Kawai.
88-10 Evaluation was performed for JENDL-3.
88-10 Compiled by K.Shibata (JAERI).
94-02 JENDL-3.2
Resonance parameters modified by M.Kawai(Toshiba).
Gamma-ray production data by S.Igarasi(NEDAC).
Other data were adopted from JENDL fusion file.
Compiled by T.Nakagawa
***** Modified parts for JENDL-3.2 ********************
(2,151) resolved resonance parameters modified
(3,1), (3,2), (3,4), (3,51-91) from JENDL fusion file
(4,16-91) taken from JENDL fusion file
(5,16-91) taken from JENDL fusion file
(12,102) below 100 keV
(15,102) below 100 keV
JENDL fusion file /1/ (as of Feb. 1994)
Evaluated by B.Yu(CIAE) and S.Chiba (NDC/JAERI)
Compiled by S.Chiba.
- Cross sections were mainly taken from JENDL-3.1 except
for the (n,2n) and continuum inelastic scattering cross
sections which were taken from the SINCROS-II/2/
calculation. Interpolation scheme of the discrete
inelastic scattering cross sections was changed from 3
to 2. The total cross section at 10 and 15 keV, which
is the background cross section, were set to 0.0.
- Energy distributions were replaced with the SINCROS-II
- MF=6 was made by the M15TOB program/1/. The precom-
und to compound ratio was taken from output of the
SINCROS-II calculation. Kalbach's systematics/3/ was
adopted for DDX.
- Optical-model, level density and other parameters used in
the SINCROS-II calculation are described in ref./2/.
Level schemes were determined on the basis of ENSDF/4/.
Modefied by T.Fukahori (NDC/JAERI) on Aug. 13, 1996
- Total cross section between 0.5 and 4 MeV is modified so
as to reproduce the experimental data L. Green et al./5/
A.B. Smith et al./6/.
- Newly evaluated value of (n,alpha) reaction cross section
considered old version of JENDL fusion file, FENDL-1 and
the experimental data measured by A. Mannan et al./7/
and R. Woelfle et al./8/ is replaced old one.
2001-08 JENDL-3.3
Evaluated by Y. Watanabe (Kyushu Univ.)
Compiled by Y. Watanabe and K. Shibata
Gamma-ray energy distributions for radiative capture
(MT=102) were modified. Other data were adopted from
JENDL-3.2 and JENDL-fusion file.
***** modified parts for JENDL-3.3 ********************
(6,16-91) taken from the JENDL fusion file
(6,202,203,204,207) taken from the JENDL fusion file
(12,102),(15,102) newly evaluated above 3 MeV
- Cross sections were taken from the JENDL-3.2.
- Energy-angle distributions (MF=6) were taken from the
JENDL fusion file.
- For the (n,gamma) energy distribution, semi-direct
component calculated using the GNASH code/9/ was added
to the statistical component taken from JENDL-3.2
after appropriate renormalization for incident energies
above 3 MeV.
2009-11 JENDL-4.0
***** modified parts for JENDL-4.0 ********************
(1,451) Updated.
(2,151) Resolved resonance parameters. (T.Murata)
Unresolved resonance parameters.
(3,2),(3,207) Revised.
Following data were calculated by the POD code/10,11/.
(3,28) Revised.
(3,103) Revised.
(3,203) Revised.
(6,16) Revised.
(6,91) Revised.
(6,203) Revised.
MF=1 General information
MT=451 Descriptive data and dictionary
MF=2 Resonance parameters
MT=151 Resolved and unresolved resonance parameters
Resolved resonances: 1.0e-5 eV - 7 keV
Parameters in JENDL-3.1 were taken from JENDL-2 by modifying
J values. The JENDL-2 parameters were evaluated on the basis
of following measurements:
transmission by Garg et al./12/, Poittevin et al./13/
and Iliescu et al./14/
scattering by Iliescu et al./14/
capture by Macklin /15/, Lopez et al./16/ and
Iliescu et al. /14/
J values determined by Haste et al. /17/ were adopted.
average radiative width was assumed to be 0.172 eV (0.212 eV
for doublet), and Scattering radius to be 7.10 fm. The J
values of resonances without known j values were randomly
For JENDL-3.2, re-assignment of J and modification of
neutron and radiative widths were made to reproduce the
measured capture area data/15/.
In JENDL-4.0, we took account of the data for eight
resonances obtained by Drindak et al./18/ The J values
for 364.93-eV s-wave, 362.71-eV p-wave and 392,53-eV p-wave
resonances were taken from ENDF/B-VI.8.
After JENDL-3.3 evaluation, new measurements 93Nb resonance
parameters have been made by Drindak et al./18/ and by
Wang et al./19/.
Resonance parameters of JENDL-3.3 are replaced by
those of Drindak et al./18/ in the resonance energy region
below 500eV, in detail, an s-wave resonance at Er=194.25 eV;
J=4 was added and a p-wave resonance at Er=184.3 eV was
Resonance parameters of a negative resonance were determined
to reproduce thermal cross sections and resonance integral
given by Mughabghab/20/.
Unresolved resonances: 7 keV - 600 keV
Determined with the asrep code/21/ so as to reproduce
the evaluated sig-c and sig-t up to 600 keV.
Typical parameters at 70 keV:
s0= 0.4e-4, s1=6.68e-4, d-obs=96.0 ev, r=6.477 fm,
radiative width= 0.172 eV
The parameters should be used only for self-shielding
Thermal cross sections and resonance integrals at 300 K
0.0253 eV res. integ. (*)
(barns) (barns)
Total 7.498E+00
Elastic 6.356E+00
n,gamma 1.142E+00 8.982E+00
(*) Integrated from 0.5 eV to 10 MeV.
MF=3 Neutron cross sections
MT=1 Total
Above 7 keV.
100 keV to 20 MeV: spline-function fitting to the
experimental data/22/.
MT=2 Elastic scattering
(total) - (reaction cross section)
MT=4,51-62,91 Inelastic scattering
The inelastic scattering cross sections to discrete levels
were calculated with the statistical-model code casthy
/23/, considering level fluctuation, using modified
walter-guss potential parameters for neutrons. The
components of the direct process were added to the levels
of mt=53, 54, 56, 57, 58, 60 by using the DWUCK code /24/.
The cross section to continuum was calculated with the
GNASH code /25/ considering pre-equilibrium. The
modification made for JENDL fusion file was also adopted
to JENDL-3.2.
The level scheme is given as follows:
no. energy(mev) spin-parity
g.s 0.0 9/2 +
1. 0.0304 1/2 -
2. 0.6860 3/2 -
3. 0.7440 7/2 +
4. 0.8087 5/2 +
5. 0.8101 3/2 -
6. 0.9499 13/2 +
7. 0.9791 11/2 +
8. 1.0826 9/2 +
9. 1.2900 3/2 -
10. 1.2974 9/2 +
11. 1.3156 5/2 +
12. 1.3351 17/2 +
Levels above 1.34 mev were assumed to be overlapping.
Optical-model parameters are as follows:
V=52.56-0.30*En, Ws=3.233+0.271*En, Vso=6.004-0.015*En
Vsym=-16.5 , Wi=-0.963+0.153*en, Wso=0.291-0.018*En
r0=1.229 , rs=1.282 , ri=1.42, rso=1.103
a0=0.688 , b=0.512 , ai=0.509, aso=0.56
The level density parameters for GNASH and CASTHY
calculations are as follows:
a ex t ds gamma-g
(1/mev) (mev) (mev) (ev) (ev)
Nb-94 14.4 4.059 0.719 30.0 0.052
Nb-93 13.0 5.884 0.834 - 0.170
Nb-92 11.5 3.254 0.790 - 0.170
Nb-91 11.0 5.461 0.895 - 0.170
Zr-93 13.7 5.923 0.781 - 0.140
Zr-92 11.9 6.284 0.858 - 0.140
Y-90 11.1 1.441 0.721 1210. 0.130
Y-89 10.7 2.946 0.762 - 0.130
MT=16 (n,2n)
Based on the experimental data/26,27/.
MT=17,22,28,103,104,107 (n,3n),(n,n'a),(n,n'p),(n,p)
(n,d) and (n,a) cross sections
calculated with gnash/25/.
optical potential parameters for proton, alpha-particle
and deuteron were taken from the works of Perey/28/,
Lemos/29/ and Lohr and Haeverli/30/, respectively.
MT=102 Radiative capture cross section
1.0e-5 eV to 7 keV: resolved resonance parameters given.
100 kev to 20 MeV: calculated with the CASTHY code/23/.
t-gamma=0.0109; determined so as to reproduce
sig-c=107mb at 100 keV, measured by Reffo et al./31/
MF=4 Angular distributions of secondary neutrons
Calculated with CASTHY for equilibrium process. The
components of the direct process were added to the levels
of MT=53,54,56,57,58,60 by using the DWUCK code /24/.
MF=6 Energy and angle distributions of secondary
neutron, proton, deuteron, and alpha particle
MT=16, 17, 22, 28, 91, 202, 203, 204, 207
Taken from JENDL fusion file.
MF=12 Photon production multiplicities
Calculated with GNASH/25/.
From energy balance. Semi-direct component was taken
into account above 3 MeV.
MF=14 Photon angular distributions
Assumed to be isotropic.
MF=15 Photon energy distributions
Calculated with GNASH/25/.
Below 3 MeV, calculated with CASTHY, referring to
the compilation of gamma-ray spectra for thermal neutron
by Lone et al./32/ Primary transitions were taken into
account at 1.0e-5, 2.53e-2, 1.0e+1, 1.0e+3, 3.0e+4 and
1.0e+5 eV. More than 3 MeV, semi-direct component
calculated by GNASH code/9/ was included. The component
was normalized to the experimental data of
Rigaud et al./33/.
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