28-Ni- 60

 28-NI- 60 NAIG       EVAL-MAR87 S.IIJIMA                         
                      DIST-MAR02 REV4-MAY00            20020214   
----JENDL-3.3         MATERIAL 2831                               
-----INCIDENT NEUTRON DATA                                        
------ENDF-6 FORMAT                                               
87-03  Evaluation was performed for JENDL-3. Short description    
       on the evaluation is given in ref./1/                      
87-05  Compiled by K.Shibata (jaeri).                             
90-10  mf=5, mt=16, 22 and 28: data at threshold energies were    
       modified. mf=12, mt=16, 91 and 102 were slightly modified. 
93-09  JENDL-3.2.                                                 
       Compiled by T.Nakagawa (ndc/jaeri)                         
     *****   modified parts for JENDL-3.2   ********************  
      (4,16-28), (4,91)    Taken from JENDL fusion file           
      (5,16-91)            Taken from JENDL fusion file           
      (12,102)             Below 500 keV, revised by S.Igasasi    
      (15,102)             Below 500 keV, revised by S.Igarasi    
      JENDL fusion file /2/  (as of Sep. 1993)                    
        Evaluated by S.Chiba (ndc/jaeri)                          
        Compiled by S.Chiba                                       
          All of cross sections were taken from JENDL-3.1.  EDX's 
        of mt=16, 22, 28 and 91 were replaced by those calculated 
        with sincros-II code system/3/ because normalization      
        errors were found in the data stored in JENDL-3.1.  DDX's 
        of continuum reactions were created with f15tob program   
        /2/.  Kumabe's systematics /4/ was used.  The precom-     
        pound/compound ratio was calculated by the sincros-II code
          Optical-model, level density and other parameters used  
        in the sincros-ii calculation are described in ref./3/.   
        Level schemes were determined on the basis of ENSDF/5/.   
2000-05  Re-evaluated by N.Yamamuro (TIT), and compiled by        
         K.Shibata (jaeri).                                       
         *************** modification for JENDL-3.3 **************
         (3,1)                        Re-evaluated above 557 keV  
         (3,2)                        Re-calculcated.             
         (3,16),(3,22),(3,28),        Calculated by sincros-II    
         (3,103),(3,104),(3,105),     Calculated by sincros-II    
         (3,106),(3,107),             Calculated by sincros-II    
         (3,203),(3,204),(3,205)      Calculated by sincros-II    
         (3,206),(3,207)              Calculated by sincros-II    
         (4,16),(4,22),(4,28),(4,91)  Deleted                     
         (5,16),(5,22),(5,28),(5,91)  Deleted                     
         (6,16),(6,22),(6,28),(6,91)  Taken from JENDL fusion file
         (6,203),(6,204),(6,205),     Taken from JENDL fusion file
         (6,206),(6,207)              Taken from JENDL fusion file
2002-01  Covariances were taken from the work of Shibata and      
mf=1,mt=451   Comments and dictionary                             
mf=2,mt=151   Resolved resonance parameters : 1.0e-5 eV - 456 keV 
        Evaluation based on the following data.                   
           Parameters in JENDL-2 were modified with the data of   
           Perey et al./6/  Two negative resonances were added.   
             E = -50 keV  gamma-n = 12.8 keV   gamma-g = 0.0 eV   
             E = -656 eV  gamma-n = 0.60  eV   gamma-g = 6.0 eV   
       calculated 2200 m/s values and resonance integrals (barn): 
                           2200 m/s value        res. int.        
           total              4.316                  -            
           elastic            1.416                  -            
           capture            2.900                 1.462         
mf=3  Neutron cross sections                                      
  No background cross sections are given below 456 kev for mt=1,  
  2, 102.  Cross sections above 456 keV were evaluated as follows:
     mt=1 : Total cross section                                   
        High resolusion experimental data of Perey et al./6/ were 
        traced up to 557 keV.  Above 557 keV, evaluation was      
        based on the natural Ni data measured by Larson et al.    
        /7/ with unfolding considering experimental resolution.   
     mt=2 : Elastic scattering                                    
        (total) - (nonelastic cross sections).                    
     mt=3 : Nonelastic cross section                              
        Sum of mt=4,16,22,28,102,103,104,105,106,107,111.         
     mt=16    : (n,2n)                                            
        Evaluated by N.Yamamuro using sincros-II code /8/.        
     mt=22,28,103,104,105,106,107: (n,n'a),(n,n'p),(n,p),(n,d),   
        Evaluated by N.Yamamuro using sincros-II code /8/.        
     mt=111   : (n,2p)                                            
        The cross sections were calculated with pegasus/9/.  The  
        (n,a), (n,na) and (n,d) cross sections were normalized to 
        the data of Grimes et al./10/ and the (n,t) was to the    
        data of Qaim and Stoecklin/11/  Inverse cross sections    
        were calculated from the following omp's:                 
              proton   = Perey/12/                                
              alpha    = Huizenga and Igo/13/                     
              deuteron = Lohr and Haeberli/14/                    
              helium-3 and triton = Becchetti and Greenlees/15/   
     mt=4,52-61,91 : Inelastic scattering                         
        The casthy /16/ and gnash /17/ calculations were adopted  
        for neutron energies below and above 7 MeV, respectively. 
        The contribution from the direct process was included for 
        mt=51, 52, 53, 54, 61. for the level of mt=61, only the   
        direct process was considered.  The level scheme used is  
        as follows:                                               
              no  energy(MeV)  spin-parity                        
             g.s    0.0          0 +                              
              1.    1.3325       2 +                              
              2.    2.1588       2 +                              
              3.    2.2849       0 +                              
              4.    2.5058       4 +                              
              5.    2.6260       3 +                              
              6.    3.1198       4 +                              
              7.    3.1240       2 +                              
              8.    3.1861       3 +                              
              9.    3.1941       1 +                              
             10.    3.2696       2 +                              
             11.    4.0397       3 -                              
          Continuum levels assumed above 3.318 MeV.               
        Potential parameters are given as follows /18/:           
          V =51.33 - 0.331*En ,Ws=8.068 + 0.112*En ,Vso=7.0 (MeV) 
          r0=rso=1.24         ,rs=1.40                      (fm)  
          a0=aso=0.541        ,as=0.4                       (fm)  
        Surface imaginary part is in derivative Woods-Saxon form. 
     mt=102 : Capture                                             
        Calculated with casthy by normalizing to 8.0 mb at 700    
        keV /6/.  Gamma-ray strength function is 2.925e-5.  Level 
        density parameters are:                                   
                              pairing    spin-cutoff f.           
             a(1/MeV) T(MeV) energy(MeV)   (MeV**0.5)    Ex(MeV)  
       Ni-60   7.700   1.15    2.47         6.209        8.75     
       Ni-61   8.355   1.15    1.20         6.540        8.39     
        Calculated from the cross sections mentioned above.       
mf=4  Angular distributions of secondary neutrons                 
  mt=2          : Calculated with optical model.                  
  mt=51-60      : calculated with casthy.  direct process         
                  included in mt=51, 52, 53, 54                   
  mt=61         : c.c. calculation.                               
mf=6  Energy-angle distributions of secondary particles           
  mt=16,22,28,91: Taken from JENDL fusion file.                   
  mt=203,204,205,206,207: Taken from JENDL fusion file            
mf=12 Photon multiplicities and transition probability arrays     
             Multiplicities calculated with gnash.                
  mt=102   : Multiplicities calculated from energy balance.       
  mt=51-61 : Transition probability arrays                        
mf=14 Photon angular distributions                                
          Isotropic distributions.                                
mf=15 Photon energy distributions                                 
          Calculated with gnash. For mt=102, spectra at 1.0e-5,   
          2.53e-2, 1.0e+3 and 1.0e+4 eV were calculated with      
          casthy, taking primary transitions.                     
          In JENDL-3.3, for mt=102, the spectra above 1.0e+5 eV   
          were replaced with new calculations /8/.                
mf=33 Covariances of cross sections (ref.19)                      
    Based on experimental data.  A chi-value was 2.99.            
    Constructed from mt=1, 16, 22, 28, 51-91, 102, 103, 104, 105, 
    and 107.                                                      
    Constructed from mt=51-61,91.                                 
    The covariances were obtained by using kalman.                
    A chi-value was 3.96.                                         
  mt=22, 28, 104, 105, 107                                        
    The covariances were obtained by using kalman.  A chi-value   
    was 3.96.                                                     
  mt=51-61, 91                                                    
    The covariances were obtained by usign kalman.  A chi-value   
    was 3.1.                                                      
    The covariances were obtained by usign kalman.  A chi-value   
    was 0.8.                                                      
    Based on experimental data.  A chi-value was 3.2.             
mf=34 Covariances of angular distributions (ref.19)               
    The covariances of p1 coefficients were obtained by using     
    kalman.  A chi-value was 0.84.                                
 1) Iijima S. et al.: Proc. Int. Conf. Nuclear Data for Science   
    and Technol., Mito, 1988, p.627 (1988).                       
 2) Chiba S. et al.: JAERI-M 92-027, p.35 (1992).                 
 3) Yamamuro N.: JAERI-M 90-006 (1990).                           
 4) Kumabe I. et al.: Nucl. Sci. Eng., 104, 280 (1990).           
 5) ENSDF: Evaluated Nuclear Structure Data File, BNL/NNDC.       
 6) Perey C.M. et al.: ORNL-5893 (1982) and Phys. Rev., C27, 2556 
 7) Larson D.C. et al.: ORNL-TM-8203 (1983).                      
 8) Yamamuro N.: Private communication (2000).                    
 9) Iijima S. et al.: JAERI-M 87-025, p.337 (1987).               
10) Grimes S.M. et al.: Phys. Rev., C19, 2127 (1979).             
11) Qaim S.M. and Stoecklin G.: Nucl. Phys., A257, 233 (1976).    
12) Perey F.G: Phys. Rev. 131, 745 (1963).                        
13) Huizenga J.R. and Igo G.: Nucl. Phys. 29, 462 (1962).         
14) Lohr J.M. and Haeberli W.: Nucl. Phys. A232, 381 (1974).      
15) Becchetti F.D., Jr. and Greenlees G.W.: Polarization          
    Phenomena in Nuclear Reactions ((eds) H.H.Barshall and        
    W.Haeberli), p. 682, the University of Wisconsin Press (1971).
16) Igarasi S. and Fukahori T.: JAERI 1321 (1991).                
17) Young P.G. and Arthur E.D.: LA-6947 (1977).                   
18) Kawai M. : unpublished.                                       
19) Shibata K. and Oh S.Y.: JAERI-Research 2000-007 (2000).