
 82-PB-207 JAERI      EVAL-JUL87 M.MIZUMOTO                       
                      DIST-MAR02 REV3-SEP01            20010907   
----JENDL-3.3         MATERIAL 8234                               
-----INCIDENT NEUTRON DATA                                        
------ENDF-6 FORMAT                                               
87-03 Newly evaluated for JENDL-3 by M.Mizumoto (jaeri)           
87-11 Revise is recommended.                                      
89-09 Revision is completed                                       
      Compilation is made by T.Narita and T.Fukahori (jaeri)      
94-04 JENDL-3.2.                                                  
       Resonance parameters corrected by T.Nakagawa               
       Data for mf=3,4,5 were adopted from JENDL fusion file      
       Gamma-ray production data modified by K.Shibata(jaeri)     
      Compiled by T.Nakagawa (ndc/jaeri)                          
     *****   modified parts for JENDL-3.2   ********************  
      (3,4), (3,16). (3,17), (3,22), (3,28), (3,51-91)            
      (4,16-91), (5,16-91)                                        
             These data were taken from JENDL fusion file.        
      (2,151)  Reich-Moore formula adopted, and upper boundary    
             of resonance region was changed from 500 to 475 keV  
      (3,102)  Renormalized                                       
      (3,107)  0 at 500 keV was inserted                          
      (12,102), (15,102)  Calculated with casthy                  
01-07 JENDL-3.3                                                   
      Compiled by K.Shibata                                       
     *****   modified parts for JENDL-3.3   ********************  
      (1,451)      Updated.                                       
      (3,1)        Re-calculated.                                 
      (3,2)        Re-calculated.                                 
      (3,102)      Revised above 1 MeV.                           
      (3,251)      Deleted.                                       
      (4,2)        Transformation matrix deleted.                 
      (4,16-91)    Deleted.                                       
      (5,16-91)    Deleted.                                       
      (6,16-91)    Taken from JENDL fusion file.                  
      (12,16),(12,91)  Revised.                                   
      (15,16),(15,91)  Revised.                                   
      JENDL fusion file /1/  (as of Oct. 1993)                    
            Evaluated by K.Kosako (nedac) and S.Chiba (ndc/jaeri) 
            Compiled  by K.Kosako.                                
      Data were taken from JENDL-3.1 except for the following:    
      -  The inelastic scattering cross sections and angular      
         distributions of inelastically scattered neutrons (except
         continuum inelastic) were calculated with casthy2y and   
         dwucky in sincros-ii system/2/ including contributions   
         from direct reactions.                                   
      -  The (n,2n), (n,3n), (n,na) and (n,np) reaction cross     
         sections (mt=16, 17, 22, 28) were calculated by egnash2  
         in the sincros-ii. The (n,2n) cross section was          
         renormalized to experimental data.                       
      -  Energy distributions of secondary neutrons were replaced 
         with those calculated by egnash2.  The ddx's of the      
         continuum neutrons were calculated by Kumabe's systema-  
         tics /3/ using f15tob /1/.  The precompound/compound     
         ratio was calculated by the sincros-ii code system.      
      -  Optical-model, level density and other parameters used in
         the sincros-ii calculation are described in ref./2/.     
         Level schemes were determined on the basis of ENSDF/4/.  
mf=1  General information                                         
 mt=451  Descriptive data and dictionary                          
mf=2  Resonance parameters                                        
 mt=151  Resolved resonance parameters for Reich-Moore formula    
  Resonance ranges: 1.0e-5 eV to 475 keV                          
  Parameters were based on the data of Horen+78 /5/ and recommen- 
  dation of Mughabghab/6/ parameters of dummy resonances were     
  taken from ENDF/B-VI evaluation/7/.  Average radiative width of 
  0.11 eV was used for the resonances whose value was unknown.    
  Effective scattering radius of 9.53 fm was determined to        
  reproduce well the experimental data of total cross section.    
     calculated 2200-m/s cross sections and res. integrals.       
                     2200 m/s             res. integ.             
      elastic        11.254b                  -                   
      capture        0.7120 b              0.3911 b               
      total          11.966 b                 -                   
mf=3  Neutron cross sections                                      
 Below 475 keV                                                    
  No background cross sections are given.                         
 Above 475 keV                                                    
  Cross sections for JENDL-3.1 were obtained with optical and     
  statistical model code casthy /8/.  The optical potential       
  parameters were obtained by fitting average total cross section 
  of natural lead.                                                
       V=47.0 - 0.250*E,  ws = 2.30 + 0.41*E, Vso = 6.0 (MeV)     
       r0 = 1.25       ,  rs = 1.30         , rso = 1.30 (fm)     
       a0 = 0.65       ,  b=0.48            , as0 = 0.689 (fm)    
  Level density parameters were determined using low-lying level  
  data and observed neutron resonance spacing.                    
  For JENDL-3.2, the (n,2n), (n,3n), (n,na), (n,np) and inelastic 
  scattering cross sections were adopted from JENDL fusion file.  
  They were calculated with sincros-ii system/2/ by adopting      
  walter-guss omp modified by Yamamuro/2/ for neutron, Perey omp  
  /9/ for proton, Lemos omp modified by Arthur and Young/10/ for  
  alpha, Lohr-Haeberli omp/11/ for deuteron, Becchettii-Greenlees 
  omp/12/ for triton and he-3, and standard level density         
  parameters of sincros-ii system.                                
 mt=1  Total                                                      
  Calculated with casthy /8/.                                     
 mt=2  Elastic scattering                                         
  (total)-(all other partial cross sections)                      
 mt=4,51-58,91  Inelastic scattering                              
  The cross sections were taken from JENDL fusion file.  The level
  scheme was adoptted from ref./4/  Contributions of the direct   
  process were calculated for the levels marked with '*'.         
         no.     energy(MeV)    spin-parity (direct process)      
         g.s.     0.0              1/2 -                          
          1       0.5697           5/2 -        *                 
          2       0.8977           3/2 -        *                 
          3       1.6334          13/2 +                          
          4       2.3399           7/2 -        *                 
          5       2.6232           5/2 +        *                 
          6       2.6624           7/2 +                          
          7       2.7030           7/2 +                          
          8       2.7280           9/2 +                          
  Levels above 2.728 MeV were assumed to be continuum.  The direct
  inelastic scattering cross sections were calculated for the     
  levels at 3.384, 3.509, 3.583, 3.62, 3.901, 4.103, 4.14, 4.19,  
  4.313, 4.364, 4.404, 4.627, 5.081, 5.352 and 6.188 MeV, and     
  added to mt=91.                                                 
 mt=16, 17, 22, 28        (n,2n), (n,3n), (n,na), (n,np)          
  Adopted from JENDL fusion file.  Theoretical calculation was    
  made with sincros-ii.  The (n,2n) cross section was adjusted to 
  reproduce the measured enargy spectra/13/ (factor = 1.2).  The  
  data of Simakov et al. /14/ were also taken into consideration. 
 mt=102 Capture                                                   
  Calculated with casthy /8/ and normalized to a 30 keV           
  Maxwellian spectrum average of 0.011 b/15/.                     
  For JENDL-3.3, the direct and semi-direct component was         
  calculated by using the method of Benzi and Reffo /19/ and added
  to the JENDL-3.2 cross sections.                                
 mt=103 (n,p)                                                     
  Calculated with gnash /16/ and normalized to 1.6 mb at 14.5 MeV 
  by Belovickij+76 /17/                                           
 mt=107 (n,a)                                                     
  Calculated with gnash /16/ and multiplied by 5.                 
 mt=203   Total proton production                                 
  Sum of mt=28 and 103.                                           
 mt=207   Total alpha production                                  
  Sum of mt=22 and 107.                                           
mf=4  Angular distributions of secondary neutrons                 
   Calculated with casthy /5/.                                    
   Taken from JENDL fusion file.  Calculated with the casthy and  
   dwucky in the sincros-ii system.                               
mf=6  Energy-angle distributions of secondary particles           
 mt=16, 17, 22, 28, 91, 203, 207                                  
   Taken from JENDL fusion file.                                  
mf=12 Gamma-ray multiplicity produced by neutron reactions        
    Calculated with gnash /18/.                                   
    Data of mt=16,91 were revised.                                
    Transition probabilities are given.                           
    Calculated with casthy /5/.  Multiplicity of a line spectrum  
    at thermal is 1.0.                                            
mf=14 Angular distributions of secondary gamma-rays               
 mt=16,17,22,28,51-58,91,102,103,107 : assumed isotropic.         
mf=15 Energy distribution of secondary gamma-rays                 
    Calculated with the gnash /18/.                               
    Data of mt=16,91 were revised.                                
    Calculated with casthy /5/.  At thermal, a line spectrum of   
    7.36735 MeV was assumed.                                      
 1) Chiba, S. et al.: JAERI-M 92-027, p.35 (1992).                
 2) Yamamuro, N.: JAERI-M 90-006 (1990).                          
 3) Kumabe, I. et al.: Nucl. Sci. Eng., 104, 280 (1990).          
 4) ENSDF: Evaluated Nuclear Structure Data File, BNL/NNDC.       
 5) Horen, D.J. et al. : Phys. Rev. C18, 722 (1978)               
 6) Mughabghab, S.F.: Neutron Cross Sections, vol.1, part B,      
    Academic Press (1984).                                        
 7) Fu, C.Y. et al.: BNL-NCS-17541(ENDF-201), p.336 (1991).       
 8) Igarasi, S. and Fukahori, T.: JAERI 1321 (1991).              
 9) Perey, F.G.: Phys. Rev., 131, 745 (1963).                     
10) Arthur, E.D. and Young, P.G.: LA-8626-MS (1980).              
11) Lohr, J.M. and Haeberli, W.: Nucl. Phys., a232, 381 (1974).   
12) Becchetti, F.D. Jr. and Greenlees, G.W.: "Polarization        
   Phenomena in Nucl. Reactions," Univ. Wisconsin Press, p.682    
13) Takahashi, A. et al.: JAERI-M 86-080, 393 (1986).             
14) Simakov, S.P. et al: Workshop on Nucl. Data for Fusion Reactor
    Technol., Del Mar, March 3-6 (1993).                          
15) Allen, B.J. et al. : Phys. Rev., C8, 1504 (1973).             
16) Young, P.G. and Arthur, E.D. : LA-1974 (1977)                 
17) Belovickij et al. : 75 Kiev, 4, 209 (1976)                    
18) Lederer, C.M. and shirley V.S.: Table of Isotopes, 7th ed.    
19) Benzi, V. and Reffo, G.:CCDN-NW/10 (1969).