
 94-Pu-241 JAERI      Eval-Feb00 Y.Nakajima, T.Kawano             
                      DIST-MAR02 Rev4-Mar00            20020214   
----JENDL-3.3         MATERIAL 9443                               
-----INCIDENT NEUTRON DATA                                        
------ENDF-6 FORMAT                                               
79-10 New evaluation was made by Y.Kikuchi (JAERI) and N.Sekine   
      (HEC) /1/.  Data of JENDL-1 /2/ were superseded.            
79-12 Files 2, 3 and 4 were released as JENDL-2B /3/.             
87-03 The fission cross section was revised by adopting results of
      simultaneous evaluation /4/ for JENDL-3.                    
89-02 FP Yields were added.                                       
90-07 FP yield data were modified.                                
93-05 JENDL-3.2.                                                  
      Resolved resonance parameters evaluated by Derrien and      
      de Saussure/5/ (adopted in ENDF/B-VI) were modified by      
      H.Derrien (JAERI)/6/.                                       
      Compiled by T.Nakagawa (NDC/JAERI)                          
     *****   Modified parts for JENDL-3.2   ********************  
      (2,151)        Resolved resonance parameters up to 300 eV   
00-03 JENDL-3.3                                                   
      Evaluation was made by Y.Nakajima(RIST) and T.Kawano(Kyushu 
      Univ.) and compiled by O. Iwamoto (NDC/JAERI)               
     *****   Modified parts for JENDL-3.3   ********************  
     (3,2), (3,18), (3,102)                                       
     (5,16), (5,17), (5,91), (5,455)                              
02-01 Covariances were taken from JENDL-3.2 covariance file except
      for MF/MT=33/18.                                            
MF=1  General Information                                         
  MT=451   Comment and dictionary                                 
  MT=452   Number of neutrons per fission                         
      Sum of Nu-p (MT=456) and Nu-d (MT=455).                     
  MT=455   Delayed neutron data                                   
      Data of Benedetti+ /7/                                      
  MT=456   Number of prompt neutrons per fission                  
      Data of Boldeman and Frehaut /8/ for thermal fission were   
      adopted at low energies by assuming Nu-p(Cf-252 spontaneous 
      fission) = 3.753 for JENDL-2.  For JENDL-3, data were       
      increased by a factor of 3.756/3.753.  An energy dependent  
      term was based on Frehaut+ /9/                              
MF=2,MT=151   Resonance Parameters                                
  Resolved resonances : 1.0E-5 - 300 eV  (Reich-Moore formula)    
      Parameters were evaluated by Derrien and de Saussure/5/,    
      and modified by Derrien /6/.  Details of the modification   
      are given in Appendix.                                      
  Unresolved resonances : 300 eV - 30 keV                         
      Obtained by fitting evaluated fission and capture cross     
         Energy dependent parameters : So, S1 and Gam-f.          
         Fixed parameters : R=9.8 fm , Gam-g = 0.040 eV,          
                            D-obs = 0.85 eV                       
  2200-m/sec cross sections and calculated resonance integrals.   
                     2200 m/sec     Res. Integ.                   
        total        1384.9  b         -                          
        elastic        11.35 b         -                          
        fission      1012.0  b        572.6 b                     
        capture       361.53 b        179.9 b                     
MF=3  Neutron Cross Sections                                      
  Above 300 eV, smooth cross sections were given as follows.      
  Between 300 eV and 30 keV, cross sections were represented with 
  the unresolved resonance parametes.                             
  MT=1, 2, 4, 51-61, 91, 251 : Total, elastic, inelastic          
   scattering cross sections and mu-bar                           
     Calculated with optical and statistical models.  Optical     
     potential parameters used were obtained from systematics/10/ 
           V = 40.25 - 0.05*En , Ws = 6.5  , Vso = 7.0   (MeV)    
           r = rso = 1.32      , rs = 1.38               (fm)     
           a = b = aso = 0.47                            (fm)     
     Statistical model calculation was performed with CASTHY code 
     /11/.  Competing processes (fission, (n,2n), (n,3n), (n,4n)) 
     and level fluctuation were taken into the calculation.  The  
     level scheme taken from Ref./12/.                            
                   No         Energy(keV)   Spin-Parity           
                  g.s.             0           5/2 +              
                    1             41.8         7/2 +              
                    2             94.0         9/2 +              
                    3            161.5         1/2 +              
                    4            170.8         3/2 +              
                    5            223.1         5/2 +              
                    6            230.0         9/2 +              
                    7            242.7         7/2 +              
                    8            300          11/2 +              
                    9            335           9/2 +              
                   10            368          13/2 +              
                   11            445          11/2 -              
              Continuum levels assumed above 490 keV.             
        The level density parameters: Gilbert and Cameron /13/.   
  MT=16, 17, 37    (n,2n), (n,3n), (n,4n)                         
        Calculated with evaporation model.                        
  MT=18            Fission                                        
        Below 30 keV: Taken from JENDL-3.2                        
        Above 30 keV: Results of recent simultaneous evaluation   
        of fission cross sections /14/ were adopted.              
        *) JENDL-3.2                                              
        Above 70 keV, simultaneous evaluation with U-235, U-238,  
        Pu-240, Pu-241 /4/ were adopted.  The experimental data   
        taken into account are those by Szabo+ /15,16/, Carlson+  
        /17,18/, Fursov+ /19/and Keappeler+ /20/.  Below 45       
        keV, JENDL-2 was adopted. These two sets of data were     
        connected smoothly between 45 and 70 keV.                 
  MT=102           Capture                                        
        Direct/semi-direct capture component was added to the     
        cross section of JENDL-3.2.                               
        *) JENDL-3.2                                              
        Based on the data of Alpha by Weston+ /21/ up to 250 keV. 
        Calculated with CASTHY above 250 keV.  The gamma-ray      
        strength function was determined so that the capture cross
        section was 269 mb at 250 keV.                            
MF=4  Angular Distributions of Secondary Neutrons                 
  MT=2, 51-61       : Calculated with CASTHY.                     
  MT=16,17,18,37,91 : Isotropic in the laboratory system.         
MF=5  Energy Distributions of Secondary Neutrons                  
      Calculated with pre-compound and multi-step evaporation     
      theory code EGNASH /22,23/.                                 
      Calculated with pre-equilibrium and multi-step evaporation  
      code PEGASUS/24/.                                           
  MT=18   Prompt fission neutron spectrum.                        
      Determined from Z**2/A systematics by Smith et al. /25/.    
  MT=455  Delayed neutron spectrum.                               
      Summation calculation made by Brady and England /26/ was    
MF=31 Covariances of Average Number of Neutrons per Fission       
     Constructed from MT=455 and 456.                             
     Based on experimental data.                                  
     Based on experimental data.  A chi-value was 1.06.           
MF=32 Covariances of Resonance Paremeters                         
   Resolved resonance                                             
     Based on experimental data /6/.                              
   Unresolved resonance                                           
     The covariances were obtained by using kalman./27/           
MF=33 Covariances of Cross Sections (ref.27)                      
   The covariances were obtained by using kalman.                 
   Constructed from MT=1, 4, 16, 17, 18, 37, and 102.             
  MT=4, 51-61, 91                                                 
   The covariances were obtained by using kalman /27/.            
   A chi-value was 0.97.                                          
   Based on simultaneous evaluation /14/.                         
   The covariances were obtained by using kalman /27/.            
   A chi-value was 0.97.                                          
MF=34 Covariances of Angular Distributions (ref.27)               
   The covariances of p1 coefficients were obtained by using      
 1) Kikuchi Y. and Sekine N.: JAERI-M 84-111 (1984).              
 2) Kikuchi Y.: J. Nucl. Sci. Technol., 14, 467 (1977).           
 3) Kikuchi Y. et al.: J. Nucl. Sci. Technol., 17, 567 (1980).    
 4) Kanda Y. et al.: 1985 Santa Fe, 2, 1567 (1986).               
 5) Derrien H. and de Saussure G.: Nucl. Sci. Eng., 106, 415      
 6) Derrien H.: JAERI-M 93-251  (1994).                           
 7) Benedetti G. et.al.: Nucl. Sci. Eng., 80, 379 (1982).         
 8) Boldeman J.W. and Frehaut J.: Nucl. Sci. Eng., 76, 49 (1980). 
 9) Frehaut J. et.al.: CEA-R-4626 (1974).                         
10) Matsunobu H. et.al.: 1979 Knoxville Conf., p.715, NBS Special 
    Publication 594 (1980).                                       
11) Igarasi S. and Fukahori T.: JAERI 1321 (1991).                
12) Lederer C.M. and Shirley V.S.: Table of Isotopes, 7th Ed.     
13) Gilbert A. and Cameron A.G.W.: Can. J. Phys., 43, 1446(1965). 
14) Kawano T. et al.: JAERI-Research 2000-004 (2000).             
15) Szabo I. et.al.: CONF-701002, p.257 (1971).                   
16) Szabo I. et.al.: 1973 Kiev Conf, Vol.3, p.27 (1973).          
17) Carlson G.W. et al.: Nucl. Sci. Eng., 63, 149 (1977).         
18) Carlson G.W. and Behrens J.W.: Nucl. Sci. Eng., 68, 128       
19) Fursov B.I. et.al.: Sov. At. Energy, 44, 262 (1978).          
20) Kaeppeler F. and Pfletschinger E.: Nuc. Sci. Eng., 51, 124    
21) Weston L.W. and Todd J.H.: Nucl.Sci.Eng.,65,454 (1978).       
22) Yamamuro N.: JAERI-M 90-006 (1990).                           
23) Young P.G. and Arthur E.D.: LA-6947 (1977).                   
24) Iijima S. et al.: JAERI-M 87-025, 337 (1987).                 
25) Smith A. et al.: ANL/NDM-50 (1979).                           
26) Brady M.C. and England T.R.: Nucl. Sci. Eng., 103, 129(1989). 
27) Shibata K. et al.: JAERI-Research 98-045 (1998).              
 Appendix       REVISED RESONANCE DATA ,JAERI MAY 1993            
       Revision of the 241Pu Reich-Moore resonance parameters     
    by comparison with recent fission cross section measurements. 
                     Herve Derrien                                
       Japanese Atomic Energy Research Institute                  
     The resonance parameters of the neutron cross sections of    
241Pu were obtained by Derrien and de Saussure/1/ in the energy   
range from thermal to 300 eV by a Bayesian fit of selected        
experimental effective total cross sections, fission and capture  
cross sections by using the Reich-Moore fitting code SAMMY/2/.    
The results of this work were used in the ENDF/B-VI evaluated data
file. Some difficulties were encountered in the normalization of  
the experimental fission cross sections due to the discrepancies  
in the shape of the available experimental data both in thermal   
and high energy ranges. The consistency among the experimental    
data base could not be obtained without large renormalization and 
background correction parameters in the SAMMY fits. Particularly, 
it was shown that the discrepancy between the fission cross       
sections in the thermal energy range was due to a deviation from  
the 1/v shape below about 0.05 eV.                                
     New fission cross section measurements were recently         
performed by Wagemans et al./3,4/ in the energy range from 0.002  
eV to 20 eV in order to check the shape of the cross section in   
the thermal energy range. They showed that the shape of the       
fission cross section was clearly compatible with the 1/v law, in 
contradiction to all the previous measurements reported in the    
litterature. Consequently, the normalization of all the previous  
results using the low energy region could be erroneous.           
Particularly, the discrepancy observed in the average fission     
cross section over the 0.26 eV resonance could be due to the      
errors of normalization in the thermal region. Wagemans et al.    
compared the ENDF/B-VI data to their new results and concluded    
that the evaluated data files using the evaluation of Derrien and 
de Saussure should be revised in the energy range up to 300 eV.   
  II-COMMENTS ON ENDF/B-VI EVALUATION.                            
     In the energy range from 0.01 eV to 3 eV the new data of     
Wagemans et al. are on average 2.2 % smaller than ENDF/B-VI. This 
difference is mainly due a difference of 3% between the 1976 data 
of Wagemans et al./5/ and the new values of Wagemans et al. The   
1976 data of Wagemans et al. were used in the evaluation of       
Derrien and de Saussure in the low energy region.                 
     In the intermediate energy range from 3 eV to 12 eV, the     
average fission of ENDF/B-VI is in excellent agreement with the   
new data of Wagemans et al. In this energy range, the SAMMY fits  
of Derrien and de Saussure were performed on the fission cross    
section of Weston and Todd/6/, of Blons/7/ and of Migneco et      
al./8/ with an adjustment of the normalization factor and of the  
background correction parameters of all the experimental data; the
agreement between the new data of Wagemans et al. and ENDF/B-VI   
shows that, at least in this energy range, SAMMY performed on the 
data of Weston and Todd a renormalization equivalent to that      
recommended by Wagemans et al./4/.                                
     In the higher range up to 300 eV, the SAMMY fits relied      
mainly on the high resolution measurements of Blons and of Migneco
et al. for the accurate determination of the resonance parameters.
Quite large normalization coefficients and background correction  
parameters were also needed in this energy range to obtain the    
consistency between the calculated cross sections and the         
experimental data. However, the result of the fits was in quite   
good agreement with the data of Weston and Todd normalized to the 
1976 data of Wagemans et al. in the low energy region,which is    
also equivalent to the normalization to the 1983 data of Wagemans 
et al./9/. Since the earlier data of Wagemans et al. should       
decrease by 3% to be consistent with the new data, it is likely   
that the ENDF/B-VI fission cross section could be too large by    
about 3% in the energy range above 12 eV.                         
     An accurate up-dating of the 241Pu resonance parameters could
be obtained by renormalizing the fission experimental data base   
according to the new data of Wagemans et al. and by restarting the
SAMMY fits of the new experimental data base, including the high  
resolution transmission data of Harvey and Simpson/10/. Due to    
lack of time a new SAMMY analysis was performed only in the energy
range from 0.002 eV to 3 eV. In the energy range above 3 eV the   
up-dating was performed by applying some small corrections to the 
resonance parameters.                                             
     The SAMMY analysis of the new Wagemans et al. data was       
performed along with the total cross section of Young and         
Smith/11/ in the energy range from 0.002 eV to 3 eV, by starting  
with the ENDF/B-VI resonance parameters. Only the parameters of   
the 3+ resonances at -0.122 eV and at 0.265 eV were adjusted in   
this energy range. The values of the cross sections calculated at 
0.0253 eV are compared to the standard data/12/ in Table 1. The   
average total, fission and capture cross sections calculated with 
the new resonance parameters are displayed on Tables 2, 3 and 4   
with the corresponding experimental data and the values obtained  
from ENDF/B-VI. One should point out that an energy shift of      
dE/E=+0.00384 was applied to the data of Young and Smith in order 
to achieve a good consistency with the energy scale of the fission
data of Wagemans et al. over the resonance at 0.0265 eV.          
     In the energy range above 3 eV the small corrections applied 
to the resonance parameters result in a decrease of the average   
fission cross section and in an increase of the average capture   
cross section, with a variation of the average total cross section
smaller than the errors of the experimental data of Harvey and    
Simpson. The average values of the fission and capture cross      
sections calculated with the new resonance parameters are shown in
Table 5 and 6 along with the renormalized fission cross section of
Weston and Todd and the values calculated from ENDF/B-VI.         
     The results of the recent measurement of the 241Pu fission   
cross section in the energy range from 0.002 eV to 4 eV of        
Wagemans et al. were used in a new evaluation of the resonance    
parameters. The accuracy of the calculated cross sections was     
greatly improved in the resonance at 0.265 eV. The cross sections 
averaged over this resonance should have the same accuracy than   
the standard values at 0.0253 eV. In the high energy region up to 
300 eV the SAMMY analysis of the new experimental data base       
obtained by the renormalization of the experimental data is       
recommended in order to improve the corrections to the resonance  
parameters performed in the present work.                         
  Table 1       Cross sections at 0.0253 eV                       
                   Present results     ENDF/B-VI Standard/12/     
   Fission          1012.50(-0.0%)         1012.68+-6.58          
   Capture           361.52(+0.1%)          361.29+-4.95          
   Scattering         11.36(-7.1%)           12.17+-2.62          
   Total            1385.38(-0.1%)         1386.14+-8.64          
   Table 2    The total cross section integral in the energy range
              from 0.0021 eV to 3 eV.                             
  Energy range    Present work  ENDF/B-VI    Young and Smith/11/  
     (eV)            (b*eV)      (b*eV)             (b*eV)        
  0.0021-0.020       43.54     43.09(-1.0%)       43.25(-0.7%)    
  0.0200-0.030       14.03     14.02(-0.1%)       14.01(-0.1%)    
  0.0300-0.100       65.09     66.17(+1.7%)       64.99(-0.1%)    
  0.1000-0.500      378.38    385.27(+1.8%)      380.10(+0.4%)    
  0.5000-1.000       29.74     29.41(-1.1%)       31.19(+4.4%)    
  1.0000-3.000       83.36     83.92(+0.7%)       82.50(-1.0%)    
  0.0021-3.000      614.14    621.88(+1.3%)      616.04(+0.3%)    
  Table 3    The fission cross section integral in the energy     
             range from 0.0021 eV to 3 eV.                        
Energy range This work  ENDF/B-VI  Wagemans et al. Weston and Todd
    (eV)      (b*eV)     (b*eV)       (b*eV)/4/     (b*eV)/6/     
0.0021-0.020   31.06   30.61(-1.5%)   31.09(+0.1%)                
0.0200-0.030   10.24   10.22(-0.2%)   10.24( 0.0%)                
0.0300-0.100   49.02   50.02(+2.0%)   48.70(-0.6%)                
0.1000-0.500  262.76  270.84(+3.1%)  264.58(+0.7%)  262.53(-0.1%) 
0.5000-1.000   17.93   17.64(-1.6%)   17.60(-1.8%)   17.67(-1.4%) 
1.0000-3.000   54.88   55.62(+1.3%)   54.40(-0.9%)   55.06(+0.3%) 
0.0021-3.000  425.89  434.95(+2.1%)  426.61(+0.2%)                
0.1000-3.000  335.57  344.10(+2.5%)  336.58(+0.3%)  335.26(-0.1%) 
 Weston and Todd experimental data were normalized to Wagemans et 
 al./4/ in the  energy range from 0.1 eV to 12 eV (original EXFOR 
 data multiplied by 0.952).                                       
  Table 4   The capture cross section integral in the energy range
            from 0.0021 eV to 3 eV.                               
   Energy range  Present work    ENDF/B-VI   Weston and Todd/6/   
       (eV)         (b*eV)        (b*eV)            (b*eV)        
   0.0021-0.020      12.25      12.28(+0.2%)                      
   0.0200-0.030       3.67       3.68(+0.3%)                      
   0.0300-0.100      15.28      15.39(+0.7%)      15.27(-0.1%)    
   0.1000-0.500     110.58     109.47(-1.0%)     110.49(-0.1%)    
   0.5000-1.000       5.90       5.87(-0.5%)       6.51           
   1.0000-3.000       7.30       7.14(-2.2%)       8.96           
   0.0021-3.000     154.98     153.83(-0.7%)                      
   0.0300-3.000     139.06     137.87(-0.9%)     141.29(+1.6%)    
  Weston and Todd experimental data were normalized to the cal-   
  culated  average capture  cross section over the resonance at   
  0.264 eV(original EXFOR data multiplied by 0.914); in the energy
  range from 0.5 eV to 3 eV the experimental data are not accurate
  due to large corrections for the impurities.                    
   Table 5  The fission cross section integral in the energy range
            from 3 eV to 300 eV.                                  
  Energy range   Present work     ENDF/B-VI    Weston and Todd/6/ 
      (eV)          (b*eV)          (b*eV)           (b*eV)       
      3- 20        3038.63      3066.37(+0.9%)     3036.23(-0.1%) 
     20- 50        1683.69      1739.68(+3.3%)     1705.50(+1.3%) 
     50-100        1971.15      2030.10(+3.0%)     1931.50(-2.0%) 
    100-200        2554.85      2628.39(+2.9%)     2531.00(-0.9%) 
    200-300        2741.23      2820.75(+2.9%)     2747.00(+0.2%) 
      3-300       11989.55     12285.29(+2.5%)    11951.23(-0.3%) 
 Weston and Todd experimental data were normalized to Wagemans et 
 al./4/ in the energy range from  0.1 eV to 12 eV (original EXFOR 
 data multiplied by 0.952).                                       
  Table 6   The capture cross section integral in the energy range
            from 3 eV to 300 eV.                                  
  Energy range   Present work     ENDF/B-VI    Weston and Todd/6/ 
      (eV)          (b*eV)          (b*eV)           (b*eV)       
      3- 20        1213.07      1138.52(-6.5%)     1192.90(-1.7%) 
     20- 50         330.34       307.48(-7.5%)      338.09(+2.3%) 
     50-100         605.40       585.88(-3.2%)      594.83(-1.8%) 
    100-200         609.83       581.77(-4.8%)      652.68(+7.0%) 
    200-300         684.97       661.12(-3.6%)      700.53(+2.3%) 
     3-300        3443.36      3274.77(-5.1%)     3479.04(+1.0%)  
  Weston and Todd experimental data normalized to the calculated  
  average capture cross section over the resonance at 0.265 eV    
  (original EXFOR data multiplied by 0.914).                      
References of Appendix                                            
 1) DERRIEN,H. and de SAUSSURE,G.:Nuc. Sci. Eng. 106, 415(1990).  
 2) LARSON,N.M. and PEREY,F.G.:ORNL/TM-9719(1985).                
   Proc. Int. Conf., PHYSOR 90, Marseille, France, Vol.1,         
   Proc. Conf. on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology, Juelich
   13-17 May 1991, p.35(1991).                                    
 5) WAGEMANS,C. and DERUYTTER,A.: Nucl. Sci. Eng. 60, 44(1976).   
 6) WESTON,L.W. and TODD,J.H.: Nucl. Sci. Eng. 65, 454(1978).     
 7) BLONS,J.: Nucl. Sci. Eng. 51, 130(1973).                      
 8) MIGNECO,E., THEOBALD,J.P. and WARTENA,J.A.: Proc. Conf.  Nucl.
   Data for Reactors, Helsinki, Finland, June 15-19, 1970, Vol.I, 
   p.437, IAEA(1970).                                             
 9) WAGEMANS,C. and DERUYTTER,A.: Proc. Conf. on Nuclear Data for 
   Science and Technology, Antwerp, Belgium, 69(1983).            
10) HARVEY,J.A. and SIMPSON,O.D.: Oak-Ridge National              
   Laboratory(1973), unpublished.                                 
11) YOUNG,T.B. and SMITH,J.R.: WASH-1093, p.60(1968).             
12) CARLSON,A. et al.: ENDF/B-VI standard evaluation, private     
   communication from PEELLE,R.W.(1987).