
 94-Pu-246 JAERI      EVAL-MAR95 T.Nakagawa                       
                      DIST-MAR02                       20001004   
----JENDL-3.3         MATERIAL 9458                               
-----INCIDENT NEUTRON DATA                                        
------ENDF-6 FORMAT                                               
95-02 New evaluation was made by T.Nakagawa. STAPRE calculation   
      was performed by Konshin /Ko95/.                            
00-10 Compiled by T.Nakagawa.                                     
MF=1 General information                                          
  MT=451 Descriptive data                                         
  MT=452 Number of neutrons per fission                           
    Sum of MT=455 and 456.                                        
  MT=455 Delayed neutrons per fission                             
    Tuttle's systematics /Tu79/ was adopted.                      
  MT=456 Prompt neutrons per fission                              
    Obtained from Howerton's sytematics /Ho77/.                   
MF=2 Resonance parameters                                         
    No resonance parameters were given.                           
       Thermal cross sections and resonance integral (barns)      
                  0.0253 eV     resonance int.                    
      Total        810.8            -                             
      Elastic       10.8            -                             
      Fission        0              3.94                          
      Capture      800            696                             
MF=3 Neutron cross sections                                       
  Below 0.6 eV                                                    
    No experimental data were available. The capture of 800 b was 
    estimated from the systematics/Ta90/. The elastic scattering  
    cross section of 10.8 b is the shape elastic scattering       
    calculated with optical model code CASTHY/Ig91/. The fission  
    cross section is assumed to be 0.0.                           
  Above 0.6 eV                                                    
    Three codes of CASTHY/Ig91/, ECIS/Ra00/ and STAPRE/Uh76/      
    were used.                                                    
    Parameters (MeV, fm) of deformed potential/Ko93/ for ECIS:    
         V   = 46.03 -  0.3*E                                     
         W-d = 3.05 + 0.4*E                0 =< E =< 10 MeV       
             = 7.05 - 0.082*(E-10)         10 < E <=20 MeV        
         W-v = 8.0/(1+exp(-(E-50)/10))                            
         V-so= 6.2                                                
         r-r = 1.26             a-r = 0.63                        
         r-d = 1.26             a-d = 0.52                        
         r-so= 1.12             a-so= 0.47                        
         beta-2 = 0.204       beta-4 =0.051                       
    The spherical potential parameters/Ig85/ used in CASTHY:      
         V   = 45.036 - 0.3*E, r-r = 1.256, a-r = 0.626           
         W-d = 4.115 + 0.4*E,  r-d = 1.260, a-d = 0.555+0.0045*E  
         V-so= 7.5,            r-so= 1.256, a-so= 0.626           
    Level density parameters used in CASTHY:                      
                a(1/MeV)  T(MeV)  delta(MeV) E-x(MeV) spin-cutoff 
      Pu-246     34.0      0.35    1.530       4.554     33.42    
      Pu-247     34.0      0.35    0.7635      3.787     33.51    
    STAPRE calculation is described in Ko95.                      
  MT=1 Total                                                      
    Calculated with CASTHY.                                       
  MT=2 Elastic scattering                                         
    Calculated as the (total) - (sum of partial) cross sections.  
  MT=4, 51-91 Inelastic scattering                                
    Compound process was calculated with CASTHY, and direct one   
    with ECIS.                                                    
    Level scheme/Sc89/:                                           
         Energy (keV)  Spin-parity direct-component               
            0.0           0 +                                     
           46.0           2 +            *                        
          155.0           4 +            *                        
     Levels above 300 keV were assumed to be overlapping.         
     The direct process was calculated with ECIS for the levels   
     marked with *, and the compound process with CASTHY.         
  MT=16,17 (n,2n) and (n,3n) reactions                            
    Calculated with STAPRE.                                       
  MT=18 Fission                                                   
    In the MeV region, the cross section calculated with STAPRE   
    was adopted. The cross section was assumed to be 0.0 below 1  
  MT=102 capture                                                  
    Calculated with CASTHY. The direct and semi-direct cross      
    section was calculated with DSD /Ka99/.                       
MF=4 Angular distributions of secondary neutrons                  
  MT=2 Elastic scattering                                         
    Calculated with ECIS.                                         
  MT=16,17, 18 (n,2n), (n,3n) and Fission                         
    Assumed to be isotopic in the laboratory system.              
  MT=51-91 Inelastic scattering                                   
    Calculated with CASTHY and ECIS.                              
MF=5 Energy distributions of secondary neutrons                   
  MT=16, 17, 91                                                   
    Calculated with EGNASH/Ya90/.                                 
    Evaporation spectrum with nuclear temperature obtained from   
    the systematics of Smith et al. /Sm79/ and Howerton-Doyas     
    /Ho71/. The ratios of multi-chance fission to total were      
    estimated from the STAPRE calculation/Ko95/.                  
Ho71) R.J. Howerton and R.J. Doyas: Nucl. Sci. Eng., 46, 414      
Ho77) R.J. Howerton: Nucl. Sci. Eng., 62, 438 (1977).             
Ig85) A.V. Ignatyuk, et al.: Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 42, 360 (1985).  
Ig91) S. Igarasi and T. Fukahori: JAERI 1321 (1991).              
Ka99) T. Kawano: private communication (1999).                    
Ko93) V.A. Konshin, et al.: Proc. Workshop on Computation and     
      Analysis of Nuclear Data Relevant to Nuclear Energy and     
      Safety, Trieste, Italy, 10 Feb. - 13 Mar 1992, World        
      Scientific, p.775 (1993).                                   
Ko95) V.A. Konshin: JAERI-Research 95-010 (1995).                 
Ra00) J. Raynal: available from OECD NEA Data Bank.               
Sc89) M.R. Schmorak: Nucl. Data Sheets, 57, 515 (1989).           
Sm79) A. Smith, et al.: ANL/NDM-50 (1979).                        
Ta90) N. Takagi, et al.: J. Nucl. Sci. Technol., 27, 853 (1990).  
Tu79) R.J. Tuttle: INDC(NDS)-107/G+Special, p.29 (1979).          
Uh76) M. Uhl and B. Stromaier: IRK-76/10 (1976).                  
Ya90) N. Yamamuro: JAERI-M 90-006 (1990).