16-S - 32

 16-S - 32 FUJI E.C.  EVAL-MAY87 H.NAKAMURA                       
                      DIST-MAY10                       20090828   
----JENDL-4.0         MATERIAL 1625                               
-----INCIDENT NEUTRON DATA                                        
------ENDF-6 FORMAT                                               
              The data were taken from JENDL-3.3.                 
87-03  Newly evaluated by H.Nakamura (fuji electric co.ltd.)      
88-08  The following quantities were modified by H.Nakamura:      
           (n,p) cross section                                    
           inelastic scattering cross sections and angular        
         distributions of the first, third and continuum levels   
94-02  JENDL-3.2                                                  
       Coupled-channel calculation was performed by K. Shibata    
       (jaeri) using the omp set determined by T. Watanabe (khi). 
       the total and inelastic scattering cross sections were     
       replaced by the c.c. calculations.                         
       Data were compiled by K. Shibata.                          
*****  modified parts for JENDL-3.2 ****************************  
                   coupled-channel calculations.                  
(3,2)              total - nonelastic                             
01-04  JENDL-3.3                                                  
       Gamma-ray production data were evaluated and compiled      
       by K. Shibata                                              
*****  modified parts for JENDL-3.3 ****************************  
(1,451)            Updated                                        
(3,251)            Deleted.                                       
(4,2)              Transformation matrix deleted.                 
(5,16-91)          INT=22.                                        
(12,16-107)        Added.                                         
(14,16-107)        Added.                                         
(15,16-107)        Added.                                         
   mf=1 General information                                       
     mt=451  Descriptive data and dictionary                      
   mf=2 mt=151 Resonance parameters:                              
   Resolved resonances for MLBW formula: 1.0e-5 eV - 1566 keV     
   parameters are taken from BNL 325 4th edition/1/, and          
   some parameters are assumed to fit the measured data.          
   cross sections calculated with these parameters are to         
   be corrected by adding mf=3, mt=1, 2 and 102 data.             
   calculated 2200-m/s cross sections and resonance integrals     
                   2200-m/sec    res. integ.   ref.               
       elastic      0.963 b           -         -                 
       capture      0.528 b        0.250 b     /1/                
       total        1.499 b           -         -                 
   mf=3  Neutron  cross  sections                                 
   Below  1566keV                                                 
     background data for                                          
        mt=107        0.007 b, based on 2200-m/s data of ref./1/. 
   Above 1566keV                                                  
     mt=1, 2, 4, 51-56, 91, 102   Total, elastic, inelastic and   
     capture calculated with casthy code /2/, considering the     
     competition with the threshold reaction channels.            
     Optical potential parameters of C.Y.Fu/3/ are adjusted       
     to reproduce the following experimental data:                
     mt=1   total   -                                             
     mt=2   elastic G.A.Petitt et al./4/, A.Virdis/5/.            
     mt=4   inelastic   -                                         
     The spherical optical potential parameters:                  
     V=38.0       Vso=5.37 (MeV)                                  
     Ws=9.13      Wv =0.0  (MeV)                                  
     r =rso=1.26   rs=1.39 (fm)                                   
     a=aso =0.76   b =0.40(fm)                                    
     mt=102   Capture data are normalized to the experimental     
     data of A.Lindholm et al. at 3 - 6 MeV/6/.                   
     The discrete level scheme taken from ref./7/:                
       no.       energy(MeV)    spin-parity                       
     (g.s.)        0.0              0+                            
        1          2.230            2+                            
        2          3.779            0+                            
        3          4.282            2+                            
        4          4.459            4+                            
        5          4.695            1+                            
        6          5.006            3-                            
     Continuum levels assumed above 5.4 MeV. The level            
     density parameters of Asano et al./8/are used.               
     *****  JENDL-3.2 ****************************************    
       Coupled-channel optical and statistical model calculation  
       was performed by using the omp set given as follows:       
              V  = 58.83 - 0.5635En     (MeV)                     
              Ws = 2.518 + 0.0302En     (MeV)                     
              Vso= 4.199                (MeV)                     
              r  = 1.306,  a  = 0.452    (fm)                     
              rs = 1.124,  b  = 0.690    (fm)                     
              rso= 1.010,  aso= 0.750    (fm).                    
       the coupling scheme                                        
             ground state      0.0 MeV  (0+)                      
             1 phonon state    2.230 MeV (2+), 5.006 MeV (3-)     
             2 phonon state    3.779 MeV (0+), 4.280 MeV (2+)     
                               4.459 MeV (4+)                     
             coupling constants   beta-2 = 0.30                   
                                  beta-3 = 0.25                   
     mt=16(n,2n), 22(n,n'a), 28(n,n'p), 103(n,p), 107(n,a)        
        Based on the statistical model calculations with gnash    
        code/9/, without the precompound reaction correction.     
        transmission coefficients for proton and alpha particles  
        are calculated by using the omp of Becchetti-Geenlees     
        /10/ and Huizenga-Igo/11/, respectively.                  
        Level density parameters are based on built-in values.    
     mt=103  (n,p) cross section                                  
        Adjusted to reproduce R. Ricamo data above 14 MeV /12/.   
  mf=4 Angular distributions of secondary neutrons                
     mt=2  Calculated with optical model (casthy).                
     mt=51-56 Calculated  with coupled-channel statistical model  
     mt=16,22,28 Isotropic in the laboratory system.              
     mt=91       Isotropic distributions in cm were converted to  
                 the distributions in lab.                        
  mf=5 Energy distributions of secondary neutrons                 
     mt=16,22,28,91,103,107 evaporation spectra,                  
  mf=12 Photon production multiplicities                          
       Multiplicities were calculated by using the egnash code    
       Multiplicities were calculated by using the casthy code    
       Transition probability arrays were given.                  
  mf=14 Photon angular distributions                              
  mf=15 Continuous photon energy spectra                          
       Multiplicities were calculated by using the egnash code    
       Multiplicities were calculated by using the casthy code    
 1) Mughabghab,S.F. et al.: Neutron cross section, Vol.1 (1981).  
 2) Igarasi,S.: J. Nucl. Sci. Tech. 12, 67 (1975).                
 3) Fu,C.Y.: Atom. Data and Nucl. Data Tables. 17, 127 (1976).    
 4) Petitt,G.A. et al.: Nucl. Phys. 79, 231 (1960).               
 5) Virdis,A.: CEA-R-5144 (1981).                                 
 6) Lindholm,A. et al.: Nucl. Phys. A279, 445 (1977).             
 7) Leder,C.M. et al.: Table of Isotopes. 7th edit.               
 8) Asano et al.: private communication.                          
 9) Young,P.G. and Arthur,E.D.: LA-6947 (1977).                   
10) Becchetti,Jr. and Greenlees,G.W.: Polarization phenomena      
   in nuclear reactions, p.682 (1971).                            
11) Huizenga,Jr. and Igo,G.J.: Nucl. Phys. 29, 462 (1962).        
12) Ricamo, R. : NC 8, 383 (1951).                                
13) Yamamuro, N.: JAERI-M 90-006 (1990).