14-Si- 30
14-Si- 30 JAEA EVAL-AUG07 K.Shibata, S.Kunieda
DIST-MAY10 20091202
----JENDL-4.0 MATERIAL 1431
07-08 Evaluated by K.Shibata and S.Kunieda.
09-12 Compiled by K.Shibata.
MF= 1 General information
MT=451 Descriptive data and directory
MF= 2 Resonance parameters
MT=151 Resolved resonance parameters
Resolved resonance region (Reich-Moore formula) : Below 1.50
The resolved resonance parameters were taken from the
ENDF/B-VII.0 data, which were evaluated by Leal et al./1/
The following comments were also taken from ENDF/B-VII.0:
The following data were included in the analysis:
(1) Total cross section data of Perey et al. /2/ for
natural silicon, measured on the 47-m flight path at the
Oak Ridge Electron Linear Accelerator (ORELA)
(2) Transmission data of Harvey et al. /3/ for natural
silicon measured on the 200-m flight path at ORELA
(3) Total cross section data of Larson et al. /4/,
measured on the 80- and 200-m flight paths at ORELA
(4) 29Si-oxide /5/ and 30Si-oxide /6/ transmission
data of Harvey et al., measured on the 80-m ORELA flight
(5) Elastic scattering thermal cross section for 30Si
2.490+-0.169 barns from Mughabghab /7/. Capture
thermal cross section 0.107+-0.003 barns from Raman et
al. /8/. Values given by resonance parameters are
2.500 and 0.107 barns respectively.
Thermal cross sections and resonance integrals at 300 K
0.0253 eV res. integ. (*)
(barns) (barns)
Total 2.6066E+00
Elastic 2.4996E+00
n,gamma 1.0709E-01 5.8256E-01
(*) Integrated from 0.5 eV to 10 MeV.
MF= 3 Neutron cross sections
MT= 1 Total cross section
Calculated with TNG /9/.
MT= 2 Elastic scattering cross section
Obtained by subtracting non-elastic cross sections from total
cross sections.
MT= 4,51-91 (n,n') cross section
Calculated with TNG code /9/.
MT= 16 (n,2n) cross section
Calculated with TNG code /9/.
MT= 17 (n,3n) cross section
Calculated with TNG code /9/.
MT= 22 (n,na) cross section
Calculated with TNG code /9/.
MT= 28 (n,np) cross section
Calculated with TNG code /9/.
MT=102 Capture cross section
Calculated with TNG code /9/.
MT=103 (n,p) cross section
Calculated from MT=600-649.
MT=107 (n,a) cross section
Calculated from MT=800-849.
MT=600-649 partial (n,p) cross section
Calculated with TNG code /9/. Comparing with experimental
data, the calculations were multiplied by 1.5.
MT=800-849 partial (n,a) cross section
Calculated with TNG code /9/.
MF= 4 Angular distributions of emitted neutrons
MT= 2 Elastic scattering
Calculated with TNG code /9/. The shape elastic scattering
component was calculated using OPTMAN code./10/
MF= 6 Energy-angle distributions of emitted particles
MT= 16 (n,2n) reaction
Neutron and gamma-ray spectra calculated with TNG/9/.
MT= 17 (n,3n) reaction
Neutron spectra calculated with TNG/9/. The gamma-ray spectra
are not included, since the gamma-ray channel is not open
below 20 MeV.
MT= 22 (n,na) reaction
Neutron, alpha-particle, and gamma-ray spectra calculated with
MT= 28 (n,np) reaction
Neutron, proton, and gamma-ray spectra calculated with TNG/9/.
MT= 51-72 (n,n') reaction
Neutron angular distributions and discrete gamma-ray spectra
calculated with TNG/9/.
MT= 91 (n,n') reaction
Neutron spectra, and discrete-continuous gamma-ray spectra
calculated with with TNG/9/.
MT=102 (n,gamma) reaction
Gamma-ray spectra calcualted with TNG/9/.
MT=600-605 (n,p) reactions leading to discrete levels
Proton angular distributions and discrete gamma-ray spectra
calculated with TNG/9/.
MT=649 (n,p) reaction leading to continuum levels
Proton spectra and discrete-continuous gamma-ray spectra
calculated with TNG/9/.
MT=800-828 (n,a) reactions leading to discrete levels
Alpha-particle angular distributions and gamma-ray spectra
calculated with TNG/9/.
MT=849 (n,a) reaction leading to continuum levels
Alpha-particle spectra and discrete-continuous gamma-ray
spectra calculated with TNG/9/.
* Nuclear Model Calculations with TNG Code /9/ *
The description of the model calcualtions is given in Ref.10.
< Optical model parameters >
Neutrons and protons:
Coupled-channel optical model parameters /10/
The potential parameters were obtained using the code developed
by Kumar and Kailas./11/
< Level scheme of Si- 30 >
No. Ex(MeV) J PI
0 0.00000 0 +
1 2.23530 2 +
2 3.49860 2 +
3 3.76960 1 +
4 3.78790 0 +
5 4.80920 2 +
6 4.83080 3 +
7 5.23070 3 +
8 5.28000 4 +
9 5.37200 0 +
10 5.48750 3 -
11 5.61290 2 +
12 5.95020 4 +
13 6.50330 4 -
14 6.53700 2 +
15 6.64140 2 -
16 6.64200 0 +
17 6.74430 1 -
18 6.86500 3 +
19 6.91500 2 +
20 7.00100 5 +
21 7.04350 5 -
22 7.07900 3 +
The direct-reaction process was taken into accout for the 1st and
8th excited levels by the coupled-channel method.
< Level density parameters >
Energy dependent parameters of Mengoni-Nakajima /13/ were used.
Nuclei a* Pair Esh T E0 Ematch Econt
1/MeV MeV MeV MeV MeV MeV MeV
Si- 31 5.408 2.155 -0.972 1.404 1.594 6.734 3.874
Si- 30 4.746 4.382 -2.125 2.139 0.450 15.991 7.223
Si- 29 5.138 2.228 -3.404 1.964 0.625 10.099 7.521
Si- 28 4.489 4.536 -4.401 2.454 1.949 15.409 8.819
Al- 30 4.764 0.000 0.148 1.663 -1.834 7.500 1.822
Al- 29 4.389 2.228 -0.301 1.949 -0.848 11.832 4.656
Mg- 27 4.864 2.309 -0.159 1.676 0.350 9.955 5.909
Mg- 26 4.228 4.707 -0.673 2.239 -0.005 17.464 7.200
1) L.C. Leal et al., Proc. Int. Conf. Nuclear Data for Science
and Technology, Trieste, 1997, Part I, 929 (1997).
2) F.G. Perey, T.A. Love, W.E. Kinney, Oak Ridge National
Laboratory report ORNL-4823 [ENDF-178] (1972).
3) J.A. Harvey, private communication (1996).
4) D.C. Larson, C.H. Johnson, J.A. Harvey, and N.W. Hill,
"Measurement of the neutron total cross section of silicon
from 5 eV to 730 keV," Oak Ridge National Laboratory report
ORNL/TM-5618 (1976)
5) J.A. Harvey, private communication (1996).
6) J.A. Harvey, W.M. Good, R.F. Carlton, et al., Phys.Rev.C
28, 24 (1983).
7) S.F. Mughabghab, M. Divadeenam, N.E. Holden, Neutron
Cross Sections, Vol. 1, Neutron resonance parameters and
thermal cross sections, Part A: Z=1-60, (Academic Press,
NY, 1981).
8) S. Raman, et al., Phys.Rev.C 46, 972 (1992).
9) C.Y. Fu, ORNL/TM-7042 (1980); K. Shibata, C.Y. Fu, ORNL/TM-
10093 (1986).
10) E.Sh. Soukhovitski et al., JAERI-Data/Code 2005-002 (2005).
11) K. Shibata, S. Kunieda, J. Nucl. Sci. Technol., 45, 123
12) A. Kumar, S. Kailas, a computer code contained in RIPL-2,
Bhabha Atomic Research Center, private communication (2002).
13) A. Mengoni, Y. Nakajima, J. Nucl. Sci. Technol., 31, 151