23-V - 0

 23-V - 00 KHI        EVAL-AUG88 T.WATANABE                       
                      DIST-MAR02 REV3-FEB02            20020214   
----JENDL-3.3         MATERIAL 2300                               
-----INCIDENT NEUTRON DATA                                        
------ENDF-6 FORMAT                                               
88-08 JENDL-2 modified by T.Watanabe                              
                      (khi;Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd.)       
94-03 Modification for JENDL-3.2                                  
      Gamma-ray production data evaluated by T.Asami(data eng.)   
94-04 JENDL fusion file                                           
      Compiled by S.Chiba and T.Nakagawa(ndc/jaeri)/1/            
****  JENDL-ff were modified from JENDL-3.1 in following files****
(3,2)                             to keep the total cross cross   
                                  section the same as JENDL-3.1.  
(3,16)   below 15 MeV                                             
(12,51-64),(12,102),(12,103),(12,107)        new evaluation       
(13,3)                                       new evaluation       
(14,3),(14,51-64),(14,102),(14,103),(14,107) new evaluation       
(15,3),(15,102),(15,103),(15,107)            new evaluation       
01-08 JENDL-33 finalized as V-natural                             
      Compiled and modified by T.Watanabe(khi)                    
02-01 Covariances were added by T.Watanabe.                       
****  modified parts for JENDL-3.3  ******************************
(2,151)    New evaluation R-M formula                             
(3,1)      New evaluation                                         
           V-50 contribution were included as background in (3,1),
           and V-50 contribution were included only to this file. 
(3,2)      =(3,1)-(3,all except elastic scattering)               
(3,28)     E<14MeV modified acooding to Odano's recomendation/31/ 
(3,102)    En>1.5MeV,d/sd taken into account                      
(3,251)    Deleted                                                
(4,2)      Transformation matrix deleted                          
(4,16-91)  Deleted                                                
(5,16-91)  Deleted                                                
(6,16-207) Taken from JENDL fusion file                           
(12,16-107)New evaluation                                         
(15,16-107)New evaluation                                         
mf=1    General information                                       
  mt=451   Descriptive data and dictionary                        
  mt=151   Resonance parameters            : 1.0e-5 eV - 100 keV  
     Resolved resonances for Reich-Moore formula:                 
        Parameters were evaluated based on experimental data      
        /5,6,7,8,9/ and modified to reproduce experimental total  
        cross sections. Negative energy levels were added to      
        reproduce 2200 m/s total and capture cross sections.      
     calculated 2200 m/s cross sections and resonance integrals   
                     2200 m/sec        res. integ.                
         elastic       4.91 b              -                      
         capture       5.06 b             2.70 b                  
         total         9.96 b              -                      
mf=3    Neutron cross sections                                    
     For JENDL-3.1, total and capture cross sections were         
     calculated with optical and statistical model.               
     The spherical optical potential parameters were evaluated    
     to reproduce experimental total cross sections /11,12,13/.   
        V = 50.71-0.4793*En MeV  r0= 1.227 fm  a0= 0.663 fm       
        Ws= 5.307-0.1911*En MeV  rs= 1.370 fm  b = 0.394 fm       
        Vso= 6.560 MeV           rso=0.046 fm  aso=0.535 fm       
     Optical and statistical model calculation was performed      
     with casthy code /14/.                                       
     For JENDL fusion file, cross sections for (n,2n), (n,np),    
     (n,na) and inelastic scattering were calculated with         
     sincros-ii code system/2/ by adopting Walter-Guss omp        
     modified by Yamamuro/2/ for neutrons, Lemos omp modified     
     by Arthur and Young/15/ for alpha, Lohr-Haeberli/16/ for     
     deuteron, Becchetti-Greenlees/17/ for triton and he-3.       
     level density parameters used are:                           
          V-52         9.0     (1/MeV)                            
          V-51         8.6                                        
          V-50         8.6                                        
          Ti-51        9.8                                        
          Ti-50        8.6                                        
          Sc-48        default in sincros-ii                      
          Sc-47        default in sincros-ii                      
      Gilbert-Cameron level density formula, as modified by       
      Yamamuro to take account of the shell-correction factor,    
      was employed.                                               
  mt=1   Total                                                    
     0.00001eV -100keV : V-50 contribution was calculated with    
                         Mughabghab's resonance parameters/27/    
     100 keV   -150keV : based on the experimental data /11/      
     150 keV   -  5MeV : based on the experimental data /28/      
     above        5MeV : calculated.                              
  mt=2   Elastic scattering                                       
     0.00001eV -100keV : V-50 contribution was calculated with    
                         Mughabghab's resonance parameters.       
     above      100keV : Obtained by subtracting the sum of       
                         partial cross sections from the total    
                         cross section.                           
  mt=4,51-65,91 Inelastic scattering                              
     Adopted from JENDL fusion file.                              
        The level scheme taken from ref./18/:                     
           no.        energy(MeV)   spin-parity     beta          
           g.s        0.0            7/2-                         
            1         0.3201         5/2-                         
            2         0.9270         3/2-           0.250         
            3         1.6089        11/2-           0.250         
            4         1.8131         9/2-           0.250         
            5         2.4108         3/2-                         
            6         2.5474         1/2+                         
            7         2.6774         3/2+                         
            8         2.6996        15/2-                         
            9         2.79           9/2-                         
           10         3.0836         5/2-                         
           11         3.15           3/2-                         
           12         3.1951         3/2-                         
           13         3.2148         3/2-                         
           14         3.2640         5/2-                         
           15         3.2800         5/2-                         
        Continuum levels assumed above 3.28 MeV which includes    
     contribution of the direct process for the following levels: 
      Ex       L-transfer     spin-parity       beta              
      3.78         2             7/2-           0.15              
      3.83         2            11/2-           0.15              
      3.88         2             9/2-           0.15              
        The dwba calculation was performed on the basis of the    
     weak-coupling model.                                         
  mt=16  (n,2n)                                                   
     Adopted from JENDL fusion file.                              
        Below 15 MeV: sincros-ii calculation.                     
        Above 15 MeV: guided by experimental data /19/.           
  mt=22  (n,na)                                                   
     Adopted from JENDL fusion file.                              
  mt=28  (n,np)                                                   
     Below  14 MeV adopted from Manohin's systematics.            
     above  14 MeV adopted from JENDL fusion file.                
  mt=102 Capture                                                  
     Statistical model calculation with casthy code /14/ was      
     performed. The capture cross section was normalized to the   
     experimental data of Dudey+ /20/ at 0.5 MeV 2.63 mb.         
     Above 1.5 MeV, semidirect contribution was corrected         
     which was calculated with gnash-95/29/.                      
  mt=103 (n,p)                                                    
     Guided by experimental data /21,22/.                         
  mt=104,105  (n,d), (n,t)                                        
     JENDL-2 evaluated data /23/ were adopted.                    
  mt=107 (n,alpha)                                                
     Guided by experimental data /23,24,25,26/.                   
  mt=203 Total proton production                                  
     Sum of mt=28 and 103.                                        
  mt=204 Total deuteron production                                
     Equal to mt=104.                                             
  mt=205 Total triton production                                  
     Equal to mt=105.                                             
  mt=207 Total alpha production                                   
     Sum of mt=22 and 107.                                        
mf=4    Angular distributions of secondary neutrons               
  mt=2     Calculated with optical model for JENDL-3.1.           
     New calculation for JENDL fusion file with casthy2y and      
mf=6    Energy-angle distributions of secondary particles         
 New evaluation for JENDL fusion file.                            
     Based on Kumabe's systematics/3/.                            
  mt= 203, 204, 205, 207                                          
     Based on Kalbach's systematics/4/.                           
mf=12  Photon production multiplicities (up to 3.34494 MeV)       
  mt=51-65, 91                                                    
     Multiplicities were calculated with egnash2/2/.              
     From energy balance.                                         
     Above 1.5 MeV, semidirect contribution was corrected         
     which was calculated with gnash-95.                          
  mt=16, 22, 28, 103, 104, 105, 107                               
     Calculated with the egnash2 code/2/.                         
mf=14  Photon angular distributions                               
  mt=16, 22, 28, 51-65, 91, 102, 103, 104, 105, 107               
     Assumed to be isotropic in the laboratory system.            
mf=15  Continuous photon energy spectra                           
  mt=16, 22, 28, 91, 102, 103, 104, 105, 107                      
     Calculated with the egnash2 code/2/.                         
     For capture gamma spectrum:                                  
       below 559 keV, experimental data adopted/32/               
       above 1.5 MeV, semidirect contribution was corrected       
         which was calculated with gnash-95.                      
mf=33  Covariances of cross sections                              
  mt=1, 2, 16, 102, 103, 107                                      
     Based on experimental data.                                  
 1) Chiba, S. et al.: JAERI-M 92-027, p.35 (1992).                
 2) Yamamuro, N.: JAERI-M 90-006 (1990).                          
 3) Kumabe, I. et al.: Nucl. Sci. Eng., 104, 280 (1990).          
 4) Kalbach, C.: Phys. Rev. C37, 2350(1988).                      
 5) Brusegan, A. et al. FNeutron Total Cross Section of          
    Vanadium,   97trieste 410,(1997)                              
 6) Winters, R.R. et al.: Phys. Rev. C18, 2092 (1978).            
 7) Garg, J.B. et al.: Nucl. Sci. Eng. 65, 76 (1978).             
 8) Mughabghab S.F et al.: "Neutron Cross Sections Vol.1 Part A"  
    Academic Press (1981).                                        
 9) Macklin, R.L. et al.: Nucl. Sci. Eng. 78, 110 (1981).         
10) Kunz P.D.: Unpublished (1974).                                
11) Rohr, G. and Friedland, E.: Nucl. Phys. A104, 1 (1967).       
12) Smith, A.B. et al.: Phys. Rev. C1, 581 (1970).                
13) Cierjacks, S.: kfk-1000 (1968).                               
14) Igarasi, S. and Fukahori, T.: JAERI 1321 (1991).              
15) Arthur, E.D. and Young, P.G.: LA-8626-MS (1980).              
16) Lohr, J.M. and Haeberli W.: Nucl. Phys., A232, 381 (1974).    
17) Becchetti, F.D. Jr. and Greenlees G.W.: "Polarization         
   Phenomena in Nucl. Reactions," Univ. Wisconsin Press, p.682    
18) Zhou Chunmei et al.: Nuclear Data Sheets 48, 111 (1986).      
19) Auchampaugh, G.F. et al.: BNL-NCS-50681, p.231 (1977).        
20) Dudey, N.D. et al.: J. Nucl. Energy 23,443 (1969).            
21) Ikeda Y. et al.: JAERI 1312 (1988).                           
22) Smith, D.L. et al.: ANL/NDM-85 (1984).                        
23) Tanaka S.: JAERI-M 82-151 (1982).                             
24) Kanno, I. et al.: Annals Nucl. Energy 11, 623 (1984).         
25) Lu Han-lin, et al.: Physica Energiae Fortis et Physica        
    Nuclearis 3, 88 (1979).                                       
26) Zupranska, E et al.: Acta Physica Polonica Section B 11,      
    853 (1980).                                                   
27) Mughabghab,S.F. et al .: Neutron Cross Sections Vol.1         
    Academic Press 1981                                           
28) Rohr, G. et al.: Geel conf.(1995) (EXFOR no.22333)            
29) Young, P.G. et al.FLA-12343-MS(1992)                         
30) Poenitz W.P.: BNL-NCS-51363(1981)                             
31) Odano, N. Fprivate communication(2001)                       
32) Igashira, M. : Private communication(tit,1999)