30-Zn- 0

 30-Zn-  0 LLNL       EVAL-Jul97 D.E.Cullen, et al.               
UCRL50400,Vol.6,Rev.5 DIST-MAY10                       20100228   
----JENDL-4.0         MATERIAL 3000                               
-----PHOTO-ATOMIC INTERACTION DATA                                
------ENDF-6 FORMAT                                               
 The data were taken from EPDL97.                                 
 The Livermore Evaluated Photon Data Library (EPDL97) in the      
 ENDF/B-VI format                                                 
  MF/MT     Description                                           
  23/501   Total cross sections                                   
  23/502   Coherent scattering cross sections                     
  23/504   Incoherent scattering cross sections                   
  23/515   Pair production cross sections, Electron field         
  23/516   Pair production cross sections, Total                  
  23/517   Pair production cross sections, Nuclear field          
  23/522   Total photoionization cross section                    
  23/534   K (1S1/2)    Photoionization subshell cross section    
  23/535   L1 (2S1/2)   Photoionization subshell cross section    
  23/536   L2 (2P1/2)   Photoionization subshell cross section    
  23/537   L3 (2P3/2)   Photoionization subshell cross section    
  23/538   M1 (3S1/2)   Photoionization subshell cross section    
  23/539   M2 (3P1/2)   Photoionization subshell cross section    
  23/540   M3 (3P3/2)   Photoionization subshell cross section    
  23/541   M4 (3D3/2)   Photoionization subshell cross section    
  23/542   M5 (3D5/2)   Photoionization subshell cross section    
  23/543   N1 (4S1/2)   Photoionization subshell cross section    
  27/502   Coherent scattering form factors                       
  27/504   Incoherent scattering functions                        
  27/505   Imaginary anomalous scattering factor                  
  27/506   Real anomalous scattering factor                       
  MF/MT combinations used to define photoionization subshell cross
  sections (MF=23, MT=534-572) and coherent anomalous scattering  
  factors (MF=27, MT=505 AND 506) are newly defined MF/MT numbers 
  for ENDF/B-VI that did not exist in earlier versions of ENDF/B. 
  If you are not prepared to use this data you need merely delete 
  it and all of the remaining data will still be consistent and   
  equivalent to the types of data in earlier versions of ENDF/B.  
  However, this will limit the range of problems to which this    
  data can be applied (see: ref. 1 for details).                  
  Definition of new types of data                                 
  1) The total photoionization cross section is equal to the sum  
     of the photoionization subshell cross sections.              
     For each subshell on the second line of a section the C1 and 
     C2 fields are defined as,                                    
     EPE = The photoionization edge energy (similar to Q-value)   
     EFL = The fluorescence yield (eV/photoionization)            
  2) The angular distribution of coherently scattered photons is, 
     S(E,MU) = 3*T/8*(1 + MU**2)*((FF(M)+F1(E))**2+(F2(E))**2)    
     S(E,MU) = Angular distributions (barns per unit cosine)      
     T       = The Thomson cross section                          
     MU      = The cosine of the scattering angle                 
     FF(M)   = The atomic form factor                             
     M       = Momentum transfer = SIN(THETA/2)/LAMBDA/4*PI       
     F1(E)   = The real anomalous scattering factor               
     F2(E)   = The imaginary anomalous scattering factor          
     F1(E) and F2(E) are isotropic.                               
     When F1(E) = F2(E) = 0 this reduces to the result obtained   
     using only form factors (the older ENDF/B convention).       
 Differences between EPDL97 and the data base presented here      
 1) Energy range - EPDL97 - 1 eV to 100 GeV                       
                   Here   - 1 eV TO 100 GeV (previously 100 MeV)  
 2) Type of Data - EPDL97 - Photon interaction including          
                   Here   - Photon interaction  - ENDF/B-VI has   
                            no provision for photoexcitation      
 3) Secondary E  - EPDL97 - Average energy of each secondary      
                            (photons, electrons, positrons)       
                   HERE   - No secondary energy data              
 4) Interpolation- EPDL97 - Cross sections are Log X vs. Log Y    
                            interpolable - the total cross        
                            section is not included               
                          - Form factors and scattering functions 
                            are Log X vs. Log y, except first     
                          - Anomalous scattering factors linearly 
                            interpolable (they can be negative)   
                   Here   - Up through ENDF/B-V photon interaction
                            cross sections were Log X vs. Log Y.  
                          - For the first two Mods. of ENDF/B-VI  
                            in order to consistently define the   
                            total cross sections at ALL energies  
                            all cross sections were linearized.   
                            This was NOT a good idea.             
                          - Starting with Mod. 3, cross sections  
                            are left in Log X vs. Log. Y form so  
                            that they are IDENTICAL to what's in  
                            The total is defined ONLY at the      
                            energies tabulated in any other cross 
                 WARNING  - As a result the total cross section   
                            MUST NOT be interpolated to define the
                            total between tabulated energies. The 
                            ONLY consist way to define the total  
                            between tabulated energies is to      
                            interpolate all of the partials and   
                            add them up.                          
  1) D.E. Cullen, M.H. Chen, J.H. Hubbell, S.T. Perkins,          
  E.F. Plechaty, J.A. Rathkopf and J.H. Scofield, Tables and      
  graphs of photon interaction cross sections from 10 eV to 100   
  GeV derived from the LLNL Evaluated Photon data library (EPDL), 
  UCRL-50400, Vol. 6, Rev. 4, Part A: Z = 1 to 50 and Part B:     
  Z = 51 to 100, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (1989)    
  2) D.E. Cullen, J.H. Hubbell and L.D. Kissel, EPDL97: the       
  Evaluated Photon Data Library, '97 Version, UCRL-50400, Vol. 6, 
  Rev. 5, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (1997)           
  These are the primary references to the contents of this library
  and they contain a complete list of references to the sources   
  of data used in this library, methods of evaluation, accuracy   
  of the data, etc.                                               
  Mod. 1 - October, 1989 - Initial release.                       
  Mod. 2 - August,  1990 - Updated photoionization total and      
                           subshell cross sections.               
  Mod. 3 - July,    1997 - Complete re-evaluation.                