40-Zr- 96

 40-Zr- 96 JNDC       EVAL-AUG89 JNDC FP NUCLEAR DATA W.G.        
                      DIST-MAY10                       20100205   
----JENDL-4.0         MATERIAL 4043                               
-----INCIDENT NEUTRON DATA                                        
------ENDF-6 FORMAT                                               
84-10 Evaluation for JENDL-2 was made by JNDC FPND W.G./1/        
89-08 Modification for JENDL-3 was made/2/.                       
90-10 mf=5: Spectra at threshold energies were modified.          
93-09 JENDL-3.2.                                                  
      Compiled by T.Nakagawa (ndc/jaeri)                          
     *****   modified parts for JENDL-3.2   ********************  
      (3,2), (3,4), (3,16), (3,17), (3,51-91)                     
             These data were taken from JENDL fusion file.        
01-08 Compiled by K.Shibata (jaeri/ndc) for JENDL-3.3.            
     *****   modified parts for JENDL-3.3   ********************  
      (1,451)       Updated.                                      
      (3,1)         Revised.                                      
      (3,2)         Re-calculated.                                
      (3,102)       Revised.                                      
      (3,251)       Deleted.                                      
      (3,203-207)   Calcualted.                                   
      (4,2)         Transformation matrix deleted.                
      (4,16-91)     Deleted.                                      
      (5,16-91)     Deleted.                                      
      (6,16-207)    Taken from JENDL fusion file.                 
      (12,16-107)   Added.                                        
      (14,16-107)   Added.                                        
      (15,16-107)   Added.                                        
09-08 Compiled by A.Ichihara (jaea/ndc) for JENDL-4.0.            
     *****   modified parts for JENDL-4.0   ********************  
      (1,451)       Updated.                                      
      (2,151)       Resolved resonance parameters. (T.Murata)     
                    Unresolved resonance parameters.              
      (3,2)         Revised.                                      
      (3,102)       Re-calculated.                                
      (4,2)         Re-calculated for energies larger than 6 MeV. 
      JENDL fusion file /3/  (as of Sep. 1993)                    
            Evaluated and comiled by S. Chiba (ndc/jaeri)         
      Data were taken from JENDL-3.1 except for the following:    
      -  The discrete and continuum inelastic scattering cross    
         sections were calculated with casthy2y and dwucky in     
         sincros-ii system/4/ including contributions from        
         direct reactions.                                        
      -  Angular distributions of discrete inelastics were also   
         calculated with casthy2y and dwucky.                     
      -  The (n,2n) and (n,3n) reaction cross sections (mt=16, 17)
         were replaced with those calculated by egnash2 in the    
      -  Energy distributions of secondary neutrons were replaced 
         by those calculated by egnash2.  The ddx's of the        
         continuum neutrons were calculated by Kumabe's systema-  
         tics /5/ using f15tob /3/.  The precompound/compound     
         ratio was calculated by the sincros- ii code system.     
      -  Optical-model, level density and other parameters used in
         the sincros-ii calculation are described in ref./4/.     
         Level schemes were determined on the basis of ENSDF/6/.  
mf = 1  General information                                       
  mt=451 Comments and dictionary                                  
mf = 2  Resonance parameters                                      
  mt=151 Resolved and unresolved resonance parameters             
    Resolved resonance region: below 100 keV                      
      In JENDL-3.3, resonance energies and neutron widths were    
      based on the measured values by Coceva et al./7/ below 41.5 
      keV and those by Musgrove et al./8/ above 41.5 keV.  The    
      neutron widths of Musgrove et al. were multiplied by a      
      factor of 1.79 so as to be consistent with the data of      
      Coceva et al.  The radiation widths were adopted from       
      Brusegan et al./9/  The parameters of the 301-eV level were 
      taken from Salah et al./10/  Parameter of a negative        
      resonance was based on the recommended parameters given     
      in ref./11/, and the radiation width was modified so as to  
      reproduce the capture cross section of 0.0229+-0.0010 barns 
      at 0.0253 eV/11/.  Average radiation widths of 0.068+-0.010 
      eV and 0.170+-0.130 eV were adopted to s-wave and p-wave    
      resonances, respectively.                                   
      In JENDL-4.0 the parameters of Er=301.1eV(p-wave) resonance 
      of JENDL-3.3 was replaced by those of Er=301.1eV resonance  
      measured by Leinweber et al./12/.  Neutron width and capture
      width of the resonance were somewhat modified within the    
      experimental error, to obtain better agreement with the     
      capture resonance integral value given by Mughabghab/13/.   
      Negative resonance capture width was adjusted to reproduce  
      2200m/s capture cross section given by Mughabghab/13/.      
  Unresolved resonance region : 100 keV - 200 keV                 
      The unresolved parameters were calculated using             
      the asrep code/14/.                                         
      The parameters should be used only for self-shielding       
  calculated 2200-m/s cross sections and res. integrals (barns)   
                     2200 m/s               res. integ.           
      total           6.184                    -                  
      elastic         6.164                    -                  
      capture         0.02032                   4.23              
mf = 3  Neutron cross sections                                    
  Below 100 keV, resolved resonance parameters were given.        
  Above 100 keV, the spherical optical and statistical model      
  calculation was performed with casthy/15/, by taking account of 
  competing reactions, of which cross sections were calculated    
  with pegasus/16/ standing on a preequilibrium and multi-step    
  evaporation model.  The omp's for neutron given in Table 1 were 
  determined by Iijima and Kawai/17/ to reproduce a systematic    
  trend of the total cross section.  The omp's for charged        
  particles are as follows:                                       
     proton   = Perey/18/                                         
     alpha    = Huizenga and Igo/19/                              
     deuteron = Lohr and Haeberli/20/                             
     helium-3 and triton = Becchetti and Greenlees/21/            
  Parameters for the composite level density formula of Gilbert   
  and Cameron/22/ were evaluated by Iijima et al./23/  More       
  extensive determination and modification were made in the       
  present work.  Table 2 shows the level density parameters used  
  in the present calculation.  Energy dependence of spin cut-off  
  parameter in the energy range below E-joint is due to Gruppelaar
     For JENDL-3.2, data of inelastic, (n,2n) and (n,3n) reaction 
  cross sections were adopted from JENDL fusion file.  The        
  calculation was made with sincros-ii system/4/ by adopting      
  Walter-Guss omp modified by Yamamuro/4/ for neutrons, Lemos omp 
  modified by Arthur and Young/25/ for alpha, the same omp's as   
  the pegasus calculation for other charged particles and standard
  level density parameters of sincros-ii system.                  
  mt = 1  Total                                                   
    Spherical optical model calculation was adopted.              
    For JENDL-3.3, the cross sections was modified so as to       
    reproduce measured elemental data.                            
  mt = 2  Elastic scattering                                      
    Calculated as (total - sum of partial cross sections).        
  mt = 4, 51 - 91  Inelastic scattering                           
    Taken from JENDL fusion file.  The level scheme was taken from
    ref./6/  Contributions of the direct process was calculated   
    for the levels marked with '*'.                               
           no.      energy(MeV)    spin-parity (direct process)   
           gr.       0.0             0  +                         
            1        1.5940          0  +                         
            2        1.7505          2  +          *              
            3        1.8971          3  -          *              
            4        2.2259          1  -                         
            5        2.3300          2  +                         
            6        2.4400          1  -                         
            7        2.8574          3  -                         
      Levels above 2.857 MeV were assumed to be overlapping.      
  mt = 16  (n,2n) cross section                                   
  mt = 17  (n,3n) cross section                                   
    Data for JENDL fusion file were adopted.                      
  mt = 102  Capture                                               
    Spherical optical and statistical model calculation with      
    casthy was adopted.  Direct and semi-direct capture cross     
    sections were estimated according to the procedure of Benzi   
    and Reffo/26/ and normalized to 1 milli-barn at 14 MeV.       
    The gamma-ray strength function (1.40e-5) was adjusted to     
    reproduce the capture cross section of 12 milli-barns at 30   
    keV measured by Wyrick/27/                                    
    For JENDL-3.3, the cross section was modified so as to        
    reproduce elemental data measured by Stavisskij et al./28/    
    and Poenitz/29/.                                              
    For JENDL-4.0, the cross section was re-calculated with the   
    pod code/30/.                                                 
    Calculated cross sections were normalized to produce          
    6.5 mb at 500 keV.                                            
  mt = 22  (n,n'a) cross section                                  
  mt = 28  (n,n'p) cross section                                  
  mt =103  (n,p) cross section                                    
  mt =104  (n,d) cross section                                    
  mt =105  (n,t) cross section                                    
  mt =107  (n,alpha) cross section                                
    These reaction cross sections were calculated with the        
    preequilibrium and multi-step evaporation model code pegasus. 
    The Kalbach's constant k (= 203.6) was estimated by the       
    formula derived from Kikuchi-Kawai's formalism/31/ and level  
    density parameters.                                           
    Finally, the (n,2n), (n,p) and (n,alpha) cross sections were  
    normalized to the following values at 14.5 MeV:               
      (n,2n)      1500.00  mb (measured by Ikeda+/32/)            
      (n,p)          3.79  mb (systematics of Forrest/33/)        
      (n,alpha)      3.00  mb (recommended by Forrest/33/)        
  mt=203   Total proton production                                
    Sum of mt=28 and 103.                                         
  mt=204   Total deuteron production                              
    Equal to mt=104.                                              
  mt=205   Total triton production                                
    Equal to mt=105.                                              
  mt=207   Total alpha production                                 
    Sum of mt=22 and 107.                                         
mf = 4  Angular distributions of secondary neutrons               
  mt = 2                                                          
    Calculated with casthy/15/.                                   
    In JENDL-4.0, the angular distributions were re-calculated    
    for neutron energies larger than 6 MeV with the Koning        
    and Delaroche local OMP/34/.                                  
  mt = 51-57                                                      
    Taken from JENDL fusion file data which was calculated with   
    casthy2y and dwuck/35/ (dwucky) in the sincros-ii system.     
mf = 6  Energy-angle distributions of secondary particles         
  mt = 16,17,22,28,32,91                                          
    Based on Kumabe's systematics/5/.                             
  mt = 203,204,205,207                                            
    Based on Kalbach's systematics/36/.                           
mf = 12  Photon production multiplicities                         
  mt=16, 17, 22, 28, 91, 103, 107                                 
    Calculated with gnash code /4/.                               
    Calculated with casthy code /15/.                             
    Transitioin probability arrays                                
mf = 14  Photon angular distributions                             
  mt=16, 17, 22, 28, 51-57, 91, 102, 103, 107                     
mf = 15  Continuous photon energy distributions                   
  mt=16, 17, 22, 28, 91, 103, 107                                 
    Calculated with egnash code /4/.                              
    Calculated with casthy code /15/.                             
Table 1  Neutron optical potential parameters                     
                depth (MeV)       radius(fm)    diffuseness(fm)   
         ----------------------   ------------  ---------------   
        V  = 46.0-0.25E           r0 = 5.893    a0 = 0.62         
        Ws = 7.0                  rs = 6.393    as = 0.35         
        Vso= 7.0                  rso= 5.893    aso= 0.62         
  The form of surface absorption part is der. Woods-Saxon type.   
Table 2  Level density parameters                                 
 nuclide  syst a(1/MeV)  t(MeV)    c(1/MeV)  Ex(MeV)   pairing    
 38-Sr- 92  *  1.288e+01 7.065e-01 2.515e-01 6.391e+00 2.360e+00  
 38-Sr- 93  *  1.386e+01 6.989e-01 1.878e+00 5.664e+00 1.240e+00  
 38-Sr- 94  *  1.485e+01 6.915e-01 4.495e-01 7.333e+00 2.530e+00  
 38-Sr- 95  *  1.586e+01 6.842e-01 4.531e+00 6.411e+00 1.240e+00  
 39-Y - 93     1.150e+01 8.053e-01 1.740e+00 5.854e+00 1.120e+00  
 39-Y - 94     9.149e+00 7.385e-01 1.378e+00 2.222e+00 0.0        
 39-Y - 95     1.070e+01 8.306e-01 1.082e+00 5.839e+00 1.290e+00  
 39-Y - 96  *  1.603e+01 6.771e-01 2.794e+01 5.117e+00 0.0        
 40-Zr- 94     1.275e+01 7.530e-01 4.411e-01 7.019e+00 2.320e+00  
 40-Zr- 95     1.331e+01 6.070e-01 5.453e-01 3.985e+00 1.200e+00  
 40-Zr- 96     1.320e+01 7.000e-01 2.235e-01 6.589e+00 2.490e+00  
 40-Zr- 97     1.259e+01 5.590e-01 2.497e-01 3.084e+00 1.200e+00  
  syst:  * = ldp's were determined from systematics.              
 Spin cutoff parameters were calculated as 0.146*sqrt(a)*a**(2/3).
 in the casthy calculation. Spin cutoff factors at 0 MeV were     
 assumed to be 3.791 for Zr- 96 and 5.0 for Zr- 97.               
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 5) Kumabe, I. et al.: Nucl. Sci. Eng., 104, 280 (1990).          
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32) Ikeda, Y. et al.: JAERI 1312 (1988).                          
33) Forrest, R.A.: AERE-R 12419 (1986).                           
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