
 94-Pu-242 AITEL+     Eval-Mar00 T.Murata,T.Kawano                
                      DIST-MAR02 Rev4-May00            20000518   
----JENDL-3.3         MATERIAL 9446                               
-----INCIDENT NEUTRON DATA                                        
------ENDF-6 FORMAT                                               
87-05 Evaluation was made by                                      
        T.Murata (NAIG): Cross sections above resonance region and
                    other quantities,                             
        M.Kawai  (NAIG): Resonance parameters.                    
89-02 FP Yields were added.                                       
       Compilation was made by T. Nakagawa (JAERI).               
94-06 JENDL-3.2.                                                  
       nu-p, nu-d and nu-total were modified.                     
      Compiled by T.Nakagawa (NDC/JAERI)                          
00-02 JENDL-3.3. Evaluation was made by T. Murata (AITEL)         
      and T.Kawano(Kyushu Univ.) and compiled by O.Iwamoto        
     *****   Modified parts for JENDL-3.3   ********************  
     (3,2), (3,4), (3,16), (3,17), (3,37), (3,51-91)              
     (5,16), (5,17), (5,91), (5,455)                              
MF=2 Resonance Parametres                                         
 MT=151 Resolved and unresolved resonance parameters              
 1) Resolved resonances(1.0E-05eV to 1.891keV)                    
   Fourteen resonances were added to the high energy region of    
   JENDL-3.2 resonances.These resonance pareameters were obtained 
   from Mughabghab's book/1/ for resonance energy and neutron     
   width,capture width determined by a systematic study/2/ and    
   fission width to reproduce fission area data/3/. Some other    
   parameters in JENDL-3.2 were revised,such as capture width and 
   fission width by the same method described above.              
 2) Unresolved resonances(1.90 to 40keV)                          
   Energy region of unresolved resonances were changed.           
 3) Thermal cross section and resonance integral                  
   Calculated 2200-m/sec cross sections and resonance integrals   
   are shown in the following Table.                              
                       2200-m/sec(b)    Res.Integ.(b)             
        Total           27.06               -                     
        Elastic          8.30               -                     
        Fission          0.00210           5.56                   
        Capture         18.76           1130                      
MF=3 Neutron cross section                                        
 MT=2 Elastic scattering                                          
   Obtained by subtructing other cross sections from total cross  
 MT=4 Total inelastic scattering                                  
   Sum of partial inelastic cross sections (MT=51 to MT=91).      
 MT=51-77,91 Partial inelastic scattering                         
   The results of ECIS-88 calculation with the parameters of      
   Lagrange et al./4/ and the level scheme given in the following 
   Table were modified to include the competition with the fission
   ,caputure and other neutron emission;(n,2n),(n,3n) and (n,3n)  
   reactions. The cross section shape of the final continuum      
   inelastic scattering of JENDL-3.2 was revised in the higher    
   energy region.                                                 
   Pu-242 Level Scheme/5/                                         
     (High spin levels are neglected)                             
           No.       Energy(MeV)    Spin-Parity    Coupling       
           G.S.          0.0            0+            yes         
            1           0.0445          2+            yes         
            2           0.1473          4+            yes         
            3           0.3064          6+            yes         
            4           0.5181          8+            no          
            5           0.7805          1-            yes         
            6           0.8323          3-            yes         
            7           0.927           5-            yes         
            8           0.956           0+            no          
            9           0.9925          2+            no          
           10           1.0194          3-            no          
           11           1.0392          1+            no          
           12           1.064           4-            no          
           13           1.092           6+            no          
           14           1.102           2+            no          
           15           1.122           5-            no          
           16           1.150           2-            no          
           17           1.155           3-            no          
           18           1.182           2+            no          
           19           1.357           5-            no          
           20           1.401           0+            no          
           Levels above 1.410MeV were assumed to be continuum.    
 MT=16,17,37 (n,2n),(n,3n)and (n,4n)                              
   Calculated from neutron emission cross section and branching   
   ratios of these reaction channels. The neutron emission cross  
   section was obtained by subtructing the fission and capture    
   cross sections from compound nucleus formation cross sction    
   calculated with ECIS-88 code.The branching ratios were obtained
   from the consistent calculation made by Konshin/6/.            
MF=4 Angular Distributions of Secondary Neutrons                  
   For the coupled levels,calxculated results with ECIS-88 code   
   were adopted. For other levels, JENDL-3.2 evaluation adopted.  
MF=5  Energy Distributions of Secondary Neutrons                  
      Calculated with pre-compound and multi-step evaporation     
      theory code EGNASH /7,8/.                                   
  MT=455  Delayed neutron spectrum.                               
      Summation calculation made by Brady and England /9/ was     
 1) Mughabghab,S.F. "Neutron Cross Sections, vol.1,part B",       
                    Academic Press(1984)                          
 2) Murata,T. JAERI-Conf 99-002, p.138                            
 3) Auchampaugh,G.F. et al. Nucl.Phys.A171(1971)31                
    Weigmann,J.A. et al. Nucl.Phys.A438(1985)333                  
 4) Lagrange,CH. and Jary,J.  NEANDC(E) 198"L" (1978).            
 5) Shurshikov,M.L. et al.  Nucl.Data Sheets 45,509(1985)         
 6) Konshin,V.A.: JAERI-Research 95-010                           
 7) Yamamuro N.: JAERI-M 90-006 (1990).                           
 8) Young P.G. and Arthur E.D.: LA-6947 (1977).                   
 9) Brady M.C. and England T.R.: Nucl. Sci. Eng., 103, 129(1989). 
******************** JEDL-3.2 ************************************
 94-Pu-242 NAIG       Eval-Mar87 T.Murata, M.Kawai                
                      Dist-Sep89 Rev2-Jun94                       
87-05 Evaluation was made by                                      
        T.Murata (NAIG): Cross sections above resonance region and
                    other quantities,                             
        M.Kawai  (NAIG): Resonance parameters.                    
89-02 FP Yields were added.                                       
       Compilation was made by T. Nakagawa (JAERI).               
94-06 JENDL-3.2.                                                  
       nu-p, nu-d and nu-total were modified.                     
      Compiled by T.Nakagawa (NDC/JAERI)                          
     *****   Modified parts for JENDL-3.2   ********************  
      (1,452), (1,455), (1,456)                                   
MF=1 General Information                                          
  MT=451 Comment and dictionary                                   
  MT=452 Number of neutrons per fission                           
       Sum of Nu-p nad Nu-d.                                      
  MT=455 Delayed neutrons per fission                             
       Based on the experimental data by Evans et al./1/, and     
       systematics by Tuttle/2/, Benedetti et al./3/ and Waldo et 
       al./4/  Decay constants were evaluated by Brady and        
  MT=456 Prompt neutrons per fission                              
       Based on systematics by Manero and Konshin/6/, and by      
MF=2 Resonance Parameters                                         
  MT=151 Resonance parameters                                     
  Resolved resonance parameters for MLBW ( 1.0E-5 eV to 1.15 keV) 
      Evaluation for JENDL-2 was modified on the basis of fission 
      cross section measurements by Weigmann et al. /8/           
        Res. Energies         = BNL 325 (3rd) /9/                 
        Neutron and capture widths = Poortmans et al. /10/,       
                                Auchampaugh et al./11/            
        Fission widths        = Weigmann et al. /8/               
        R                     = 9.9 fm                            
        Average capture width = 0.0242 eV                         
      Two negative resonances were added to reproduce 2200-m/s    
      cross sections recommended by Mughabghab /12/               
  Unresolved resonance parameters ( 1.15 to 40 keV)               
      Parameters were determined to reproduce cross sections      
      evaluated as described below.                               
    Calculated 2200-m/s cross sections and resonance integrals    
                      2200-m/s(b)       res. integ.(b)            
      total           27.11                ----                   
      elastic          8.32                ----                   
      fission          0.00256             5.58                   
      capture         18.79             1130                      
MF=3 Neutron Cross Sections                                       
      Below 40 keV, represented with resonance parameters.        
  MT=1 SIG-TOT                                                    
      Below 6 keV : Experimental data of Young and Reeder /13/    
        were averaged over some keV energy interval.              
      Above 6 keV : Spline fitting to experimental data of        
        Kaeppeler et al. /14/ and Moore et al. /15/               
  MT=2 SIG-EL                                                     
      Obtained by subtracting other cross sections from total.    
  MT=4 SIG-INEL                                                   
      Sum of partial inelastic cross sections                     
  MT=51-91   Partial SIG-INEL                                     
      Below 3 MeV : The results of statistical and coupled channel
        calculation of Lagrange et al./16/ were adopted.          
      Above 3 MeV : Extrapolation of the values was made based    
        on DWBA calculation.                                      
          Level Scheme                                            
             No.      Energy(MeV)        Spin-Parity              
             G.S.       0.0                  0 +                  
               1        0.04285              2 +                  
               2        0.141685             4 +                  
               3        0.294314             6 +                  
               4        0.4976               8 +                  
               5        0.59736              1 -                  
               6        0.64889              3 -                  
               7        0.74232              5 -                  
               8        0.8607               0 +                  
               9        0.90032              2 +                  
              10        0.93807              1 -                  
              11        0.95887              2 -                  
              12        0.9924               4 +                  
              13        1.0018               3 -                  
              14        1.0306               3 +                  
              15        1.0375               4 -                  
              16        1.0764               4 +                  
              17        1.0895               0 +                  
              18        1.1155               5 -                  
              19        1.1370               2 +                  
              20        1.1615               6 -                  
              21        1.1778               3 +                  
              22        1.223                2 +                  
              23        1.2325               4 +                  
              24        1.2408               1 -                  
              25        1.2621               3 +                  
              26        1.2820               3 -                  
              27        1.30873              5 -                  
              28        1.41079              0 +                  
      Levels above 1.41079 MeV were assumed to be continuum.      
MT=16,17,37 Sigmas of (n,2n), (n,3n) and (n,4n)                   
      Given by multiplication of neutron emission cross section   
      and branching ratio to each reaction.  The neutron emission 
      cross section was obtained by subtracting fission and       
      capture cross sections from reaction cross section          
      calculated with spherical optical model.  The branching     
      ratio was calculated with the formalism given by Segev et   
MT=18 SIG-FISS                                                    
      Below 100 keV : Shape of SIG-FISS determined on the fission 
        area data of Auchampaugh et al./18/  Then normalized to   
        the value of higher energy region.                        
      Above 100 keV : Fisson ratio to U-235 was determined on the 
        experimental data of Behrens et al./19/ and multiplied by 
        U-235 fission cross section /20/.                         
MT=102 SIG-CAP                                                    
    Energy region of 6 keV to 210 keV : Determined on the basis of
      experimental data of Hochenbury et al./21/ and Wisshak and  
      Kaeppeler /22/.                                             
    Other energy region : Statistical calculation result with     
      CASTHY code /23/ was normalized to SIG-CAP in the region of 
      6 to 210 keV. Direct and collective capture processes were  
      included in high energy region using the value of U-238     
      given by Kitazawa et al./24/                                
  ** Parameters for the CASTHY code calculation                   
       Spherical optical potential parameters                     
          V=40. 1-0.05En , Ws=6.5+0.15En , Vso=7.0  (MeV)         
          r=1.32     ,   rs=1.38   ,   rso=1.32      (fm)         
          a=as=aso=0.47                              (fm)         
       Level density parameters were determined to reproduce the  
       resonance level spacings and level scheme sum staircases.  
  MT=251 Mu-L                                                     
       Assumed to be the same as that of Pu-240.                  
MF=4 Angular Distributions                                        
       The same distributions as Pu-240 were assumed, which were  
       determined as follows.                                     
  MT=2 DSIG-El                                                    
       Spherical optical model calculation                        
  MT=51 to 91  DSIG-Inel                                          
       For the 1st and 2nd levels the results of calculation of   
       Lagrange et al./16/ are available and their results were   
       adopted.  For other levels, statistical plus DWBA calcu-   
       lations were made.                                         
MF=5 Energy Distributions of Secondary Neutrons                   
  MT=16,17 and 91                                                 
       Distributions were calculated with PEGASUS/25/             
       Evaporation spectrum was taken from JENDL-2                
       Taken from JENDL-2. Temperature was estimated from Z**2/A  
       systematics by Smith et al. /26/                           
 1) Evans,A.E. et al.: Nucl. Sci. Eng., 50, 80 (1973).            
 2) Tuttle,R.J.: INDC(NDS)-107/G+special, p.29 (1979),            
 3) Benedetti,G. et al.: Nucl. Sci. Eng., 80, 379 (1982).         
 4) Waldo,R. et al.: Phys. Rev., C23, 1113 (1981).                
 5) Brady,M.C. and England,T.R.: Nucl. Sci. Eng., 103, 129 (1989).
 6) Manero,F. and Konshin,V.A.:  At. Energy Rev.,10, 637 (1972).  
 7) Howerton,R.J.: Nucl. Sci. Eng., 62, 438 (1977).               
 8) Weigmann,H., Wartena,J.A. and Burkholz,C. : Nucl. Phys.,      
    A438, 333 (1985).                                             
 9) Mughabghab,S.F. and Garber,D.I. : BNL 325, 3rd Ed., vol. 1    
10) Poortmans,F. et al. : Nucl. Phys., A207, 342 (1973).          
11) Auchmpaugh,G.F. and Bowman,C.D. : Phys. Rev., C7, 2085 (1973).
12) Mughabghab,S.F. : "Neutron Cross Sections", Vol. 1, part B,   
    Academic Press (1984).                                        
13) Young,T.E. and Reeder,S.D. : Nucl. Sci. Eng., 40, 389 (1970). 
14) Kaeppeler,F. et al. : Proc. of Meeting on Nuclear Data of     
    Higher Pu and Am Isotopeps For Reactor Application, p.49      
    (1978, BNL).                                                  
15) Moore,M.S. et al. : Proc. of Nuclear cross sections for       
    Technology, p.703 (1979, Knoxville).                          
16) Lagrange,Ch. and Jary,J. : NEANDC(E) 198"L" (1978).           
17) Segev,M. et al. : Annals of Nucl. Energy, 5, 239 (1978).      
18) Auchampaugh,G.F. et al. : Nucl. Phys., A171, 31 (1971).       
19) Behrens,J.W. et al. : Nucl. Sci. Eng., 66, 433 (1978).        
20) Matsunobu,H. et al. : Evaluation for JENDL-3 (1987).          
21) Hockenbury,R.W. et al. : NBS Special Publication 425, Vol. 2, 
    p.584 (1975).                                                 
22) Wisshak,K. and Kaeppeler,F. : Nucl. Sci. Eng., 66, 363 (1978),
                                  Nucl. Sci. Eng., 69, 39 (1979). 
23) Igarasi,S. and Fukahori,T.: JAERI 1321 (1991).                
24) Kitazawa,H. et al. : Nucl. Phys., A307, 1 (1978).             
25) Iijima,S. et al. : JAERI-M 87-025, p.337 (1987).              
26) Smith,A.B. et al.: ANL/NDM-50 (1979).                         