15-P - 31

 15-P - 31 FUJI E.C.  EVAL-MAY87 H.NAKAMURA                       
                      DIST-MAY10                       20090828   
----JENDL-4.0         MATERIAL 1525                               
-----INCIDENT NEUTRON DATA                                        
------ENDF-6 FORMAT                                               
              The data were taken from JENDL-3.3.                 
87-05  Newly evaluated by H.Nakamura (fuji electric co.ltd)       
93-12  JENDL-3.2                                                  
       Total cross section was recalculated by T.Watanabe. (khi)  
       Gamma-ray production cross sections were evaluated by      
       T. Asami (de).                                             
*****  modified parts for JENDL-3.2 ******************************
(3,1)                 A new omp set was determined.               
(3,2)                 total - nonelastic                          
(3,107)               Q-value corrected                           
mf=12,13,14,15        newly evaluated                             
01-07  (3,103) revised.                                           
       Compiled by K.Shibata (jaeri) for JENDL-3.3                
       ******  modified parts for JENDL-3.3  *********************
       (1,451)     Updated.                                       
       (3,1)       Re-calculated.                                 
       (3,2)       Re-calculated.                                 
       (3,103)     Taken from JENDL Dosimetry File 99             
       (3,251)     Deleted.                                       
       (4,2)       Transformation matrix deleted.                 
       (5,16-91)   INT=22                                         
mf=1  General information                                         
             mt=451   Descriptive data and dictionary             
mf=2         mt=151   Resonance parameters:                       
   Resolved resonances for MLBW formula : 1.0e-5 eV - 500 keV     
           Parameters are taken from BNL 325 4th edition/1/, and  
           Macklin et al./2/.                                     
           Cross sections calculated with these parameters were   
           corrected by adding mf=3, mt=1,2 and 102 data.         
    calculated 2200-m/s cross sections and resonance integrals    
                  2200-m/sec    res. integ.  ref.                 
      elastic       3.134 b          -       /1/                  
      capture       0.166 b       0.081 b    /1/                  
      total         3.300 b          -                            
mf=3  Neutron cross  sections                                     
    Below 500 keV                                                 
        background cross section.                                 
        mt=1,2   0.07029 b                                        
    Above 500 keV                                                 
        mt=1     New optical model calculation using the parameter
                 set determined by T. Watanabe                    
                     V = 50.58 - 0.06476E (MeV)                   
                     Ws = 6.583 + 0.5927E (MeV)                   
                     Vso= 3.391           (MeV)                   
                     r = 1.36,  a = 0.422(fm)                     
                     rs= 1.23,  b = 0.517(fm)                     
                     rso=0.938, aso=0.600(fm)                     
        mt=2         total - nonelastic                           
        mt=4,51-56,91,102 Total, elastic, inelastic and capture   
        Calculated with casthy code/3/, considering the           
        competition with the threshold reaction channels.         
    Optical potential parameters of Fu/4/ are adjusted            
    to reproduce the following experimental data:                 
    mt=1 total NESTORr data (many authors)                        
    mt=2 elastic  -                                               
    mt=4 inelastic  -                                             
    The spherical optical potential parameters:                   
      V=43.0               Vso=5.37 (MeV)                         
      Ws=9.13              Wv =0.0  (MeV)                         
      r =rso=1.26          rs=1.39  (fm)                          
      a=aso=0.76           b=0.40   (fm)                          
   mt=102 Capture data are normalized to 1.8 mb at 500 keV        
    based on (7 mb at 30 keV) by Macklin et al./5/.               
  The discrete level scheme taken from  ref./6/:                  
      no.       energy (MeV)      spin-parity                     
    (g.s.)        0.0                1/2 -                        
       1          1.266              3/2 +                        
       2          2.234              5/2 +                        
       3          3.134              1/2 +                        
       4          3.295              5/2 +                        
       5          3.415              7/2 +                        
       6          3.506              3/2 +                        
       Continuum levels assumed above 4.0 MeV. The level          
       density parameters of Asano et al. /7/ are used.           
   mt=16 (n,2n), 22(n,n'a), 28(n,n'p), 103(n,p), 107(n,a)         
       Based on the statistical model calculations with gnash     
       code /8/, without the precompound reaction correction.     
       Transmission coefficients for proton and alpha particle    
       are calculated by using the omp of Becchetti-Greenlees     
       /9/ and Huizenga-Igo/10/, respectively. In the cases of    
       mt=103 and 107, the experimental data were also            
       considered together with the calculations.                 
       Level density parameters are based on built-in values.     
       *****  For JENDL-3.3  *************************************
       The (n,p) reaction cross section was taken from JENDL      
       Dosimetry File 99 (JENDL/D-99).  The evaluation is based   
       on the experimental data /12-24/ and nuclear model         
       calculation by Strohmaier/25/.                             
mf=4  Angular distributions of secondary neutrons                 
   mt=2   Calculated with  optical model(casthy).                 
   mt=51-56  Calculated with hauser-feshbach formula(casthy)      
   mt=16,22,28  Isotropic in the laboratory system.               
   mt=91        Isotropic distributions in cm were converted to   
                the distributions in lab.                         
mf=5  Energy distributions of secondary neutrons                  
   mt=16,22,28,91           Evaporation spectra.                  
mf=12 Photon production multiplicity                              
   mt=102,103,107           Calculated by sincros-ii/11/.         
mf=13 Photon production cross section                             
   mt=3                     Calculated by sincros-ii/11/.         
   mt=4                     Discrete lines calculated by taking   
                            account of branching ratios           
mf=14 Photon angular distribution                                 
   mt=3,4,102,103,107       Isotropic                             
mf=15 Photon energy distribution                                  
   mt=3,103,107         Calculated by sincros-ii/11/.             
   mt=102               Calculated by casthy/3/.                  
 1) Mughabghab, S.F. et al.: Neutron Cross Section, Vol.1 (1981). 
 2) Macklin, R.L. et al.: Phys. Rev. C32, 379 (1985).             
 3) Igarasi, S.: J. Nucl. Sci. Tech. 12, 67 (1975).               
 4) Fu, C.Y.: Atom. Data and Nucl. Data Tables. 17, 127 (1976).   
 5) Macklin, R.L. et al.: Phys. Rev. 129, 2695 (1963).            
 6) Lederer, C.M. et al.: Table of Isotopes. 7th edit.            
 7) Asano et al.: private communication.                          
 8) Young, P.G. and Arthur, E.D.: LA-6947 (1977).                 
 9) Beccheti, Jr. and Greenless, G.W.: Polarization Phenomena     
    in Nuclear Reactions, p.682 (1971).                           
10) Huizenga, Jr. and Igo, G.J.: Nucl. Phys. 29, 462 (1962).      
11) Yamamuro, N.: JAERI-M 90-006 (1990).                          
12) Metzger, F. et al.: Helvetica Physica Acta, 21, 278 (1948).   
13) Ricamo, R. et al.: Nuovo Cimento, 8, 383 (1951).              
14) Forbes, S.G.: Phys. Rev, 88, 1309 (1952).                     
15) Paul, E.B. et al.: Can. J. Phys., 31, 267 (1953).             
16) Grundl, J.A. et al.: Phys. Rev., 109, 425 (1958).             
17) Cuzzocrea, P. et al.: Nuovo Cimento, 16, 450 (1960).          
18) Kantele, J. et al.: Nucl. Phys., 35, 353 (1962).              
19) Grimeland, B. et al.: Phys. Rev. B137, 878 (1965).            
20) Paulsen, A. et al.: Proc. 1st. IAEA Conf. on Nuclear Data for 
    Reactors, Paris, France, 17-21 Oct 1996, p.217 (1966).        
21) Grundl, J.A. : Nucl. Sci. Eng., 30, 39 (1967).                
22) Schantl, W.  : Dissertation (1980).                           
23) Robertson, J.C. et al.: J. Nucl. Energy, 27, 531 (1973).      
24) Aleksandrov, D.V. et al.: Atomnaya Energuya, 39, 137 (1975).  
25) Strohmaier, B. et al.: Physik Daten, 13-2 (1980).