
 82-Pb-207 JAEA       EVAL-MAR10 O.Iwamoto, N.Iwamoto             
                      DIST-MAY10                       20100311   
----JENDL-4.0         MATERIAL 8234                               
-----INCIDENT NEUTRON DATA                                        
------ENDF-6 FORMAT                                               
10-03 Resonace parameters were evaluated by N. Iwamoto.           
      Cross sections and spectra were evaluated and compiled by   
      O. Iwamoto.                                                 
MF= 1 General information                                         
  MT=451 Descriptive data and directory                           
MF= 2 Resonance parameters                                        
  MT=151  Resolved resonance parameters for Reich-Moore formula.  
    Resonance ranges: 1.0e-5 eV to 680 keV                        
    Parameters were evaluated from the data of Mughabghab /1/     
    and Domingo-Pardo et al. /2/.                                 
    Effective scattering radius of 9.55 fm was selected.          
    Thermal cross sections and resonance integrals at 300 K       
                     0.0253 eV           res. integ. (*)          
                      (barns)              (barns)                
     Total          1.21290E+01                                   
     Elastic        1.15088E+01                                   
     n,gamma        6.20139E-01          3.57497E-01              
       (*) Integrated from 0.5 eV to 10 MeV.                      
MF= 3 Neutron cross sections                                      
  MT=  1 Total cross section                                      
    Based on experimental data/3/ and CCONE calculation.          
  MT=  2 Elastic scattering cross section                         
    Obtained by subtracting non-elastic cross sections from total 
    cross sections.                                               
  MT=  4,51-91 (n,n') cross section                               
    Calculated with CCONE code /4/.                               
  MT= 16 (n,2n) cross section                                     
    Calculated with CCONE code /4/.                               
  MT= 17 (n,3n) cross section                                     
    Calculated with CCONE code /4/.                               
  MT= 22 (n,na) cross section                                     
    Calculated with CCONE code /4/.                               
  MT= 28 (n,np) cross section                                     
    Calculated with CCONE code /4/.                               
  MT=102 Capture cross section                                    
    Calculated with CCONE code /4/.                               
  MT=103 (n,p) cross section                                      
    Calculated with CCONE code /4/.                               
  MT=107 (n,a) cross section                                      
    The (n,a) cross section below 680 keV was calculated from     
    resonance parameters, by assuming a mean alpha width of       
    1.0e-5 eV and 5.0e-7 (above 550keV) for s-wave resonances     
    and 5.0e-7 eV for p- and d-wave resonances.                   
    The cross section was averaged in suitable energy intervals.  
    Above 680 keV, the cross section was connected smoothly to the
    CCONE calculation.                                            
MF= 4 Angular distributions of emitted neutrons                   
  MT=  2 Elastic scattering                                       
    Calculated with CCONE code /4/.                               
MF= 6 Energy-angle distributions of emitted particles             
  MT= 16 (n,2n) reaction                                          
    Neutron spectra calculated with CCONE code/4/.                
  MT= 17 (n,3n) reaction                                          
    Neutron spectra calculated with CCONE code/4/.                
  MT= 22 (n,na) reaction                                          
    Neutron spectra calculated with CCONE code/4/.                
  MT= 28 (n,np) reaction                                          
    Neutron spectra calculated with CCONE code/4/.                
  MT= 51-91 (n,n') reaction                                       
    Neutron angular distributions and spectra calculated with     
    CCONE code/4/.                                                
  MT= 102 Capture cross section                                   
    Gamma-ray spectra calculated with CCONE code/4/.              
*      Nuclear Model Calculation with CCONE code /4/            * 
  Models and parameters used in the CCONE calculation             
  1) Optical model                                                
      neutron OMP: Koning et al./5/                               
      proton  OMP: Koning and Delaroche /6/                       
      alpha   OMP: Avrigeanu et al./7/ with modification          
  2) Two-component exciton model/8/                               
    * Global parametrization of Koning-Duijvestijn/9/             
      was used.                                                   
    * Gamma emission channel/10/ was added to simulate direct     
      and semi-direct capture reaction.                           
  3) Hauser-Feshbach statistical model                            
    * Moldauer width fluctuation correction/11/ was included.     
    * Neutron, proton, alpha and gamma decay channels were        
    * Transmission coefficients of neutrons, proton and alpha     
      were taken from optical model calculation.                  
    * The level scheme of the target is shown in Table 1.         
    * Level density formula of constant temperature and Fermi-gas 
      model were used with shell energy correction and collective 
      enhancement factor. Parameters are shown in Table 2.        
    * Gamma-ray strength function of Kopecky et al/12/,/13/       
      was used. The prameters are shown in Table 3.               
Table 1. Level Scheme of Pb-207                                   
  No.  Ex(MeV)  J  PI                                             
   0  0.00000  1/2 -                                              
   1  0.56970  5/2 -                                              
   2  0.89780  3/2 -                                              
   3  1.63337 13/2 +                                              
   4  2.33995  7/2 -                                              
   5  2.62350  5/2 +                                              
   6  2.66240  7/2 +                                              
   7  2.70200  9/2 +                                              
   8  2.72700  9/2 +                                              
Table 2. Level density parameters                                 
  Nuclide      a*    Pair  Eshell       T      E0  Ematch         
            1/MeV     MeV     MeV     MeV     MeV     MeV         
   Pb-208 26.5095  1.6641 -9.9611  0.6945  1.6735  8.9801         
   Pb-207 25.6831  0.8341 -9.5535  0.7157  0.5055  8.8352         
   Pb-206 26.2968  1.6722 -8.3925  0.7059  0.4426 10.1593         
   Pb-205 26.1904  0.8381 -7.5629  0.6715 -0.4353  8.0994         
   Tl-207 24.0029  0.8341 -9.1989  0.6784  1.0665  6.0451         
   Tl-206 23.9062  0.0000 -9.0786  0.7703 -0.8614  9.5127         
   Tl-205 23.8095  0.8381 -7.9177  0.7491 -0.5502  9.6384         
   Hg-206 23.9062  1.6722 -8.0262  0.6306  1.6426  6.0277         
   Hg-205 23.8095  0.8381 -7.7955  0.6870  0.1648  7.1525         
   Hg-204 23.7127  1.6803 -7.2319  0.7544 -0.2408 10.8925         
   Hg-203 23.6158  0.8422 -6.5295  0.7165 -0.9421  8.7294         
   Hg-202 23.5189  1.6886 -5.9276  0.7363 -0.7512 10.4860         
   Hg-201 23.4219  0.8464 -5.2630  0.6922 -1.2829  8.2740         
Table 3. Gamma-ray strength function for Pb-208                   
  * E1: ER = 13.49 (MeV) EG = 4.40 (MeV) SIG = 621.80 (mb)        
  * M1: ER =  6.92 (MeV) EG = 4.00 (MeV) SIG =   1.41 (mb)        
  * E2: ER = 10.63 (MeV) EG = 3.61 (MeV) SIG =   5.33 (mb)        
 1) S.F.Mughabghab: "Atlas of Neutron Resonances, Fifth           
     Edition: Resonance Parameters and Thermal Cross Sections.    
     Z=1-100", Elsevier Science (2006).                           
 2) C.Domingo-Pardo et al.:  Phys. Rev. C74, 055802 (2006).       
 3) D.J.Horen et al.: Phys. Rev. C18, 722 (1978).                 
 4) O.Iwamoto: J. Nucl. Sci. Technol., 44, 687 (2007).            
 5) A.J.Koning et al.: Nucl. Sci. Eng., 156, 357 (2007).          
 6) A.J.Koning, J.P.Delaroche, Nucl. Phys. A713, 231 (2003).      
 7) V.Avrigeanu,P.E.Hodgson, and M.Avrigeanu, Report OUNP-94-02   
    (1994), Phys. Rev. C49,2136 (1994).                           
 8) C.Kalbach: Phys. Rev. C33, 818 (1986).                        
 9) A.J.Koning, M.C.Duijvestijn: Nucl. Phys. A744, 15 (2004).     
10) J.M.Akkermans, H.Gruppelaar: Phys. Lett. 157B, 95 (1985).     
11) P.A.Moldauer: Nucl. Phys. A344, 185 (1980).                   
12) J.Kopecky, M.Uhl: Phys. Rev. C41, 1941 (1990).                
13) J.Kopecky, M.Uhl, R.E.Chrien: Phys. Rev. C47, 312 (1990).