44-Ru- 96

 44-Ru- 96 JNDC       EVAL-MAR90 JNDC FP NUCLEAR DATA W.G.        
                      DIST-MAY10                       20091203   
----JENDL-4.0         MATERIAL 4425                               
-----INCIDENT NEUTRON DATA                                        
------ENDF-6 FORMAT                                               
   JENDL-3.2 data were automatically transformed to JENDL-3.3.    
    Interpolation of spectra: 22 (unit base interpolation)        
    (3,251) deleted, T-matrix of (4,2) deleted, and others.       
90-03 New evaluation for JENDL-3 was completed by JNDC FPND       
09-12 JENDL-4.0.                                                  
      Compiled by A.Ichihara (jaea/ndc).                          
      *****   modified parts for JENDL-4.0   *******************  
      (3,  1), (3,  2), (3,102)                                   
                   Thermal cross sections were revised by         
      (2,151)      Unresolved resonance parameters were updated.  
mf = 1  General information                                       
  mt=451 Comments and dictionary                                  
mf = 2  Resonance parameters                                      
  mt=151 Resolved and unresolved resonance parameters             
  No resolved resonance parameters                                
  Unresolved resonance region : 250 eV - 300 keV                  
    The neutron strength functions, S0, S1 and S2 were calculated 
    with optical model code CASTHY/2/.  The observed level spacing
    was determined to reproduce the capture cross section         
    calculated with CASTHY.  The effective scattering radius was  
    obtained from fitting to the calculated total cross section at
    100 keV. The radiation width Gg was based on the systematics  
    of measured values for neighboring nuclides.                  
  Typical values of the parameters at 70 keV:                     
    S0 = 0.440e-4, S1 = 4.300e-4, S2 = 0.630e-4, Sg = 5.71e-4,    
    Gg = 0.150 eV, R  = 6.211 fm.                                 
    The unresolved resonance parameters were recalculated using   
    the ASREP code/22/.                                           
    The parameters should be used only for self-shielding         
    Thermal cross sections and resonance integrals at 300K(b)     
                    0.0253 eV    reson. integ.(*)                 
    total           5.307                                         
    elastic         5.027                                         
    capture         0.2711          6.40                          
         (*) In the energy range from 0.5 eV to 10 MeV.           
mf = 3  Neutron cross sections                                    
  The capture cross section at 0.0253 eV was determined as        
  0.271 b on the basis of experimental data of Halperin and       
  Druschel/23/. Cross section shape was assumed to be 1/v         
  below 250 eV so as to reproduce the resonance integral of       
  6.36 b/3/.                                                      
  The elastic scattering cross section of 5.0 b was estimated     
  by assuming R=6.3 fm.                                           
  The spherical optical and statistical model                     
  calculation was performed with CASTHY, by taking account of     
  competing reactions, of which cross sections were calculated    
  with PEGASUS/4/ standing on a preequilibrium and multi-step     
  evaporation model.  The OMP's for neutron given in Table 1 were 
  determined to reproduce a systematic trend of the total cross   
  section by changing rso of Iijima-Kawai potential/5/.  The      
  OMP's for charged particles are as follows:                     
     proton   = Perey/6/                                          
     alpha    = Huizenga and Igo/7/                               
     deuteron = Lohr and Haeberli/8/                              
     helium-3 and triton = Becchetti and Greenlees/9/             
  Parameters for the composite level density formula of Gilbert   
  and Cameron/10/ were evaluated by Iijima et al./11/  More       
  extensive determination and modification were made in the       
  present work.  Table 2 shows the level density parameters used  
  in the present calculation.  Energy dependence of spin cut-off  
  parameter in the energy range below E-joint is due to Gruppelaar
  mt = 1  Total                                                   
    Spherical optical model calculation was adopted.              
  mt = 2  Elastic scattering                                      
    Calculated as (total - sum of partial cross sections).        
  mt = 4, 51 - 91  Inelastic scattering                           
    Spherical optical and statistical model calculation was       
    adopted. The level scheme was based on Evaluated Nuclear      
    Structure Data File (1987 version)/13/ and Nuclear Data       
           no.      energy(MeV)    spin-parity    dwba cal.       
           gr.       0.0             0  +                         
            1        0.8326          2  +             *           
            2        1.5180          4  +                         
            3        1.9311          2  +                         
            4        2.1487          0  +                         
            5        2.1496          6  +                         
            6        2.2839          2  +                         
            7        2.4621          2  +                         
            8        2.5247          2  +                         
            9        2.5290          2  +                         
           10        2.5762          2  +                         
           11        2.5882          5  -                         
           12        2.6513          2  +                         
           13        2.7399          1  +                         
      Levels above 2.76 MeV were assumed to be overlapping.       
    For the levels with an asterisk, the contribution of direct   
    inelastic scattering cross sections was calculated by the     
    DWUCK-4 code/15/.  Deformation parameter (beta2 = 0.158) was  
    based on the data compiled by Raman et al./16/                
  mt = 102  Capture                                               
    Spherical optical and statistical model calculation with      
    CASTHY was adopted.  Direct and semi-direct capture cross     
    sections were estimated according to the procedure of Benzi   
    and Reffo/17/ and normalized to 1 milli-barn at 14 MeV.       
    The gamma-ray strength function (5.43e-04) was adjusted to    
    reproduce the capture cross section of 315 milli-barns at 25  
    keV measured by Sriramachandra et al./18/                     
  mt = 16  (n,2n) cross section                                   
  mt = 22  (n,n'a) cross section                                  
  mt = 28  (n,n'p) cross section                                  
  mt = 32  (n,n'd) cross section                                  
  mt =103  (n,p) cross section                                    
  mt =104  (n,d) cross section                                    
  mt =105  (n,t) cross section                                    
  mt =106  (n,he3) cross section                                  
  mt =107  (n,alpha) cross section                                
  mt =111  (n,2p) cross section                                   
    These reaction cross sections were calculated with the        
    preequilibrium and multi-step evaporation model code PEGASUS. 
    The Kalbach's constant k (= 118.0) was estimated by the       
    formula derived from Kikuchi-Kawai's formalism/19/ and level  
    density parameters.                                           
    Finally, the (n,p) and (n,alpha) cross sections were          
    normalized to the following values at 14.5 MeV:               
      (n,p)        150.00  mb (recommended by Forrest/20/)        
      (n,alpha)     31.90  mb (systematics of Forrest/20/)        
    The (n,2n) cross section was determined by eye-guiding of     
    the data measured by Bormann et al./21/                       
  mt = 251  mu-bar                                                
    Calculated with CASTHY/2/.                                    
mf = 4  Angular distributions of secondary neutrons               
  Legendre polynomial coefficients for angular distributions are  
  given in the center-of-mass system for mt=2 and discrete inelas-
  tic levels, and in the laboratory system for mt=91.  They were  
  calculated with CASTHY.  Contribution of direct inelastic       
  scattering was calculated with DWUCK-4.  For other reactions,   
  isotropic distributions in the laboratory system were assumed.  
mf = 5  Energy distributions of secondary neutrons                
  Energy distributions of secondary neutrons were calculated with 
  PEGASUS for inelastic scattering to overlapping levels and for  
  other neutron emitting reactions.                               
                DEPTH (MEV)       RADIUS(FM)    DIFFUSENESS(FM)   
         ----------------------   ------------  ---------------   
        V  = 47.5                 R0 = 5.972    A0 = 0.62         
        WS = 9.74                 RS = 6.594    AS = 0.35         
        VSO= 7.0                  RSO= 5.97     ASO= 0.62         
TABLE 2  LEVEL DENSITY PARAMETERS                                 
 42-MO- 92     1.064E+01 7.770E-01 2.062E-01 5.938E+00 2.210E+00  
 42-MO- 93     1.125E+01 7.800E-01 9.792E-01 5.457E+00 1.280E+00  
 42-MO- 94     1.301E+01 6.850E-01 3.417E-01 5.770E+00 2.000E+00  
 42-MO- 95     1.360E+01 7.150E-01 1.847E+00 5.835E+00 1.280E+00  
 43-TC- 93  *  9.672E+00 6.989E-01 3.869E-01 3.036E+00 9.300E-01  
 43-TC- 94  *  1.062E+01 6.915E-01 2.121E+00 2.589E+00 0.0        
 43-TC- 95  *  1.159E+01 6.842E-01 1.101E+00 3.745E+00 7.200E-01  
 43-TC- 96     1.741E+01 5.640E-01 1.503E+01 3.650E+00 0.0        
 44-RU- 94  *  9.776E+00 6.915E-01 6.034E-02 4.294E+00 2.210E+00  
 44-RU- 95     1.358E+01 6.720E-01 1.120E+00 5.133E+00 1.280E+00  
 44-RU- 96     1.343E+01 6.680E-01 3.373E-01 5.719E+00 2.000E+00  
 44-RU- 97     1.510E+01 6.390E-01 1.567E+00 5.300E+00 1.280E+00  
  syst:  * = ldp's were determined from systematics.              
 Spin cutoff parameters were calculated as 0.146*sqrt(a)*a**(2/3).
 In the CASTHY calculation, spin cutoff factors at 0 MeV were     
 assumed to be 5.586 for Ru- 96 and 5.0 for Ru- 97.               
 1) Kawai, M. et al.: Proc. Int. Conf. on Nuclear Data for Science
    and Technology, Mito, p. 569 (1988).                          
 2) Igarasi, S.: J. Nucl. Sci. Technol., 12, 67 (1975).           
 3) S.F.Mughabghab: "Atlas of Neutron Resonances," Elsevier       
 4) Iijima, S. et al.: JAERI-M 87-025, p. 337 (1987).             
 5) Iijima, S. and Kawai, M.: J. Nucl. Sci. Technol., 20, 77      
 6) Perey, F.G: Phys. Rev. 131, 745 (1963).                       
 7) Huizenga, J.R. and Igo, G.: Nucl. Phys. 29, 462 (1962).       
 8) Lohr, J.M. and Haeberli, W.: Nucl. Phys. A232, 381 (1974).    
 9) Becchetti, F.D., Jr. and Greenlees, G.W.: Polarization        
    Phenomena in Nuclear Reactions ((Eds) H.H. Barshall and       
    W. Haeberli), p. 682, the University of Wisconsin Press.      
10) Gilbert, A. and Cameron, A.G.W.: Can. J. Phys., 43, 1446      
11) Iijima, S., et al.: J. Nucl. Sci. Technol. 21, 10 (1984).     
12) Gruppelaar, H.: ECN-13 (1977).                                
13) ENSDF: Evaluated Nuclear Structure Data File (June 1987).     
14) Nuclear Data Sheets, 35, 281 (1982).                          
15) Kunz, P.D.: private communication.                            
16) Raman, S., et al.: Atom. Data and Nucl. Data Tables 36, 1     
17) Benzi, V. and Reffo, G.: CCDN-NW/10 (1969).                   
18) Sriramachandra Murty, M. et al.: J. Phys. Soc. Japan, 35, 8   
19) Kikuchi, K. and Kawai, M.: "Nuclear Matter and Nuclear        
    Reactions", North Holland (1968).                             
20) Forrest, R.A.: AERE-R 12419 (1986).                           
21) Bormann, M., et al.: Nucl. Phys., A157, 481 (1970)            
22) Y.Kikuchi et al., JAERI-Data/Code 99-025 (1999)               
    [in Japanese].                                                
23) J.Halperin, R.E.Druschel: ORNL 3832, p.5 (1965).