
     Level energy(keV)   Spin & Parity       
       ground state                            
Mass (The Ame2012 atomic mass evaluation (II) by M.Wang, G.Audi, A.H.Wapstra, F.G.Kondev, M.MacCormick, X.Xu, and B.Pfeiffer Chinese Physics C36 p. 1603-2014, December 2012)
     152.940930 ± 0.000210 (amu)  [mass excess = -55023 ± 196 (keV) ]
 	[These values were derived from systematical trend]
Beta-decay energy (calculated as M(A,Z)-M(A,Z+1), taken from Ame2012)
     6545 ± 196 (keV) [derived from systematical trend] 
Evaluated Data Libraries
     Links to the libraries. 

Parent Nuclides by Reactions in JENDL-4.0 Fission Yields for Fission Products in JENDL-4.0 Fission Yield Data

   - Neutron-induced Fission Yields (from main actinide nuclides) - Independent Fission Yield -
     Product  Nuclide  Energy   Fission Yield  Uncertainty(1σ)
     Ce-153    U-235   Thermal   1.702290e-05   1.089460e-05 
     Ce-153    U-235   Fast      3.921910e-05   2.510020e-05 
     Ce-153    U-235   High      4.586290e-06   2.935230e-06 
     Ce-153    U-238   Fast      5.578880e-04   3.570480e-04 
     Ce-153    U-238   High      1.901470e-04   1.216940e-04 
     Ce-153   Pu-239   Thermal   1.060840e-05   6.789330e-06 
     Ce-153   Pu-239   Fast      9.588450e-06   6.136600e-06 
     Ce-153   Pu-239   High      2.351520e-06   1.504980e-06 
     Ce-153   Pu-241   Thermal   1.747480e-04   1.118390e-04 
     Ce-153   Pu-241   Fast      1.060700e-04   6.788500e-05 
    Thermal=0.0253eV, Fast=500keV(Fast reactor spectrum), High=14MeV
   - Neutron-induced Fission Yields (from main actinide nuclides) - Cumulative Fission Yield -
     Product  Nuclide  Energy   Fission Yield  Uncertainty(1σ)
     Ce-153    U-235   Thermal   1.703710e-05   1.090370e-05 
     Ce-153    U-235   Fast      3.927850e-05   2.513820e-05 
     Ce-153    U-235   High      4.596400e-06   2.937280e-06 
     Ce-153    U-238   Fast      5.643910e-04   3.610780e-04 
     Ce-153    U-238   High      1.919590e-04   1.227270e-04 
     Ce-153   Pu-239   Thermal   1.061690e-05   6.794780e-06 
     Ce-153   Pu-239   Fast      9.594760e-06   6.140640e-06 
     Ce-153   Pu-239   High      2.355340e-06   1.504010e-06 
     Ce-153   Pu-241   Thermal   1.752190e-04   1.121220e-04 
     Ce-153   Pu-241   Fast      1.062780e-04   6.801800e-05 
    Thermal=0.0253eV, Fast=500keV(Fast reactor spectrum), High=14MeV
      → Neutron-induced and Spontaneous Fission Yields of all nuclides in JENDL-4.0 Fission Yield Data