The deuteron sublibrary provides the evaluated nuclear data of deuteron-induced reactions for Li-6,7, Be-9, C-12,13, Al-27, Cu-63,65, and Nb-93.
The maximum incident energy is 200 MeV.
The data of JENDL/DEU-2020 for Li, Be and C isotopes were partially revised.
In addition, the data for Al-27, Cu-63,65, and Nb-93 were newly evaluated with the DEURACS code.
The data consist of double-differential cross-sections for emitted neutrons, protons, deuterons, tritons, helium-3 nuclei, alpha-particles and gamma-rays.
It also includes production cross-sections of residual nuclei as well as the total-reaction and elastic scattering cross-sections.
- [Format]
- ENDF-6 format
- [History]
- Dec. 2021: First release (archive file).
Oct. 2022: In the files for C-12,13, the multiplicities of particles/nuclei other than neutrons and protons were negative above 100 MeV.
Fixed in update 9 (upd-9) on Oct. 6.
Feb. 2023: Sequence numbers in columns 76-80 were revised.
[Download] (updated in Feb. 2023)
- Individual Nuclide Files
- Compressed Archive File for All Nuclides (tar.gz)
Modified at 2023/08/08 17:27 [JST]
2-4 Shirakata, Tokai-mura, Naka-gun, Ibaraki 319-1195, Japan