Nuclear Data Center
Update 10 (upd-10)
Correction of JENDL-5 Neutron sublibrary

Inelastic scattering cross sections inconsistent between MF3 and MF10 were corrected.
32 Nuclides
File up to 200 MeV
Pointwise data at 0K
Pointwise data at 300K
Data up to 20 MeV (u20)
File for activation (act)
For isomeric targets the inelastic scattering cross sections of MF3 and MF10 were inconsistent. The neutron multiplicity and distribution data in MF6/MT91 were not given appropriately. These problems were fixed.

Modified at 2024/07/08 09:47 [JST]

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2-4 Shirakata, Tokai-mura, Naka-gun, Ibaraki 319-1195, Japan