Nuclear Data Center
Update 16 (upd-16)
Correction of JENDL-5 Thermal scattering law sublibrary

The variation of effective multiplication factors at different moderator temperatures of light water reactors was not smooth.
H in H2O, O in H2O
Compressed Archive File for All Nuclides (tar.gz)

In the original version, the number of Molecular Dynamics simulations was insufficient and the uncertainty of the thermal scattering law data was large. The small number of Molecular Dynamics simulations affects the moderator temperature coefficient of the light water reactors. The number of Molecular Dynamics simulations was increased by 25 times to reduce the statistical uncertainty of the thermal scattering law data. The thermal scattering law data of the new version show good moderator temperature coefficients. This problem was fixed.

Modified at 2025/01/11 15:10 [JST]

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