production cross sections were mainly compiled with ALICE-F [3] calculation
on the basis of Geometry Dependent Hybrid model. Energy ranges of incident
particles for neutron, proton, deuteron and alpha were considered up to
150 MeV, and the other projectiles for Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Neon and
Argon were stored up to 500 MeV.
Data tables
are divided into 9 incident particles and 136 target nuclides. If you click
a "Projectile on Target nuclide" column in the Data Table shown below,
cross section table for each product nuclide will be displayed. The each
table is identified by a file name of aclxxxx.txt where xxxx is 4-digits
The first one-digit
number in xxxx means incident particle identifier as follows:
1: neutron, 2: proton, 3: deuteron, 4: alpha, 5: C-12,
6: N-14, 7: O-16, 8: Ne-20, 9: Ar-40.
The next 3-digits number shows target nuclide identifier
listed in the following Table.
Note: Data are subject to change without notice because of preliminary nature.
[1] Tanaka, S., Yamano, N., Hata, K., et al.: "Development
of IRAC code system to calculate induced radioactivity produced by ions
and neutrons," Proc. of 8th Int. Conf. on Radiation Shielding, Arlington,
April 24-28, 1994, Vol. 2, pp. 965-971, American Nuclear Society Inc. (1994).
[2] Tanaka, S., Fukuda, M., Nishimura, K., et al.: "IRACM:
A Code System to Calculate Induced Radioactivity Produced by Ions and Neutrons,"
JAERI-Data/Code 97-019 (1997). (in Japanese)
[3] Fukahori, T.: "ALICE-F Calculation of Nuclear Data
up to 1 GeV," Proc. of the Specialists' Meeting on High Energy Nuclear
Data, Tokai, October 3-4, 1991, JAERI-M 92-039, pp. 114-122 (1992).
TOTAL | : total isotope production cross section. |
(total reaction excluding elastic and fission) | |
N GAS | : total neutron production cross section. |
GAM GAS | : total gamma-ray production cross section. |
P GAS | : total proton production cross section. |
D GAS | : total deuteron production cross section. |
T GAS | : total triton production cross section. |
HE-3 GAS | : total He-3 production cross section. |
A GAS | : total alpha production cross section. |
XX-NN | : isotope production cross section. |
No. | nuclide | No. | nuclide | No. | nuclide | No. | nuclide |
1 | H-1 | 35 | Ti-46 | 69 | Ge-76 | 103 | Sn-117 |
2 | He-4 | 36 | Ti-47 | 70 | As-75 | 104 | Sn-118 |
3 | Li-7 | 37 | Ti-48 | 71 | Se-76 | 105 | Sn-119 |
4 | Be-9 | 38 | Ti-49 | 72 | Se-77 | 106 | Sn-120 |
5 | B-10 | 39 | Ti-50 | 73 | Se-78 | 107 | Sn-122 |
6 | B-11 | 40 | V-51 | 74 | Se-80 | 108 | Sn-124 |
7 | C-12 | 41 | Cr-50 | 75 | Se-82 | 109 | Sb-121 |
8 | C-13 | 42 | Cr-52 | 76 | Br-79 | 110 | Sb-123 |
9 | N-14 | 43 | Cr-53 | 77 | Br-81 | 111 | Te-125 |
10 | N-15 | 44 | Cr-54 | 78 | Kr-84 | 112 | Te-126 |
11 | O-16 | 45 | Mn-55 | 79 | Zr-90 | 113 | Te-128 |
12 | O-17 | 46 | Fe-54 | 80 | Nb-93 | 114 | Te-130 |
13 | O-18 | 47 | Fe-56 | 81 | Mo-92 | 115 | I-127 |
14 | F-19 | 48 | Fe-57 | 82 | Mo-94 | 116 | Xe-132 |
15 | Ne-20 | 49 | Fe-58 | 83 | Mo-95 | 117 | Cs-133 |
16 | Na-23 | 50 | Co-59 | 84 | Mo-96 | 118 | Ba-135 |
17 | Mg-24 | 51 | Ni-58 | 85 | Mo-97 | 119 | Ba-136 |
18 | Mg-25 | 52 | Ni-60 | 86 | Mo-98 | 120 | Ba-137 |
19 | Mg-26 | 53 | Ni-61 | 87 | Mo-100 | 121 | Ba-138 |
20 | Al-27 | 54 | Ni-62 | 88 | Pd-104 | 122 | Ta-181 |
21 | Si-28 | 55 | Ni-64 | 89 | Pd-105 | 123 | W-182 |
22 | Si-29 | 56 | Cu-63 | 90 | Pd-106 | 124 | W-183 |
23 | Si-30 | 57 | Cu-65 | 91 | Pd-108 | 125 | W-184 |
24 | P-31 | 58 | Zn-64 | 92 | Pd-110 | 126 | W-186 |
25 | S-32 | 59 | Zn-66 | 93 | Ag-107 | 127 | Pt-194 |
26 | S-34 | 60 | Zn-67 | 94 | Ag-109 | 128 | Pt-195 |
27 | Cl-35 | 61 | Zn-68 | 95 | Cd-112 | 129 | Pt-196 |
28 | Cl-37 | 62 | Zn-70 | 96 | Cd-114 | 130 | Au-197 |
29 | Ar-40 | 63 | Ga-69 | 97 | In-113 | 131 | Hg-200 |
30 | K-39 | 64 | Ga-71 | 98 | In-115 | 132 | Hg-202 |
31 | K-41 | 65 | Ge-70 | 99 | Sn-112 | 133 | Pb-206 |
32 | Ca-40 | 66 | Ge-72 | 100 | Sn-114 | 134 | Pb-207 |
33 | Ca-44 | 67 | Ge-73 | 101 | Sn-115 | 135 | Pb-208 |
34 | Sc-45 | 68 | Ge-74 | 102 | Sn-116 | 136 | Bi-209 |