Si-PKA SPECTRA IN A Si-SSD BOMBARDED BY 14MeV NEUTRONSDepartment of Nuclear Engineering, Tohoku University Aramaki-aza-Aoba, Sendai 980, Japan Angle integrated primary knock-on atom spectra of silicon in a Si-SSD were first measured at the incident neutron energy of 14.8MeV. In the case of charged particle emission reactions, such as (n,p) and (n,α), etc., the spectrum was sum of the PKA's and these charged particles, because there was no way to separate each contribution. Resultant spectrum was compared with a simple model calculation which was used in the conventional damage analysis, using a nuclear data, ENDF/B-IV. The spectrum was almost reproduced if the penetration effect of the energetic light charged particles through the detector was included. KEYWORDS: primary knock-on atom spectrum, silicon, 14MeV neutron, model calculation, damage analysis |