INTRANUCLEAR CASCADE AND EXCITON MODEL CALCULATION OF 100-MEV α-PARTICLE-INDUCED REACTIONS ON LIGHT NUCLEINeutral Beam Division Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, New York 11973 USA S. Ramavataram National Nuclear Data Center Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, New York 11973 USA Theoretical interpretation of fast-charged-particle spectra, observed in the α-particle-induced reactions on the s-d shell nuclei (A = 24-28), in terms of the Intranuclear Cascade Model and the GDH exciton model (ALICE) is presented. The de-excitation of the excited residual nuclei is accounted for by the evaporation process. The theoretically predicted fast-proton and α' spectral shapes compare reasonably well with the corresponding measured spectra. However, the magnitude depends critically (as expected) on the reaction cross section employed by the model. As a first step to improve the model predictability of the reaction products, a closer look at the calculation of the α-particle reaction cross sections was undertaken. A microscopic approach using the optical theorem of Glauber's theory was employed to estimate the α-induced reaction cross sections for the light target nuclei under consideration. The calculated particle spectra were renormalized as required by the different model reaction cross section predictions for a meaningful comparison with experimental data. Agreement between the experimental data and the Intranuclear Cascade Model predictions for proton and α' angle-integrated and doubly-differential inclusive spectra is very good. Exciton model predictions limited to the nucleon spectra only, are also in good agreement with the data. |