Evaluation of Au-197 Capture Cross Section
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Rintaro TOKAI
Nuclear Data Center, Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
Tokai-mura, Naka-gun, Ibaraki-ken 319-11
e-mail: rtokai@ndc.tokai.jaeri.go.jp
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[tab]Evaluation of the Au-197 capture cross section is carried out for JENDL-3, based
on the many experimental data and the theoretical calculation with CASTHY. .....
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1. Introduction
[tab]The Au-197 capture cross section is one of very important standard cross sections.
The present work was mainly based on the available recent experimental data[1,2] and
theoretical calculation with CASTHY[3]. ......
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2. Evaluation
5. Conclusion
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[tab]This is a sample of manuscript. Please follow the instruction.
Thank you.
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[1] S. Holmes and J. Watson: "Experimental Study of Au-197 Capture Cross
Section," Proc. Int. Conf. on Nuclear Data for Technology, May 30 -
Jun. 3, 1988, Mito, Japan, p.387 (1988, Saikon Publishing).
[2] G. Ishikawa, D. Jigen and A. Lupin: Nucl. Phys., A333, 555 (1999).
[3] S. Igarasi and T. Fukahori: "Program CASTHY - Statistical Model
Calculation for Neutron Cross Sections and Gamma Ray Spectrum -, "
JAERI 1321 (1991).