The library was compiled for evaluation of reactor decay heat from fission product decay in a nuclear reactor.
The library contains nuclear decay and fission yield data for 1227 fission product nuclides in which 1078 nuclide
are unstable and 149 stable. The decay data include half-life, branching ratio, and beta, gammma and total decay
energy released per decay of each unstable nuclide. Theoretical values of the decay energy are adopted for some
short-lived nuclides. The data included in the library have shown to reproduce the decay heat of variety of
fissiles from 232Th to 241Pu through comparison with the
measurements performed at the University of Tokyo, Oak Ridge National Laboratory and
Los Alamos National Laborarory.
Numerical data download
This is the second version of the JNDC FP nuclear data library (JNDC FP Decay Data File) which contains decay
and fission yield data for 1078 unstable and 149 stable FP nuclides, and cross section data for 166 nuclides.
The file format is given here.
Modified at 2018/03/29 12:20 [JST]
2-4 Shirakata, Tokai-mura, Naka-gun, Ibaraki 319-1195, Japan