WWW Chart of the Nuclides here was made by experimental data published until the end of June, 2014, with the compilation by H. Koura (JAEA), J. Katakura (Nagaoka University of Technology ), T. Tachibana (Waseda University), and F. Minato (JAEA).
This includes theoretical partial half-lives for unmeasured nuclides.
- Beta-decay partial half-lives are estimated with the second version of the Gross theory [T. Tachibana, M. Yamada, Proc. Int. Conf. on exotic nuclei and atomic masses, Arles, 1995, p.763], by T. Tachibana.
- Alpha-decay and two proton partial half lives are estimated with a phenomenological alpha-decay formula by K. Koura.
- One-proton emission half-lives are estimated from a penetrability of the Coulomb + nuclear + centrifugal potential with estimated angular momentum in a nucleus [H. Koura and T. Tachibana, How far does the area of superheavy element extend ? - Decay modes of heavy and superheavy nuclei predicted by a mass formula, BUTSURI (Bulletin of the Physical Society of Japan) 60, p. 717-724 (2005)], by H. Koura.
In the above four decays, theoretical Q-values are adopted from the KTUY mass model.
- Spontaneous fission partial half-lives are estimated from a penetrability of the potential energy surface of a nucleus calculated under the KTUY mass model [H. Koura, Ground-state properties of heavy and superheavy nuclei predicted by nuclear mass models, Tours symposium on nuclear physics V (AIP Conf. 704, Melville, New York, 2004) p. 60-69], by H. Koura.
A printed version of Chart of the Nuclides 2014, compiled by H. Koura, J. Katakura, T. Tachibana, and F. Minato, was published on Mar. 12, 2015, and is now available upon request.
If you want to obtain the printed version, please contact us. The corresponding e-mail is  jendl@jaea.go.jp
By clicking a box of each nuclide, information on the nuclide is shown, which contains spin,
mass, strong gamma-rays from nuclear decay, decay data, and links to figures and
tables of cross-section data stored in Japanese evaluated nuclear data library